Folks who complain about the costs of everything or not making enough still being suckered in by trickle down fairy tales? Its been going on since the 80s and only one group of folks have gotten richer.... The top 1% who sucker in folks to vote against the own interests. Facts do have a liberal bias as they say and after 30 plus years with all the data saying trickle down is just a fairy tale, folks still believing in it????? Damn.
About time. After each attack it becomes obvious that the type of person that plans this sort of attack is a malcontent with a comfortable life who becomes bored and falls in love with radical Islamic indoctrination. They then enlist the poor guys who are the suicide mules to do their dirty work. Bin Laden was rich, all these planners have money and comfort. They pick this up when they lose direction. Not sure how we can head these idiots off before they get to the dreaming of virgins stage
1) Catching this fool took way too long 2) Interrogation of this fuck stick should take even longer 3) Brussels is a teeming hotbed for domestic terrorism in Europe
yeah and that shouldn't be surprising because they had basically no anti-terrorism programs. Now they're cavity searching everyone but for decades it was someone else's problem and they had their heads in the sand Surprised the guy stuck around in Brussels and hadn't bailed to Syria or Libya
I am surprised you don't know deathstar. Islamic terrorists are expected 1 thing in those attacks. You have to die. If you don't kill yourself and go on the run, you got no home. You can't come back to ISIS terror cells. He was from Belgium and he went back to his family and captured. He was in no man's land.
Fuck Brugge. We got beaten up by fucking Brugge fans when Galatasaray played them in 2002. They have awesome beers though. It was the best beer drinking experience before a game for me. Of course, we couldn't watch the game and we were deported back to Turkey. Good times. Again, fuck Brugge and their soccer team and their fans.
It's a quote from the movie. Besides, Bruges is one of my favorite medieval cities in all of Europe. _
You are dreaming. This is Europe. This piece of shit will be in a 5 star Belgian prison eating waffles for breakfast and reading the Koran 24/7
Bringing this thread back up... EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed Reports of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan Massacre Some pretty f*cked up stuff...
lol of course. when we used enhanced interrogation techniques on these fuckers at gitmo which consisted of listening to 2pac and eminem 24/7, the whole world screamed bloody murder. where is outcry from the same crowd?
At least they didn't make them watch silent films featuring Eli Manning. That would have been sub-human.