Something to note: Winston has small hands, 9 3/8". I think it matters because if you look at guys with huge hands like Aaron Rodgers and Big Ben, they are able to grip it stronger which helps them hold on to the ball when they get hit and also to "pierce the wind" by throwing spirals in bad weather. Winston played most of his college games in warm weather.
Rogers has a hand size of 9.38"...roughly the same size as Winston. Also of note, Vick = 8.5", Romo = 8.86" For 2nd did Rogers.
The Pats don't care about hand size. They drafted Garoppolo with a 2nd round pick and he has 9" hands. Tony Romo btw has hands less than 9" and he's been very successful. You have to think his success convinced the Pats that Garoppolo might do something coming out of Eastern Illinois if he got to sit behind a Brady for a few years.