Brink of a dynasty? WTF? If we lose to Dolphins we'll be 28-20 during the last three regular seasons. Rex may have had a hand in bringing us from garbage to better than mediocre (but not a lot). But a dynasty? Get a grip. The team plays (I know I've said it before) poor fundamental football and has poor discipline. This is the responsibility of the HC. And I share his last name.
Rex Ryan is an excellent coach and our team let him down. They played like shit in that second half and made an even worse team beat us. Brandon Jacobs is a piece of shit and i hope Bart Scott stabs him in the neck in a nightclub.
As a Jets fan, I'm humilated and embarassed that Metlife stadium was filled with about 40,000 Giant fans . As far as Ryan talking , I love it , give me a coach with fire any day of the week. Do we all forget the Kotite - we played sixty hard minutes or its all part of the procees but we'll tell you nothing - Mangini regime . Or how about Hello , you play to win the games . As far as being the laughing stock of the NFL - say hello to The Colts or Rams or Jags would you rather be them because they're coaches aren't talkimg. Rex has brought back the mentality needed to play this game ,they just need to surround him with some more talent and no one here will have any problem with how much he talks.
Win the game and he can't say shit. Lose the game like gutless punks and he can say whatever he wants. Rex flaps his fat worthless mouth all the time, god forbid the tubby loser get a taste of his own medicine.
One should hope the Jets head coach should have more important duties than getting into meaningless catfights with opposing teams' players. Considering how unprepared the Jets have been the past two weeks, I guess he has had a lot of free time on his hands. Even sucking on his wife's toes would be more productive than getting involved in such unprofessional garbage which makes him look both classless and clueless.
Giants were 1 fluke play away from winning? Please. The TD that was taken away from Big Brother before the end of the first half wasn't a gift? The fact that Revis gets away with murder wasnt a gift? The Tuck Rule Bullshit wasnt a gift? The Jets Suck. Same Old Jets face it. Tell your Big Mouth Big Belly Coach to shut up
He can say what he wants now. The best way to shut his ass up would have been to kick their asses on the field.
Lol @ Brandon Jacobs talking shit. You really deserve to talk after 42 rushing yards LMAO. Funny guy He won't even be employed next year except maybe at a strip club bouncer.
Yeah, I'm sure Rex spends all his free time going after other teams players - if only he spent that extra 10 minutes trying to pull Anthony Munoz out of Wayne Hunter's body. Or perhaps he could have made Eric Smith into Ronnie Lott - Jeez Rex stop wasting that precious time. If only he could teach Ray Guy - uummm I mean TJ Conley to punt better. Maybe in all that spare time he could have mentored Plax in prison so that he could be a better route runner. And I'm sure Rex's talking has transformed Dustin Keller into Kyle Brady. Do the Jets have problems - absolutely. Does some of it fall on the coaching staff and front office absolutely. Bottom Line Rex is the best coach the Jets have had since Walt Michaels and people want to bitch because he's trying to motivate and fire his team up. But oh , his actions are so unprofessional , seems like no one complained the last two years when the Jets were winning. Belicheck has won 3 super bowls with the Pats - he's the epitome of class right ?? Stop whining about the nonsense and realize this Jets team has major holes, that's the main reason they're losing not because the media and idiot fans want to fabricate stories and crete a scapegoat. Rex is trying deflect criticism and focus from the players , some of us understand this.
If you looked up "overcompensation" in the dictionary, there'd be a picture of Brandon Jacobs. He's not a tough guy, he just plays one on TV. There's a reason that, when the chips are down, the Giants prefer to hand the ball off to Ahmad Bradshaw on a broken foot.