Yup, agree to disagree. And I didn't say anything about there being no emotion in that scene, just that Victor didn't die due to Gus's emotions. Of course Mike is going to be flustered when he sees someones throat randomly get slit right in front of him. Like I said, the way in which he killed Victor was meant to send a message. Victor having to die was just a matter of business. That's just my opinion... I guess I just view Gus differently than you do.
Thanks. I don't have a problem with episodes already aired, I've seen them. I just don't wanna know what'll happen in the next ones. I've been avoiding this thread because of that, specially in the "off season".
No one posts spoilers in that respect. Anything spoken about has already happened. If someone isn't up to date episode wise than yes they should probably look elsewhere as we are going to be talking about it.
Tonight's episode is called Thirty-Eight Snub. I watched a view preview clips and I think I know why.
Ellsworth from Deadwood was the arms dealer at the beginning of the episode. That was an awesome scene.
...just an episode about how Mike, Jesse, and Walter are coping with what they saw Gus do to Victor. This was a damn good episode, even with the lack of a "holy shit" moment. That's what I love about this show though. The build-up to a final showdown between Heisenberg and The Chicken Man will be probably last for most of this season - when something finally happens though, it will be fucking epic.
expository episode. little action. spoiler. why does Hank shun his wife? is that a typical PTSD symptom?
I hope Hank doesn't stay like this for the rest of the show - it's fucking terrible. It'd be nice to see him living life again. Marie is about to lose it. ...and what the fuck is the point of collecting the "minerals" ?
Thanks to it being summer and only having to work about 10 hours a week....just watched all 35 episodes in one week. Amazing show. Skinny Pete is the best character If anyone thinks it's too late to get into this..it's not, start watching it now. edit: I love how every scene means something
Out of all of the minor characters, Mike the Fixer is my favorite. Badger and Skinny Pete have some good scenes: zombie video game scene last night was good. Pinkman is the main character that I'm pulling for though.
Agreed about Pinkman, Aaron Paul does a ridiculous job with him and he's definitely the one I'm pulling for as well. Mike the Fixer is badass, but Pete is just awesome. I actually like all the characters excepts for the bitches, they piss me off. Jane was probably the only female character I liked before she went crazy.
I dont like Breaking Bad. They talks too much. My favorite scene last night was with Ellsworth, for some reason I loved it. I figured Mike would crown Walter. That is his (Walter's) m.o., put his head in rectum and remove it in some badass way later on.
I really liked that scene too. The dialogue was awesome. I'm hoping Ellsworth comes back later in the season.
The unsliced, "democratic" pizzas that Jesse ordered for his party were from the same* place as the pizza that Walt threw on the roof earlier in the series.