Brett Favre was a mistake...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Hemi, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    OK... I am afraid that everyone's LEAST FAVORITE POSTER on this board is gonna hafta set this guy straight... Hope you're all OK if I give it a try...

    1. If we do not get to the Super Bowl, etc.
    Doesn't matter. Kellen Clemens, who obviously is just not ready to lead the Jets at the present time, gets one more season to learn under the NFL's greatest QB of all time, which means that just maybe in a year or two he can do so. So if the Jets miss the Super Bowl again?" Well, it's just one more year like that for Jets fans. But this year might just be a building block to a better team down the road.

    2. QB of the future
    Doesn't matter if it's Clemens, Ratliff, or someone else the Jets draft down the road. For all we know, Favre just might stick around for another 2-3 years, and we win a few Super Bowls with him.

    The NFL, and most pro sports, are "win-now" leagues, and the team that Tannenbaum put togehter was a "win-now" team if I ever saw one. So let's do everything we can to win the next game. THIS is all that matters.

    3. KC and their fans
    Who the heck give a fling "F?"
    This is the weirdest question I have ever seen here. I have a good friend who lives in KC and he can't figure out this question!

  2. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    KC = Kellen Clemens?
  3. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    lol still think hes a waste of money? he has more td passes then chad had all of last season, hell he only has 3 less td's then chad and kellen had last season combined and we've only played 4 games.
  4. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    of course KC did not have a healthy COLES and Cotchery was hurt too. And one little point: Kellen won more games then Pennington did! Another point: Kellen wasn't benched, Pennington was! How about the scheme? Kellen was saddled with a scheme designed for DINK & Dunk. Brett also has tons of experience. It is hard to compare apples to oranges for your aganda isn't it?
  5. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    We'll be descending back into that abyss known as the QB debate soon enough, but for now, yea, it's fun to watch Jets football again.
  6. 611LWC

    611LWC New Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I must admit I liked Chad he was the heart an soul of the team. He gave the jets everything. I have met him and he is a really nice guy. I was sad to see him go, but for Brett Farve I wish him well, if was for Kellen Clemens I think I would have been sick.
  7. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Your kidding, right? If you MAKE THE PLAYOFFS, he already proved he doesn't "suck". He also already proved he can produce more points then any other option you had at QB going into this year. It takes a total team effort to get to the super bowl - all Brett can do is put points on the board. He can't prevent the other team from scoring.

    Of course, your siding with what half the packer nation has sided with, blaming Favre not just for losing to the giants last season, but losing to philly a few years prior, and Minnesota and Atlanta before that. That's the most asanine thing I have ever heard of. Look, I am not saying he played great in any of those playoff games (well, he was pretty damn good in the philly game till he went deep in OT) but there were others on the team that also didn't perform well. A big factor in all of those games has been that the defense didn't step up when needed to to win the football game. That is true in every one of those playoff losses. Also, bad coaching, among other invidividual let downs, PLUS Favre, lead to those loses.

    Guess what though, The past is the past. Favre actually can get a team to the playoffs at a consistent pace. That gives your team a better shot in that of itself of getting to the Super Bowl. Add in the fact that Favre is NOT romo, in that he can WIN playoff games... you see the bigger picture. Many think if we played IN dallas last season, we may have won (despite favre always sucking ind allas). No one knows, but favre was on fire going into the nfc championship game and the cold very obviously cooled him off.

    Noting: He did still have a 90 yard strike in the game to take the lead, and really didn't make any mistakes until OT. Again, he's played well recently in the playoffs... and is on pace for his best season in his entire career. You know, in the AFC, where everyone said favre couldn't handle their style of football. Guess what, maybe the NFC was just harder then people were giving it credit before, becasue thus far Favre is doing pretty well, even prior to the Card game (an nfc team). He still got some important points against SD, beat Miami, and played pretty good against the Patriots (the coaching call to take it out of his hands int he redzone not withstanding).

    In Short - He has already proven he doesn't suck. It's pretty obvouis if you don't make it, #4 isn't at fault. People were already arguing that in the SD game, how 34 of SD's 48 points didn't come off favre, but off the the other team driving the field.

    He is the QB of the present, so worry about that. This is a win now league, and one reason many fans are upset in GB over losing Favre isn't just because of who he is, but because most feel he was our best shot to get back to the promise land. He was on the cusp last season, so it made sense he could be there again. Sure, some clamoured for Rodgers, but realists understood that going to the super bowl is rare. Even in Titletown, we have only ever been to 4 super bowls in nfl history, winning three of them. It doesn't matter to many if rodger's has a good career if he can't get to the super bowl. Most will keep saying "remember when Favre was traded to the jets for his final season and took them to the AFC Championship game? Just think, we could of been in the super bowl with that guy, instead of 10 years of AR with no superbowl appearances".

