The Prophet was all about a piece of underaged tail. The Prophet married his third wife, Aisha al-Mynorsnatch when she was 6 ….. but ever the gentleman, he waited until she was 9 (ostensibly to allow her maidenhood to fully blossom) before consummating the marriage. What a 'swell' guy.
Muslims are the common denominator in all of this. That they are radical is not an excuse. But I guess if some want to defend the indefensible, have at it. _
Still following me around like a little puppy dog? Last night's ass whipping still stinging? Bring this to the Religion thread and run it by Truth4U2, that other pedophillic enabler: Yebhamot 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age." . . . You sick fucks-lol!!!
Yes, you whooped my ass on a forum. lmao. Keep harping on the religion crap. Muslims were killed in the Paris attacks too...
Believe me when I say that I have no use whatsoever for religion of any stripe, but if you do a little research I think you will find that this particular citation is fallacious. Not fellatious, you sick fuk-- fallacious!
That's an incredibly dumb metric. Muslims (radical or otherwise) are wreaking havoc in the world killing innocents in the most disgusting and despicable of ways. Hey, but not all Muslims are bad so cut them a break. Stop. _
You're the one who got all "religious" when Arsenal pointed out the "3 year old" passage …. stop digging. I was using it to remind the troll jetsmetsbutthurt89 what originally incited his self-righteous indignation in the first place. He's now just going full circular troll much like a dog chasing its own tail. Nice 'fellatious' jeu de mot though soz.
Sigh. Give up joe schmo. Take a breather. Remember, you are only concerned about the Parisian dead and wounded.
You can keep saying it and it won't make it any more true. A faction of Muslims are the problem. They are Muslims. Muslims are the common denominator. To not recognize that is ignorant. _
Wrong (again), I said "more" concerned (not 'only' concerned) about the casualties than your religio-whining of last night v v v : …so why do you continue going full circular retard ya retard? And speaking of what first triggered your religio-whining, I'll let you two kids iron it out v v v :
No, ALL Muslims aren't the issue. Nobody is saying they are. But Muslims are clearly the issue, and it not being every single Muslim doesn't change that.
Maybe 1% of all the Muslims on earth are actively supporting or rooting for the terrorists. That's 1.6M of them, give or take and it's a problem. However if I was being accused of responsibility for the worst 1% of whatever group you want to lump me in I'd be pretty pissed off. Even if it's 10%, and it's not close to that, it's still ridiculous to claim the group is the problem when it's the worst of the worst that you could lump into the group instead. All US Christians weren't supporters of or rooting for the KKK and nobody ever made the blanket assumption that they were.