Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    There wasn't? I have seen quite a few even in the first half, let alone second? Of course, the defense didn't even flinch in ANY of the motion.

    I have never made this point, nor will I. Thus no comment.

    I think that happened when all the pre-snap motion shit died out, and Sanchez was doing his shit, so the fault squarely falls on Sanchez. I agree.

    This, I have a lot of beef with. I do not agree with this sentiment AT ALL. If you ask me, Schottenheimer has been trying all he's got from the past few seasons to sabotage whatever Callahan could conjure up. Granted, the OL didn't play particularly well last night, but consider these:

    1. This is from the past season. If you, as an OC, repeatedly relay the play to your QB too damn late (play gets to the QB around 15 seconds, and the QB breaks the huddle around 10, and starts cadence at 7, and motion - then you are down to 2 seconds.) and the play comes with meaningless bullshit pre-snap motion, that literally signals when the ball is going to be snapped. Defenders know when to jump and tee off. Are you saying Callahan had to literally wield a magic wand and create all the holes and creases when defenders are doing just that? Are you crazy?

    2. Even last night. Rob Ryan made it known that his defense will be hyper-aggressive. They were jumping on the snap count till the last whistle. When defense is that aggressive, what's the greatest antidote? Right. RB screen pass. Which Schotty calls ONCE for a huge yardage. Unless you force the defenders to back off, they won't - and Schotty didn't call the plays to tell them 'back the fuck off.' What was anybody to do? Really, tell me what you would have done differently than how Callahan had them prepared.

    I have given them plenty already - they were extremely aggressive, and were even jumping on the snap count every play. It was so frustrating to see them do that, and Jets not taking advantage of their aggressiveness. Are you telling me that's Callahan's doing? Or Rex's doing?

    All right, Mr-know-it-all.

    His defense did give up opening drive TD. Fine. So how did the offense respond? 3 straight punts, two of them three-and-out. I am not saying Rex is not to blame. But that doesn't mean 3 straight (and a few more strings of them) fruitless drives (with the majority of them 3-and-out) can be condoned under any circumstances. What's more crushing in the first few drives is that, Jets offense did have a very good field position at Dallas 46. 10 more yards, and you have a shot for 3 - and the offense goes 3 and out. How do you even find the will to defend this piece of shit they call offensive plays?

    That's very unfair to the OL and to Greene - if Jets offense had neutralized the early steps from the Dallas front 7 (like any good OC should have) then they wouldn't have looked nearly as bad.

    Like I said in the game thread, JUST WHERE THE FUCK WAS SCREEN PLAY? That one play to Tomlinson is supposed to stop the Dallas D from jumping on the snap count? That WAS their preparation - if that wasn't clear from the first quarter of game, I don't know what to say.
  2. JetFanInMD

    JetFanInMD New Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    We did this with Favre as well. Most of the first 11 games that year we got out to a first possession score. Since Sanchez became the starter we've greatly regressed in first possession scores.
  3. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    why do i dislike schotty?

    look at the dez bryant catch over revis, and then look at the interception. the plan from the start with dez on revis was to use his size and speed against him. case and point, revis goes on him, and romo goes back shoulder, a jump ball on a route that stretched the field. the result is a catch and revis looking like a loser (or at least not like himself). then go to the interception. same design only dez isnt running as hard anymore because revis has been beating him up all night, and the ball is picked off. their oc obviously had his shit together before the game

    my point in bringing up the other offense is this. when has schotty ever done something remotely close to this? as hobbes has been adamant at pointing out, the dallas d was hurting in the secondary. the jets coming out with 4 recievers would look like this, Santonio Holmes, Plaxico Burress, Derrick Mason, Dustin Keller. dallas should have been shitting themselves last night. not looking like super bowl contenders.
    #2683 tank75, Sep 12, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2011
  4. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And, you could have also gotten Kerley in there, if you found a speed mismtch.
  5. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Some say the Jets didn't run the ball enough, gave up on it too early.

    Others say they should have used exclusively or most of the time what you suggest.

    Oh well.
  6. BleednGreen247

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Piece of trash.

    Can this joke already. Plain as day Dirty plays great when he doesn't have to listen to schoddy's stupidity. Hey lets put CROMARTIE IN ON OFFENSE!!

    End Marty Ball!!!!
  7. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    With that front seven and our diminished OLine, running would have been insane.

    And FWIW, it's just the confluence of events that highlight what the obvious problem with Schotty's game is, week in and week out.

    (They did do more to get the ball out quickly, but not enough)

    And instead of dictating that Dallas go dime, they brought in 3 TE's and then flexed out.

    That does not get the weakened secondary exposed.
  8. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    ive been wondering this for a while, when was the last time that this team ran a draw play? anyone?
  9. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    ;when curtis martin was here.... on every 3rd and long play :grin:
  10. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    3rd and 15 Draw, where are you?
  11. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    We ran a draw, for no gain, on 2nd down last night and long last night with Tomlinson in the fourth.
  12. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    For the love of god, SAY NO TO DRAW. There are so many that can go wrong with draw play - we all know Schotty sucks, but please. Draw is not where you want to go to.
  13. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    3 Words complete with two proper nouns and one expletive: Paul Fckn Hackett
  14. kid_b

    kid_b New Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Not that I'm Schottenheimer's biggest fan by any stretch, but this was a major turning point in our favor. It was a great adjustment that helped jump start our offense. It was clearly something Dallas wasn't expecting to see from us and caused major confusion for their defense. There is NO chance we got back into that game had we not made that adjustment; our O-line would've kept being terrorized and Sanchez would've never settled into the game.
  15. MikeDevito

    MikeDevito Active Member

    Dec 11, 2010
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    Now I dont hate Schotty but I think Sanchez looked better in the no huddle

    JETFIGHTERS Active Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    If this is any indication of playcalling from Shotty then we need a new OC. If Sanchez can call him own plays ala Peyton then he needs to do that. Shotty needs to go if he calls the plays, we can do a lot better at OC.
  17. Royce Parker

    Royce Parker Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    Unfortunately, this IS an indication of playcalling from Schotty - we see it year in and year out. At this point I'm convinced that he just has no idea how to play to the strengths of his personnel. A lot of the time it's as if he calls the plays without any regard for the situation on the field.
  18. kid_b

    kid_b New Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    At this point I'm just wondering if anybody is gonna try to make a valid argument that the 3 tight end set in the 3rd quarter wasn't actually a great adjustment? It forced the Cowboys to throw Ware AND Spencer BOTH into coverage at times, thus allowing Sanchez breathing room that he didn't have the ENTIRE game. There was no chance Mark would've reached even 250 yds without it. Not to mention atleast one, maybe two more picks.

    Does Schotty make dumb calls? Absolutely, but he did ultimately save us in this game and if you think otherwise, you don't know much about football
    #2698 kid_b, Sep 13, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  19. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    His 2nd half adjustments are what keep the Jets coming from behind, as well as the execution from Sanchez making clutch throws and LT making those plays that keep drives going.

    But it'd be nice to see those adjustments in the 2nd quarter, not the 2nd half. He has to get off the script faster, and he has to dictate the Jets offense to the defense not the other way around.
  20. kid_b

    kid_b New Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    I am in complete agreement there. In fact, I wish he'd come with a gameplan that is set to help us win from the start of a game instead of the cardiac kids crap we've become so accustomed to the past year and a half. Like I said, I'm not a fan by any stretch. I'm mostly referring to Hobbes criticizing the adjustments that actually helped us win this game.

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