Next up for Tebow, start a mega church where he happily donates 1 out of ever hundred dollars he makes to his charity that employs his family, before getting busted with a hooker named Steve. Congrats you phony selfish prick. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
Tebow leaving does nothing for me. We need Sanchez to get the fuck out. Couldn't care less about Tebow.
There will be books written about the decision to sign Tebow. It's still unclear if Woody ordered it, if Tannenbaum decided it on his own, or if Tannenbaum and Rex thought of it together. It resulted in the decision to extend Sanchez's contract (or his confidence would have taken a beating). It took time away from real players and plays during training camp and the season. The result was a horrible decision from start to finish. Good riddance to him but shame on those that wanted and approved this move.
Now lets dumb butt fumble. Garrard/Sanchez wont be the 3rd qb thats Gregs spot, rather have Garrard as the 2.
The entire Tebow experiment with the Jets was a complete fiasco. Glad we are slowly moving the circus tents out of town.
Chris Carter said it best: "I train WRs. Tebow can't catch and run like that. He can't play RB, TE, or Hback. He's a quarterback, he just can't throw well enough to be a quarterback in the NFL."
On a selfish note I like this move because it frees up the #15 jersey. I asked for a new jersey for Christmas this year and my little sister got me a Tebow jersey which I'm basically ashamed to wear in public (I have an old Revis jersey as well, I'll still wear it even though so many people hate him now). You might think: she didn't know what she was doing, it was probably the only name that she knew or she just went into the store and asked the guy there what the best selling one or whatever was. Oh, no. She knew. She's a big football fan...and a Pat's fan. She did it on purpose. So, yeah, anyone on the roster taking the #15 you think? If so I'm just going to get the nameplate changed to their name. I don't care if it's a ST guy at this point. Might just make it my last name or something but I don't like doing that.
People have short memory when it comes about sports. 2 seasons ago Tebow lead his team to the playoffs (beating Sanchez on this road) and had a great, outstanding game against Steelers. He won a playoff game before the so "elite" QB Matt Ryan. He's not elite, but he has the heart, under the right coach I'm sure he can produce, unfortunately he came to the Jets who ruined his career and confidence, the best choice was to stay in Denver and learn from Peyton. Anyway, he should have gotten a real chance at playing QB for the Jets, Sanchez this last season was awful, when you thought things could not get worse, next sunday was Sanchez there proving Newton's laws.
It would be great if they cut Sanchez today too, it would be a clean break from last year. Anyway, see ya later Tebow. Sorry Rex screwed you and played Sanchez even though you were better than him.
He's not even THAT good to even play TE, RB or FB. He defiantly can't play QB. He may need to either suck it up and entertain the option of playing another position and see how it goes or go to Canada/AFL. If not then he can always go back to Florida and join their coaching staff or be an analyst on ESPN.
The Jets traded for Tim Tebow and since that day, he has been talked about on ESPN literally every day. Also, some of the days he was talked about for hours! This all happened while there was much more important sports stories to be debated and discussed. I find it hard to believe that any other team would want to deal with this kind of media coverage. Tim Tebow brings along a distraction that is bigger than anything TO, ochocinco, etc ever brought combined. He's done, I can't see a team that wants to deal with that.
All ESPN talks about is Tebow all day long. What would ESPN talk about if Tebow worked for them? Would he just talk about himself the whole segment?
If anywhere, I'd imagine Jaguars may give him a chance...But he may bring too much criticism to their current QB. But they will fill up the seats for sure. Where else is there a chance for him to be a 2nd or 3rd qb? Chargers?