It just registered to me. Mike took him on an extended stay to see if he would go into drug withdrawal. Now he knows Pink isn't using. Edit: Dead wrong. Mike just divulged the info.
We were all sort of right. Spoiler: We thought Pinkman needed heroics to get out of the desert alive. In fact, he did, however the event in which he was heroic was staged by Gus. Brilliant.
Even Lost let me down every now and then. This show is almost perfection. Gus is absolutely preparing Jesse to take down Walt. The clips for next week look great too.
Walt better be the genius he and Hank were talking about. that was some Jedi mind trick shit Gus pulled. Going to take a genius to go against Gus. Not the current hot headed, arrogant, compulsively acting Walt. It looks like Walt will have to play Hank to take down Gus.
Next season to be the final season 16 episodes green lit...Could be broken down into two 8 episode arcs. They better keep it one 16 episode season I guess I am okay with that...Btw, what a mind fuck Gus is doing. Excellent stuff
I know... He's got his job security, he got some poon, he's finally about to move back in to the house and law enforcement is entirely convinced that Heisenberg is dead and buried, but he just can't resist the urge to fuck it up rather than let the innocent guy he had killed receive a compliment that should be his. Greek tragedy-level hubris.
from now on every scene with skylar in it should be filmed with that blur effect they used when they were in bed. its getting pretty tough to look at her fat, awful plastic surgery face. show has definitely gotten back on track after the slow build up in the first few episodes though.
It seems like Walt was acting reckless by putting those thoughts in Hanks mind about the genius still being out there. However, through that recklessness is opportunity. Ultimately Walt will use those thoughts to have Hank bring down Gus.
Is that a fact? I think you're letting your own contempt for Skylar color your interpretation of Walt's feelings for her. I think he resents the fact that she won't admit that she wants him to move back in. Instead, she's just presenting it as a "keeping up appearances" move. I thought that one of the more compelling parts of last night's episode was the "have a good day at work, honey" kiss after their bone session. Fucking's fucking, but that kiss was substantially more emotionally loaded than the preceding roll in the hay.
I think that 3rd and 15 draw is right. He saw Walter Jr. drinking from the Beneke mug, and immediately all of the affection that he felt for Skyler the day before was out the window. I disagree about one thing: he doesn't have a lick of job security. Gus is still going to kill him at the very first convenient moment (and potentially use Jesse to do it, if last night's episode was any indication.) Nothing has changed from the moment that Walt ran over those dealers with his Aztek. Either Gus or Walt has to go.
I completely missed that. My girlfriend even said, "What does that say on the mug?" and I thought, "I dunno, Meineke? It's a fucking mug, who cares?" I should have known better. Yeah, that definitely affects my interpretation of dinner.
Walt was drinking at dinner because he hates that life. That's not who he is anymore. His pride mixed with too much wine caused him to slip up at dinner. 3rd is right - Walter hates Skyler because of "IFT".