Just be careful, when Trump is President he is going to find a way to put a wall on th You are one angry person
Why do people try to act like we owe these people something? Are you blind to the fact that with every say 50 people let in, there will be at least one whom is anti-America and probably a decent percentage that are associated with terrorist groups, We have enough fucking problems in this country including our own US born citizens that can't feed themselves. Yet we're going to let in thousands of people who have been taught since infancy to hate this country just to let them eventually eat away at our economy through low income housing grants and using food stamps at will while flipping through their iPhone 6s at the register.
Liberals don't believe in anything; their beliefs are merely whatever is contrary to historical white European norms that furthers their self righteous propaganda that they are progressive.
Awesome article I saw on Guardian while in Rotterdam. Here is the link. It tells a very good story about what I have been telling all along. Turkish dictator Erdogan and extremely naive and stupid Obama are two big reasons for all these murders in Paris and everywhere else. http://www.theguardian.com/commenti...y-cut-islamic-state-supply-lines-erdogan-isis
Is Obama just an incompetent fool, or is he destroying the country from within...Is he mentally insane?
This is a totally false analogy. Why should someone who wants to have a rifle to hunt deer be so afraid if the government wants to prevent terrorists from getting a hold of automatic weapons with large round clips? Why should such a legitimate person be so frightened of background checks? In any event the blame goes on the gun industry which has succcessfully frightened people such as yourself in order to protect their profits.
Another bullshit analogy. There already IS a huge regulatory system in place to regulate entry into our country. For guns? Not so much. And if you are not such a fan of regulation in general, why are you joinng the braying mob who wants to demogogue the Syrian refugee issue?
Gimme a break. This country is swarming with illegal immigrants that we allow to stay and suck the teet of our taxpaying titties
What a paranoid crybaby. You righties need to crawl out from under your beds and get on with your lives.
Yeah, that must be it. LMAO! Obama had bin Laden killed, there have been relatively very little incidents of terrorism, FROM FOREIGN SOURCES, since he became president. He saved the economy from the collapse that resulted from 8 years of GOP rule. Meanwhile far more Americans have been killed by guns used by other Americans, but this is as the GOP wants it. Talk about insanity.
Gonna a break? Am I supposed to conclude your position is as poorly thought out as your first sentence? I think I will. Illegal immigration which your Fox News sole source of info has not told you has substantially declined over the course of the Obama Admin's government. What I was referring to in any event is the system for administering immigration of refugees. Ftr I am a supporter of efforts to furhter decresase illegal immigration.
You look pretty stupid when you insult a post for a spelling mistake that's already been edited by the time you quote it.
also pretty lame to say you only get your info from Fox News. That's unfair in either direction. People think for themselves. You could just say he gets all his opinions from that carpet muncher Rachel Maddow
Obama had bin Laden killed? He just happened to be in the White House when the CIA finally got around to finding him. Very little incidents of terrorism from foreign sources? Ok, but he and his buddy Hillary distabilized the Middle East even further with their absurd idea of the Arab Spring, which resulted in a rapid surge of terrorism around the globe and the current refugee crisis.
I am not totally concerned about being fair to people like 74 who do not care the least bit about fairness and accuracy. WHEREVER he gets his info from, he's apparently missed that the rate of illegal immigration is substantially down in recent years, compared especially to when W was president. He keeps changing the subject, too. For example my point was one he chose not to address. Why bother with people like him who are only concerned in remaining comfortable in their cramped and ignorant worldviews? I guess I am really writing for some here who might be more openminded. And Rachel Maddow? I don't watch her, but while I am hardly PC on gay issues, her being a lesbo means what? She has nothing to say? I am not at all sure what your point is.
Yes, Obama directed the CIA to not only pursue him but had to make the judgment call whehter to violated Pakistani sovereignty to go get him. And during the W admin they slacked off going after him to waste time in Iraq. Speaking of Iraq, ISIS would never have come into existence but for the neocon led war in Iraq. The Arab Spring was not Obama's idea, either. But I agree his support for it has proven to be more bad than good. In any event the real issue here is the apocalyptic paranoia evidenced by some right wingers here. It is out control.
Wow, you really are angry. I wouldn't say you BleedGreen, more like bleeding red from your perpetual period
Nice Strawman, but unfortunately I have been very vocal on this topic on this board that the gun industry needs to be regulated and be held responsible, so your argument against my motivation has zero merit. And yours is the false analogy. The dynamic I presented has nothing to do with fear of terrorists and background checks. It is about the logical structure of the argument, which indicates hypocrisy when not followed consistently. The logical structure of the argument -- you cannot regulate X simply because a minor segment of X are dangerous as it is unfair to the majority of X. If that argument has logical merit it remains the same regardless if X is Muslims or guns. When you say that it is okay to regulate guns because a small portion of guns are used to commit horrific crimes, because the safety of society is greater than the rights to buy guns, but then say it is wrong to regulate Islam because the actions of a small portion of Muslims should not impact the rights of the rest of the Muslins, you have hypocritically applied the reasoning of the argument.