It is sad and scary that that's what it will take for people to wake the fuck up and worry about our country first. We have enough problems here in America. Let's fix all that then worry about everyone else. We are so god damn worried about everyone else's problems that we are turning a blind eye to THE ONES WE HAVE!!
If this keeps up, I not only can see the day when Muslim refugees will be refused entry into most western nations, I can also see the resurrection of internment camps for all Muslims suspected of having terrorist ties. Is it time for the NSA to warm up its super surveillance software again? Video cams on every street corner in America? Perhaps a ban on encryption software sales overseas?
The right thing to do is to help refugees. That doesn't mean that admitted refugees shouldn't go through proper screening protocol. On a side note, how hard is it to spot a radical extremist? Weren't all of the attackers already identified as hard line extremist; with ties to ISIS and trips made to Syria? By now, if a person is traveling to Syria...pretty good indication of who they represent; outside of front line media affiliation. If a person decides to 'visit' Syria...they should not be permitted back into the western world.
Saudis are definitely helping to fund ISIS, we all know this. All the weapons used in the attack were Russian made; their corrupt black market is king in Middle East. Tunisia is a huge recruiter and supporter of ISIS. Turkey is an enabler of ISIS...these are the Bigger fish helping to feed, clothe and support ISIS efforts. The Saudis are terrified of the Iranians getting a bomb, something our President has helped pave the way for. My biggest knock on Obama presidency is the "deal" with Iran. Iran, a Nation we have held an embargo with for as long as I have lived. All the while we are distracted with the Middle East the Pacific tensions and militarization grow rapidly.
Finally, watching that ISIS video threatening attacks on our Nations capital, couldn't help but notice one of the terrorist holding American made M16 rifle. Keep manufacturing and supplying the equipment and means to make war. It's all about the Benjamin's baby $$$$$$$$$$$$
We spent 4 generations making the Saudi's richer than Croesus, apparently without ever asking if they shared any of our world views. Now the extremists in Saudi society have turned Pakistan into a hotbed of anti-American religious fervor, a fervor that has spread from the Madrassas in Pakistan all over the world. So the best way to put it is WE helped to fund Al Qaida and ISIS and the Saudis were our willing agents.
Right, but somehow through all of that we avoided getting the image of the evil empires that I listed above. Our luck isn't going to hold forever.
You're totally wrong on that one. If someone has an AK, it doesn't mean it was made in Russia. There are dozens of countries that produce the AK assault rifle, mostly without licensing. What you mostly see on TV is the AK-47, where 47 stands for 1947. Russia/USSR stopped producing that model about 50 years ago. The current models are in the 100 series, the only one made in Russia these days.
The only upside to our involvement in the Middle East is the accelerated development of alternate sources and forms of energy. Everyone knows why we're in the ME. Take Oil out of the equation and the only reason why we're involved there is Israeli security guarantees. The sooner we only need to use just the oil we produce locally, the better.
It's too late for that. The Chinese and Japanese will soak up any Middle Eastern oil production that we choose to boycott. Same for Indonesia. OPEC is going to be big stuff until the crude begins to dry up in seventy years or so. It's out of our hands.
but we can't drill offshore or make the Alaskan pipeline because man made structures are bad for the environment
You are right, my mistake. There are actually 27 different nations that produce Kalashnikov rifles including USA. A serial number on the rifle should be able to locate its manufacturer. Not to start a domestic weapons debate.. but the high volume production and distribution of high powered means to make war is a problem. There is only one end use for all these weapons and equipment...killing, high volume killing. Instead of stifling weapons supply into Middle East, we encourage and increase supply flow. Maybe we 'think' we are helping to protect good people with these arms and supplies, but I think the real reason is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Approx. 10% of whites are on food stamps, approximately 35% of blacks are on food stamps. Yep, those middle easterners sure are working hard, so much harder than the whites or blacks.