Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Prince of Thieves

    Prince of Thieves New Member

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Agree with this.

    I can't take this guy anymore. The team wins in spite of him. He inexplicably tries to get way too fucking cute when everything is working, and then sticks with far too simple shit when he needs to change it up. The guy takes shots down the field at the most ill-advised times, yet he'll also call runs up the gut with nine men in the box. I find that incredible.

    What also shocks me is that he seems to have only recently overcome some sort of allergy to running Shonn Greene. Today, he had like 20 carries, which I guess signals a nice trend in the other direction; that being said, in previous contests, he's found ways to exclude Greene almost entirely. That is fucking mind-boggling.

    Furthermore, I don't understand why Schottenheimer believes a pass play should be either 3 yards or 30 yards, and nowhere in between. Notice how when Sanchez is left to call the plays (like in the several close-and-late situations over the past couple games where he's been ridiculously clutch), he incorporates the concept of the 8-12 yard pass. Schottenheimer seems to have no concept of this whatsoever.

    On top of that, Brian apparently has this hard-and-fast rule that if the Jets are down by ANY AMOUNT OF POINTS, they MUST shift to a pass-heavy scheme. I've seen situations where the Jets are down by 3-6 points in the third quarter and he has Sanchez slinging the ball on every down. He has a line full of road-graders and a fucking wrecking ball in the backfield, yet he seemingly flips out at the notion of ANY deficit and must find comfort in scoring quickly.

    I really tried to defend this guy after the first couple games, but the 6-7 most recent games have driven me up the fucking wall, in particular the Green Bay game which came at home after a bye week. Without question, I believe Bill Callahan can do a better job than this guy. However, at 7-2, he will obviously not be removed.

    My solace is that my brother, a Giants fan, hated Kevin Gilbride almost as intensely the year they won Super Bowl XLII. So at least I have some anecdotal evidence that a team can win it all in spite of its OC.
  2. ShutEmDownRevis

    ShutEmDownRevis New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    My main issues with Shottenheimer

    And you can tell me if you agree....

    its completely obvious every time we're gonna run or pass the ball. Seems like every first down we line up in I form or a singleback and run it up the middle.

    3rd down and shorts, he totally gives up and doesnt sell the run... just lines up sanchez in the shotgun. Teams know we like to run and are dangerous at it, why not at least threaten and use it in our favor?

    Doesnt take any advantage of sanchez mobility... why not a bootleg? ever?!?!? when we need it!?!? We ran a bootleg early today that hit keller for about 12 yards.... why not try that in a 3rd and short or 3rd and goal where sanchez can either run or pass it?

    personnel choices can be pretty bad, especially at RB. He'll use LT for 2 runs in a row, get a first down, then leave him in, making it more obvious that we're not gonna use him, because he's obviously winded. You have 2 good backs in LT and Greene. If LT runs the ball hard, take him out and give it to greene next. It's not that complicated for him to run off the field. He should watch what the saints did last year involivng personnel... it was pretty sick. You could never know what play they were running based off personnel. They would come out with 3 Tight ends, and then end up in a 4 wide formation.

    The stupid motions. Again today we had the million man motions.... they dont seem to do all that much except put the offense on edge and possibly cause an illegal formation penalty.

    The whole offense seems still to be over designed and controlled which goes back to 2006 when that was the only way for us to win.... Thats the season that made shotty his money so I'm guessing he's sticking with that mentality.... but we have a real QB now and a lot of weapons. It seems clear that Sanchez really thrives actually when he has the freedom to make choices and move around the pocket.... not plays where he has one or possibly 2 reads and needs to make a pinpoint throw.

    Let me know what you think
  3. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    All of schotty's playcalls are flawless and brilliant. every failed shotgun pass call from inside the red zone is a stroke of absolute schotty genius. Anytime that the defense has one of schotty's brilliant play calls covered and everytime our offense repeatedly fails to get into the endzone - its not schotty's fault for making a bad call. Its our fault for not seeing the brilliance of schotty's plan and of course we should also always blame the players. Schotty is perfect, he made 91 play calls on Sunday and all of them were sheer genius. Schotty is the next bill walsh.
  4. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    So are the only choices:

    a) Schotty is always right; or

    b) Schotty is always wrong.


    Because I don't agree with either of those absolutes.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Are people really complaining about brian again? The only real complaint(other than the continued reliance on trick plays) was not going for it at the end of regulation but that is the HC's decision not the OC. Brian called a good game overall and our guys executed for the most part.
  6. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    they actually are dude. Unreal. So ignorant. Abdul salam is leading the retard charge right now. Hes still claiming Brian made 3 or 4 HORRENDOUS calls but cant remember any of them
  7. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    I think we should all talk him up so maybe he gets a HC gig somewhere next year... HAIL Schotty!!! Oh he is great , I love him... to bad he'll obviously get a HC gig next year :(
  8. RapZiLLa54

    RapZiLLa54 New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    I give Schotty a B + for this game because that 10 minute drive was a thing of beauty but then again it also resulted in 0 points.