    Because, no one is really WORRYING about the future. It's now or never. The talent you have assembled on this team, and the experience at key positions and the leadership this team has, it's not time to think about next year, or even, 5 years from now. It's time to think "hey, this team has a good shot to get to the post season." As we all saw last year, all one has to do is get in. Once in, anything can happen.

    I don't understand what is so confusing. Favre was brought in, as was Kris Jenkins and Alan Faneca, to win now. You think those guys are here in 3 to 5 years? The question isn't about your fan hood, the question is why are you already thinking about next year, when this year is still going on with a lot of hope left in the tank? While you personally may think it was a total waste to bring Favre in if you don't at least go to the super bowl, I think most will be very appreciative just being able to go to the playoffs and win at least one playoff game. ANd if favre keeps having to be the sole man putting points on the board to do so, then so be it. You may b e the only person upset, if that happens, about the Favre deal.

    Brett Favre came into the jets learning the exact same scheme that the projected starter, Pennington, had learned. Yes, the dink and dunk. 4 Games later? They finally scrapped it and said "hey, this is Brett Favre. Why the hell are we trying to change him?" On top of that, Favre hasn't exactly had all world WR's most of his career. In fact, favre made many no name guys have career years the one or two seasont hey were in GB, before running off for some bigger contract elsewhere only to become a bust and get cut. I agree, you can't compare Favre to say, how KC would do this year.

    However - I doubt he would of ever, in his entire career as a jet, put 56 points on the board and throw 6 td's against anyone. Very few QB's ever have. You have something special going on in that locker room, lets not spoil it with thinking that KC may be pretty darn good this year.
  8. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    That is fine, you are ok with short term planning. If that is your strategy, then for a year or two, the QB position will be set. But teams that have that guy, like Manning, Romo, McNabb, Eli, Rivers, Cutler, Brady, Rothlisberger,.... that is long term plans, built around the most important position in football, and these teams will be consistent, (in most cases, have been) consistent playoff contenders. Coincidence, not. It is just a matter of how you view the team planning, hotshot or long range. I prefer long range to hotshotting. I personally did not see this team this year being ready to make a serious SB run. I understand this team has no choice at this point. I have been reading the opinions and see the Favre supporters points, and now have a better understanding. I should lay some blame on the FO and CS for not having the foresight to develop a young QB at this point. It has been three years, and after this year, the problem will still not be solved. Is Clemens the answer? We may not know for at least another year or so. So for this year, we hope for the best, hope for a deep playoff run. At least that will satisfy fans for one year.
  9. NewestJetFan

    NewestJetFan New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Some of you seem to blame Favre because he won't be here in 3 years but there aren't very many 42 y/o QBs, just enjoy that we have him for now and all we can hope for is that he does his part
  10. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Apparently you have not spent much time around Jet fans. We had a QB who would help get us in the playoffs every other year and he characterized as complete garbage. And yes, Brett is expected to neutralize the opposing defense and be the all around savior of the franchise. :)
  11. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Regarding Clemens, I wanted to see him in there last year partly for a reason no one else has mentioned on this thread, and that is that the Jets invested a second round pick on him and has had him under contract with I believe next year being his contract year. As a practical matter this means the Jets do not want to make a decision on him based on next year's performance. They should have a good idea whether to keep him or let him go by the end of this year. Yeah, he will still be under contract and all, but I assume everyone here knows it's a big risk going into a contract year without a new one in place.

    But if the choice was Chad or Favre, under either one this Clemens contract situation would be more or less the same. Only if Clemens got to play would the team have learned much. But of course that is not the main consideration here, as even at Qb he's just one player.

    Having said that, and as pleased as I am to have Favre here, if he retires in the upcoming off season and the team has made no real headway assessing Clemens or Ratliff, there will be some tough decisions ahead.
  12. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Chad sucked, he's gone, and he's not coming back.

    That about covers it.
  13. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    That is why I have said, maybe I should blame the FO and CS more than anything for no long term plans. I will just try to enjoy this season and then just see what happens.
  14. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Need not worry cause our next starting QB is already playing for the Bungles & our next DC is now the HC of the Bungles
  15. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Has nothing to do with my post... but thanks anyway. It's almost like you miss him too with how you can't stop responding in some way about Chad.
  16. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Is Palmer's contract up?
  17. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    The Bungles will be "rebuilt" after Lewis is axed & they will not need a hi priced QB (just my guess)
  18. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Funny how the people who wanted to "move on" the most are the last ones to do so.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Does that mean you have moved on?

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    You might be on to something!

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