Nobody is a cancer to this country you corn sucker mother fucker. This division is what will cause this beautiful country to lose its power. The minute great countries started this stupid arguments , they started the process of collapsing. Look at great Empires in the past. They all collapsed because their people turned against each other. Liberals are cancer. No Republicans are cancer. No Democrats are idiots. No Republicans are idiots. Stop fighting each other. You only have 1 country. Stop turning against each other. You only have 1 country. You got nowhere to go. Too drunk again. Fuck Rotterdam. I am home sick. Byeeeeeeeeee
Liberalism is why we are so divided. They have a wedge issue for everything. They killed America 7 years ago, and bring the coffin by reelecting Obama. Cant blame them though, no one works anymore and all the Democrats do is hand out free shit if you vote for them . They are the party of free shit and laziness while the GOP is the party of hard work and honor. I think that Obama hates America, and I think that he is trying the best he can to destroy this country. Fuck liberalsim.
You corn brain you. Liberalism or rebuplicanism or fascism. Stop calling each other names. You are one special type of idiot aren't you. I am telling you calling names has caused the collapse of many great countries and USA shouldn't be the next one yet you keep calling names. Russian's and Chines are already waiting for America to collapse. And you know who the real mother fuckers are? Russians, Chinese and Islamic terrorists. Call them names before you call your friend who might be a liberal. Don't kill this great countrywith your pea sized brains. Your great grandfathers didn't shed their blood for you to turn against each other before they created United States of America.
it is past 10 pm here http:// http:// white wine glasses
Yeah, liberalism went to war in Iraq and destabilized the Middle East. The GOP represents the wealthy. Hard work and honor my ass. Just cashing in on their investments and off-shore bank accounts.
Poor people have been voting for democrats for years. How's that working out for them? Still poor I'm sure. Enough of the free handouts. People need to learn how to work and get off their asses and stop collecting. If we keep taking from the 1% slowly but surely you're gonna be up next in that 1%. You think they're gonna sit around and let people keep taking their money? No fucking way. They are going to leave.
2011 - Egypt. Terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood took over, but thankfully soon after got overthrown by the army. 2011 - Libya. The country is still a mess and a breeding ground for jihadists. 2011 - Syria. Another mess, courtesy of the "moderate" terrorists supported by the Obama administration and ISIS. Then, there's also Tunisia, Yemen, etc. Who's been behind all those "revolutions"?
Everyone is focused on Arabs and those Syrian terrorists but these African terrorists are going to make their mark and voice heard (just like today in Mali)...we have to tread carefully and stop those Africans from coming here and doing harm
I never see you in any Jets threads but I always see you in politics threads. Did you really lose your interest to Jets? Shame Petro. @JStokes Blame Muslims my friend. I am saying this as a Muslim. Until sane Muslims like me stand up against these terrorists, my religion deserves all the criticism. PS: I fell in love with my receptionist Priscilla. She is a Dutch in her late twenties. I fell in love. Period. She is coming back tomorrow at 6:30 AM. I am planning on giving her a letter. Here is my letter Stokes. Tell me I am not going crazy "Dear Priscilla It was a pleasure to talk to you last 2 nights. Please let me know if you like to be my guide in Rotterdam on Saturday or Sunday? If yes, please add me on Whatspp and send a message. My number is +1-212-731-xxxx Thanks Kam " Forget about Middle East. Let's talk about middle aged Kurdish guy's desperate love against a hot young Dutch.
Too childish. I am sleeping. She told me she is leaving at 6:30 AM tomorrow. I set up my alarm at 6:00 Will wake up and hand her my letter. Won't have a chance to read to comments until after I give her the letter. Don't worry about making suggestions. Just bet money on if she will text me on whatsupp or not? nanananana Moment of truth. It is going down folks. Love of a Kurdish guy to a hot Dutch girl. She will be at birthday party of her niece. Will she invite me to that? All drama will be unveiled tomorrow. nananananana Bye TGG Sleeping now to look hot to Priscilla tomorrow at 6:30 AM. it is 11:32 PM in Rotterdam. Byeeee