    No slants all game ( I noticed this before Holmes pointed it ). The play where Sanchez got injured when the showed the qb cam there was not ONE person running any type over the middle. We are facing Rexs brother.. You know the heat is coming on 3rd and long..

    It seemed we were in love with comebacks and out routes. I don't recall many Posts, digs or slants.... I guess this is why Sanchez would have 10 seconds to throw and STILL NOBODY WOULD BE OPEN.....

    With Cotchery out for a few games I guarentee this offense explodes again, Schotty just doesn't know how to get everyone involved and now with Holmes, Edwards and Keller always on the field its going to be dangerous. Note, this is a not a knock on Cotch.
  9. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    This is about where I am on this. WHERE ARE THE 3 STEP DROPS?
  10. The playcall that really pissed me off was that 3 & 3 from around the Browns 6 w/ 2:50 left. Why does Schotty insist on playing out of the shotgun on 3rd and short? The OL and Greene had been moving the pile all game long, and even if you don't get the first down take an extra 30 seconds off the clock after hitting the field goal.

    Instead they run a timing route to Keller who had been browns # 1 priority all game long. It not only was a dangerous throw it also stopped the clock.That play call was absolutely atrocious..and it's not the first time Schotty has done that crap in a big situation.
  11. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Shotgun is easier on the qb's leg. Even the announcers said it. Now from the shotgun, they could've run a draw. Or another designed running play but wide runs are less likely to succeed w/ the short field.
  12. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    The bottom line of this argument is that the Jets are 7-2 and Schotty isn't going anywhere. He does things differently than many people would prefer but everyone that actually matters seems to think he is a good coach.

    It's funny to see just how far Sanchez has come since this point last year but you won't hear the average Jets fan even consider the possibility that Schotty might have had something to do with that. The offense has come up with enough plays to win these games but I guess we aren't winning pretty enough for some fans. You guys can keep bitching about how they are getting the best record in the NFL. I'm just gonna enjoy the ride and do my best to not engage any more less than intelligent opinions about this anymore.
  13. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    I'm mostly upset with his lack of variety in play calling. 3/4 of those Wildcat plays could have been for even more yardage if they were passes. Teams now just stack the box when Smith is in.

    When we need 6-8 yards on 3rd down, the plays called were either long 20+ yard bombs or 4 or 5 yard dinkers that unless we had some excellent YAC, would not convert.

    I was happy to finally see Greene get the bulk of the carries. There is no reason to have LT in with the bruising hits so much. That is why we have Greene in the first place.

    The trick plays only worked at the end because of long drive(probly one of our best called drives this year). Otherwise they were stuffed constantly.

    My initial post was a kneejerk reaction, it wasn't as bad as it's been. But he needs more variety in his play calling.
  14. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I'm still waiting for Smith to throw to Sanchez down the Sideline.

    Yesterday at one point it looked like the corner totally disregarded him.

    If Smith takes the snap, and rolls two steps right the corner will collapse and you're going to have #6 open for 6.
  15. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    On one wildcat play Sanchez was completely uncovered going deep. Would have been a certain touchdown if Smith threw it to him.
  16. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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  17. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    I'm going to repeat what I said in another thread because of it's Greatness.......


    What kills me is when you have 2nd and 1 in the redzone and bring in Brad Smith to pick up the 1st.

    If you're a GROUND AND POUND team then the 1st should be a given...
    You don't need to play this crap and waste an OPPORTUNITY....

    That right there is like back when you were a kid playing Knock Out and the game was screaming at you "Body Blow Blody Blow...KNOCK EM OUT!!!!!!!!" and Schotty does what???? He back up into his own corner and cowers.

    On 2nd and 1 you let your young QB get experience taking a shot at the endzone.

    That's a real F'n kick in the pants and loss for Sanchez right there to make a play like any other normally coached QB in the NFL.

    THERE IS NO DEFENDING THAT CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Throw that ball up to Braylon... Even an INT right there is harmless... Heck, they only settled for a FG anyway.
  18. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I think they're saving that for NE.
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Wide Open maybe, but I would hope the Jets do not want to risk Sanchez getting laid out trying to catch a floater or after the catch.

    We have enough
  20. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    My thoughts exactly.

    The last thing we need is a safety coming over to blast Sanchez as he tries to make a catch. Imagine how much that playcall would be crucified unless it resulted in Sanchez walking into the endzone... which it probably wouldn't.

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