Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. nyy486

    nyy486 New Member

    Oct 4, 2009
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    All comes back to Rex and Tanny. If he was half as bad as all the mindless people who point the finger at the easiest person possible, then Rex should have fired him after last season or Tanny should have stepped in and made a movie by now, especially in between Mangini and Rex regimes.

    As much as I am a part of it, the overreacting about all things good and bad, and the immature finger pointing of NY are pretty funny at times.

    Edit: But no, Rex, Tanny, and even Sanchez are the "loved ones" of the Jets franchise atm, nothing can ever be their smh
    #21 nyy486, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2010
  2. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Its not happening. Schotty is the OC. I have had my problems w/him over the yrs. Last night I just think we met a defense that dominated our offense straight up. Ravens were better team last night. I like the fact that Sanchez didn't turn it over. If Greene hadn't fumbled we would have won the football game. Its fine to bitch about schotty - but I don't care how good your OC is - if the defense is beating you straight up and if your guys drop balls like the Jets did last night - you aren't gonna move the chains.

    Our best play was the pass that was called back b/c edwards failed to get himself set before the snap. Is that on Schotty? Is the Greene fumble on Schotty? Is Slauson getting whipped by Ngata on Schotty? I don't think so.

    I just think the Ravens D was stifling and our young QB couldn't handle it and as a result we never got in a rythym on offense and so the team sputtered. Is that on Schotty?
  3. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    Boneheaded penalties cost us that game and I'll be the first to admit it.. but that in no way excuses Schotty. The Ravens have one of the best run defenses in the league and they had a banged up secondary. A win was within our reach the whole game but we played granny-ball and didn't even try to exploit that possible weakness. You can't just keep your offense in neutral when you're trailing in a low-scoring game, especially when you have players like Edwards, Cotchery, and Keller, and a young QB who can throw downfield. One deep pass could have put us in FG range and won us the game, despite all our other fuckups.
    #23 GBA, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2010
  4. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    The Ravens looked really confused.
  5. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    You know as well as anyone on this messgae board, there are coaches and players you can rip to shreds, and those you will get tarred and feathered for even hinting at critisizing.

    NEVER say anything bad about Rex, Sanchez, Mangold, Petine, Brick, TRich and even fuckin McKnight, which is funny, and then the usual scapegoats: Slauson, Schotty, Sutton, Woody Johnson.

    Even when Rex says it's on him... like not keeping Revis on Boldin, which everyone took in stride and then the offense, but he's covering for Schotty, it's all Schotty's fault.

    I Schottnheimer great? No, Is he some OC idiot? No. He is going to install the game plan Rex wants. Just like Sutton and Schotty did for Mangini, just like Petine and Schotty do for Ryan. They will game plan within and under the direction of the HC. ONLY Westoff does whatever the fuck he wants to do.
  6. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    I just want to point out something so friggin obvious, yet nobody seems to notice. The o-line committed several penalties, gave poor pass protection, and couldn't get a run game going, which is our identity as an offense. I lay most of the blame at their feet.

    So to all the Schotty bashers who seem to think Callahan is the answer, tell me, what genius happens to coach the o-line that was the biggest part of the problem?

    Well, regardless, the right people that needed to be reminded that they haven't won a damn thing and they will have to earn it got their wakeup calls Monday. I expect a much better performance Sunday from our line. Maybe having an extra second to throw and a power running game will open up some deep routes, and the Sanchez bashing will slow down some as well.
  7. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Aside from Rex not being the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to coaches' jobs, my guess is that he hasn't wanted to make a kneejerk reaction.

    However, since this is now the second time in less than 2 full seasons that he's going to intervene with the Offensive scheme and playcalling, it's quite possible Schotty could be sent packing upon Rex's demand.
  8. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    The Jets were out coached in every facet of the game except special teams. It wasn't by a little either. Shit happens, it's the NFL, every coach gets too smart and out thinks himself etc. etc.etc.

    Edit: This staff isn't stupid. There are a lot of good coaches that can make in game adjustments and come up with solid game plans. Last night just wasn't one of those nights for whatever reason.

    I think you can make a case that happened to Rex and the entire staff last night.

    It all worked out in the Ravens favor. Good for them. The Ravens even had the same officiating crew, that just last year, called a staggering 300+ combined yds in penalties, in one single game. Shit, a flag to that crew, is like, one of those magicians never ending handkerchief. So they had advanced knowledge and prepared for those flag happy bastards. Everything worked in their favor, except for turnovers.

    Where does that diatribe lead?

    Schotty has been out thinking himself for 4 years now. He has shown, without a shadow of doubt, he is capable OC, when it comes leading a run of the mill mediocre offense.

    It makes no sense to talk big, like Rex does, and play small, like Schotty does. This defense for its all its faults came to play. They showed passion, fire. This offense was just limp.

    There is no excuse. I have never really bashed Schotty, nor do I really care to. I think it would be silly to change coordinators now. It would give the Jets an even more disorganized feel. For fuck sake step up take ownership and get daring on offense.

