Brett Favre was a mistake...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Hemi, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Gimme a break. Chad can get you down field. He's NEVER had a good redzone presence. Never. They used to score points int he red zone because of Curtis Martin. Did you guys just start watching the jets this year or something?

    The same QB could only get his team to score 8 fucking points the week before. 8 points folks. So don't give me some shit that CP led his team to a win. Crafty play calling, a powerful O-Line performance and no running game or passing game from NE won that game for them. I don't give a damn what you do between the 20s, if you can't put it in the redzone, you're fucking useless as a QB. CP is useless.
  2. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Yeah because they had Curtis Martin. You've lost your mind.
  3. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    This would have been one of the first years Chad actually had "some" protection, no injury (so far) and a running game. The rug imo was ripped out from under him in order to put butts in seats.
  4. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    One of the first years with a running game? nuts. You guys are nuts.
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    It's a team game, man. The Jets sucked last year because as a team we rushed for 6 TDs in 16 games, 2 by the QBs. If you have a QB who can get you in the red zone and a RB who can punch it in you have a good offense, like we had with Chad and Curtis, like Miami has now. If you have a QB who can't get you there without throwing the ball away or you don't have a running game to keep the D honest in the red zone, then you will kick a lot of FGs. Just like we did last year, even when Chad was replaced by the rocket-armed Kellen Clemens. Miami was kicking New England's ass Sunday before they went to the Wildcat formation.
  6. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Favre, lousy game and all, put 22 points on the board (29 with Barret's return). That should be enough to win. The Defense was beyond horrible - it was in disarray. No pass rush, blown coverages, it was ridiculous. Mr. Defense Mangini better get his act together and quick. The D sucked in pre-season, and has not been able to make a key stop in 3 games (and got lucky against Miami). The countdown on Mangini has begun.
  7. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    To all the Pennington fans:

    I understand that this is your golden opportunity to try and point out that Pennington should still be our QB. The Dolphins beat the Pats and the Jets lost badly with Favre.

    Your desire to come on here and throw this bullshit in the face of Jets fans who want to see the team win makes me question once again whether you care more about Chad fucking Pennington than the Jets.

    If you like Chad so much, just go follow the Dolphins. Please do. Otherwise, stop posting bullshit to spite people who wanted to go out and get a HOF QB to try and help the team out.

    Fuck you, seriously. We want the Jets to win - they lost and you guys are going to use this as a pedestal to argue Penningtons worth one more time? HE'S A FUCKING DOLPHIN NOW. You want to throw the success of a dolphin in the face of Jets fans after a Jet loss? Fuck you.

    Go root for the Dolphins, please.
  8. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Agreed it's a team game. Chad's had his share of bad games as well. You know who is the Jets worst enemy is right now? The coaches. Nothing more, nothing less. Favre throws INTs but he throws TDs too. The numbers speak for themselves. TO put Cp in the same universe as Favre is like putting Motley Crew in the same universe as Beethoven.

    Miami was kicking their ass simply because the O line was blowing the D front 3-4 yards off the LOS. Shit, I could throw for 166 yards in a half with a line performance like that.

    CP has one good game in the past 3 years and suddenly he would have been our secret weapon. Unreal.

    Blame the CS for this shit. They should have this team pumped, and they don't.
  9. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    We're pissed because we're Jet fans. Most of us aren't putting the loss on Favre, somehow every conversation here turns into Pennington, so this week this is what it is. It's worse because he went to the Dolphins, of all teams, and did what we couldn't do with Favre. Hopefully we get it going and get back to 2-2 or get ready for more bullshit from all angles.
  10. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I'm with you logic, to make themselves feel like they knew something.
  11. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I agree with you there. I'm not saying we shouldn't have gotten Favre, he's here now and hopefully the second half last night he got some much needed reps so we can win games from here on out.

    Regarding the coaching staff, I'll ask again why they didn't let this happen in the Philly pre-season game--which is what pre-season games are for--rather than take two AFC losses on the chin in the real season while Favre gets in synch with the offense. They have no problem charging full price and parking for pre-season, if the games aren't going to count why not at least use them for what they were intended for? I don't care if Andy Reid was resting his starters, what we saw at the end of last night's game should have been gotten out of the way three weeks ago.
  12. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Wow, I thought this board had more sophisticated fans than this.

    I don't know if you guys even factor this in, but (besides about it only being one game and him being a Jet for all of 5-6 weeks), we were playing the Chargers last night, a team that is a lot better than their 0-2 record going into the game would indicate. A lot better.

    Not that this is to say that Favre didn't have a bad game. It's just that this "the sky is falling ... this is a mistake" attitude in week 3 is pretty ... naive. Look at the "season record prediction thread" from the week before the opener. Most people were not expecting a 16-0 team, they were expecting a 10-6 team, with most thinking the team would start W-L-L & then start stringing a bunch of wins together against easier opponents. Most people who are thinking knew that we would not be able to draw many conclusions about the worth of Favre from these first three games, it's the stretch after the bye that will be the tell.

    So anyone who's shocked and disgusted that this team is 1-2 at this point in the season (Favre or no Favre) has simply not been very realistic in their expectations. The problem is YOURS as much as it is Favre's. One guy, even a QB, does not magically make a team win tons of games that they would otherwise lose. Even moreso true as the guy is still being integrated into the gameplans. If you think it should, then I say: you don't know much about football. Sorry, call it as I see it.
  13. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Amen to every point in that post. Yeah, someone up above said the Favre aquisition was to charge a premium for seating, and I'm really tempted to buy into that. We all know cash is king in most eyes.