    It is so damn weird this team goes for broke on defense and plays not to lose on offense. I think a happier medium would be great.

    Anyway I really want to see how the coaching staff and players respond this Sunday. If they respond positively then the Jets ship is righted. Another bad loss and it's going to be one long damn season.
    #28 Miamipuck, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2010
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I gotta tell you that in retrospect I think the only reason that offense looked good was because we were all sick to death of Hackett's thing up until 2004 and then Heimerdinger and Brooks Bollinger gave us all the parched desert of dying drives to compare Schotty's stuff too.

    Go look back at the actual scores that offense produced. It was mediocre at best.
  10. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    You have to call a game based on what the defense gives you. If the defense is stacking the box and blitzing like the Ravens were, you need to call some screens and misdirection plays, not another dump off to the flats.

    If you don't take any shots down the field you aren't stretching the defense and you are inviting them to stack up and stop the run.

    It's not rocket science.
  11. bloke911

    bloke911 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Schotty "So, then you jump once and WR1 starts motion, stops, stutter steps and sets. Then call rainbow dick, tap twice, motion left and tap once and call Z. TE1 will wiggle and set up at HB. HB will motion left and line up at LG. Then wiggle and call Hornet, hike the ball and hand off to FB. Got it?"

    KC "HUH?"

    MS "Are you high?"
  12. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    That was fucking epic.
  13. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Wooooooowwww :smile::hackett:

  14. SettlerDawg

    SettlerDawg Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I agree with TBJ, there were many people at fault last night and solely blaming Schotty doesn't make any sense.

    Every team in the NFL has motions pre-snap. The best offenses use them the most (Indy, New Orleans, New England). The motions help to find out whether the defense is in man or zone. It also creates mismatches, and this actually helps a QB have an idea where he wants to throw the ball before the snap. We've already got an extremely simple offense. I'm pretty sure that taking pre-snap motions away would make Sanchez worse. I mean seriously, how dumb do you want the offense to be?

    What Schotty really needs to do is work on Sanchez's confidence. Play-calling is secondary to that. There were many instances where receivers were open and Sanchez would simply overthrow the ball, or check down the ball to a running back. This is either by design, or Sanchez is too scared. Either way, this is the result of the "simplify the offense" initiative from last year. This is what all you guys wanted so why are you complaining?

    Schotty is responsible for the offense, but there were many players on offense who were also responsible for the lack of scoring. Firing Schotty midseason won't fix anything. I hate to break it to you guys, but the offense lies with Sanchez. He was a junior when he came into the NFL, and odds are that he either busts, or he takes several more years until he becomes serviceable. Just sit back and relax, and see how Sanchez plays over the season (or maybe even 3 seasons) instead of calling for Schotty to be fired after one game against the best defense we will play this season.

    All of this wouldn't even be an issue if Greene doesn't fumble, or the bullshit call against Braylon wasn't called, or a myriad of other blunders don't happen.
  15. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Finally a thread that makes a little sense. Rex admitted that he drilled into Sanchez head not to turn the ball over. He needs to trust his QB to make plays or we are in a lot bigger trouble than at the OC position.

    That loss should be blamed on first and foremost Rex Ryan who wanted that offensive ganmeplan, who made the call to cover the most dangerous WR they have with a rookie who looks clueless out there instead of our all world CB, who instructed our QB to be a giant pussy.

    It is so easy to blame the OC because honestly most Jets fans don't have a freaking clue what is going on and that is easiest to do. It was so obvious even before Rex admitted it that Schotty was running the gameplan Rex wanted. I love Rex as much as the next guy but he needs to let Schotty run the offense, let Sanchez grow into a legit starting QB and focus on the D getting pressure on the QB and getting off the field on 3rd downs.
  16. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    So, at what point does one think and say Hmm, after two different Head Coaches and four different QBs, nobody is grasping the Offensive plan?

    I guess the crux of the problem resides within EVERYONE else - different regimes and different QBs - other than the Offensive Coordinator, even though he's the only person who's been the constant during the Jets' Offensive woes for the past four years?
  17. Gunther

    Gunther Member

    Apr 5, 2006
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    Sanchez needs to have a psychiatrist in the room when he is going over video. We need to find out what was going on in this guys head pre-snap as well as after the snap. I didn't feel confident watching the game on T.V. and I certainly didn't see confidence in him.
  18. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    You have all pre-season to prepair for a team that you know you have to face in a couple of weeks and they couldn't get in a rhythm? :rofl:
  19. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    i just re-watched the game and this was baffling to me

    they were all hb dives, albeit out of different formations, but he called the same play 3 times in a row ... then after we get the ball back, he runs another dive with tomlinson! followed by a play action pass not off of a fake dive, but off of a weak fake draw. huh?

    its not just the passing plays that were bland and predictable, it was the running plays too ... very few draws, tosses, stretches, wildcat, just a bunch of hb dives up the middle

    oh well, hopefully they fix it this week :shit:
  20. Hot Rod

    Hot Rod Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    All Rex is doing is sticking up for his OC as he should and then handle the matter behind close doors and bitch slap Schotty.

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