    I'm not complaining, Favre is still my favorite athlete of all time. He's looking pretty F'ing miserable right now, and I'm not giving him a pass on his performance, but CP is not the answer for any team with more than Gus Ferrotte.

    I think CP will make a great coach at some level, at some point, but his arm leaves a lot to be desired.
  14. ILaidaFavre

    ILaidaFavre New Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    You guys are making it real hard to be a Jets fan... i'm taking a long break from this fucking website.

    NO, THE JETS ARE MAKING IT REAL HARD TO BE A JETS FAN. Come back when the Jets season is over next month and tell us how great everything is.
  15. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    With what BF is seeing of our team for sure this experiment is already over. He sees a D that cannot stop 3rd down conversions, He sees a OL that cannot protect him, He sees a secondary that is easily riddled, He sees a D that without Jenkins cannot stop the run, He see WRs that cannot seperate from the there defenders, He sees no game breaking WRs. With all those negatives why should he or why would he want to stick around & be battered game after game. Heck every game that goes by just REDUCEs his legacy & his value to the endorsement community
  16. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    You don't think the D was a bigger problem? Give me a sacks, 3rd down conversions through the air.....all that money spent on D was wasted....

    The problem is with the guys holding clipboards and wearing headsets, not with the players.
  17. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I can only speak for myself, but as much as I loved having Chad on the Jets, he's gone now and I don't worry about what he does. I was happy to see him play well vs New England mostly because it helped us but also because he's a good guy and I wish him the best. No more, no less.

    Miserable might be too strong a word for Favre, he has thrown 6 TDs and he's been good in the red zone. He got lucky a few INTs have been dropped but that happens to every QB every game, just about. The pick six was a fluky play, Jones' fumble wasn't on Favre, that's 14 points right there. Interesting stat that he never has led a comeback of 14 points or more, though.
    #137 Italian Seafood, Sep 23, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2008
  18. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Yes, those QBs won the superbowl with a defense like the Jets put on the field last night I suppose? LOL. Yes, I suppose if you live in this surreal fantasy world where Chad Pennington would have singlehandly not only:
    1. beat HIMSELF in week 1 (lol -- if Chad alone is the key to every winor loss, how did the Phins not win that game???),
    2. done something different/better than Favre to beat the Pats in week 2 (tell me, what EXACTLY was it that Favre was asked to do & failed to do in that Jets game, that Chad would have done?), and
    3. Been the difference to beat the Chargers last night (what, would he have played DEFENSE too? Or are you saying he would have scored a TD just about every time he got the ball? Because that is what it would've taken for the offense to win it)
    .... Yes, if you live in this fantasy world where Chad Pennington secretly has this big "S" and cape on his chest and a cape -- which for reasons known only to him, he's kept hidden from everyone but you, you must have spied him changing in a telephone booth one day? -- then yes, in your little alternate reality fantasy world, the Jets are 3-0 today.

    LOL. I repeat what I said in my previous post: read the thread on season predictions from the week before the opener: the fans who are realistic and know something about football expected this team to be 1-2 right now, exactly where it is ... not 3-0!

    Wow, you are so removed from reality I almost don't know what to say. Did you watch the game last night? Did you notice the Chargers put 50 points on the board, even after letting things idle most of Q4, most of them having nothing to do with anything Favre did or didn't do? Pennington was going to put up 55 I take it, with all those 5 yard passes you love so much?
  19. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Agreed. WHile I think Rivers is a great QB, he's not THAT great. This D couldn't defend the passing game if they had giant nets. Against the run, this D is pretty fucking good. And through 2 games had a lot of pressure on the QBs and made some sacks. Last night they looked like they were asleep.

    Let's take a different look here: SD has a damn good team...sure they have Norv Turner at the helm, which is why they won't be winning any SBs anytime soon, but they are a great team, that was clearly pissed off. When you have a team that's pumped, they have a damn good chance of winning. Add the fact that they actually are a great team with Norv being a pretty damn smart dude (although somewhat of a shoot himself guy) you have a recipe for a win. A big win.

    Our D knows it has some issues stopping the passing game. It's bizarre considering they are talented guys. That's where the buck stops at the coach's desk.
  20. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    You've got to get over your infactuation with Favre. I haven't posted anything until now on this latest loss because there's no point in beating up a team that's playing about the way you'd expect. I can repeat this every week, but people still won't get it. I and others didn't like the Favre deal not because we felt he couldn't win a few more games, but because we felt it wasn't the best move in the long-term interest of the team. You wanted Favre, you got him. He's playing on a good, but far from great team, he's chucking TDs and he's tossing interceptions. This is what he's done his entire career, Hall of Fame credentials notwithstanding. I don't think people are saying Pennington is a better QB than Favre, but that doesn't mean that just maybe the Jets could have won as much with him. He's younger, smarter, knows the playbook a lot better, and had chemistry with his receivers. Favre has a better arm, and at this stage of his career is maybe slightly more mobile, but those are about the only things he has over Pennington.

    The Favre deal was bad because the Jets are not an elite team, with or without him. He was clearly brought in to sell tickets and PSLs. He's not going to be happy here and it's only going to get worse as the season progresses. The Jets have a very easy schedule so it will be interesting to see how many games they can win. But making the playoffs and advancing to the Super Bowl is extremely unrealistic. The problem is that you have now set your quarterback search back at least another year. The coaching staff still doesn't know what they have in Clemens (I do, he's not the answer) or Ratliff. And they won't for another year. So come next draft do you take a QB? Who the fuck will know? So if people lament the loss of Pennington it doesn't mean they're not Jet fans. It just means they don't love Favre like you do.

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