Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    So a little over a week before you guys can actually start bitching about him I have a question. What would make you happy week 1 one against rob ryan's defense? I'm looking for some realistic results that you would be happy with while you can think rationally.
  2. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    My only problem with the "this is just preseason" argument is, he's doing the same things he's done last season and seasons before. I know you're not supposed to show your hand in the preseason. However, when a guy is doing exactly what annoyed you since he's been here, it's hard to believe that this time around he's "bluffing". In other words, Schotty has repeatedly shown that he is a questionable play caller. That said, what about the fact that it's continued into this preseason, should make me believe this is NOT what's going to occur all year?
  3. bobby2times

    bobby2times Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    24 points. Dallas defense was not good last year and they're learning a new system. I dont know about you but I think Rob Ryan is pretty overrated.

    Over/under on how many 3 point or less games the Jets are going to have this season? Im guessing 3.
  4. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    I think 17 points is fair and @ least one of the TD's need to be in the first quarter. I'm tired of our offense looking like we just woke up and forgot we had a game.
  5. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Whether he deserves it or not he's getting one more shot. I don't really think he does deserve it, but I'm not saying he's the worst guy to ever call plays on offense in history. He just kind of sucks...I have higher standards for this team than him but oh well.

    It's not just the actual plays he calls. Another big problem with him is that he's super super predictable in certain spots. He had a formation last year I can't remember exactly what it was but it might have been like Pro form with Greene on the left and every single time you saw him trot out the formation all season it was always a shitty little run up the middle that never worked. Like 100%. I don't go in and review every single play from every formation...but I assume it must be way too easy for opposing teams to just look at the formation or some motion or whatever else and sell out against Schotty's past tendencies with startling success. He is absolute dogshit at capitalizing on past history [beyond the scope of the given game..he seems ok at in game adjustments], and that is a big problem besides the basic play breakdown.

    We deserve better...but let's keep our fingers crossed that he can show us at least his version of better...and it's good enough. It may be we'll find out.
  6. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Ailo, maybe you are right. Maybe Schotty is not to blame. Maybe it's the players who consistently fail to execute like they are supposed to.

    But think about it.

    You could very well be the very best offensive coordinator in the entire universe, but if you consistently fail to make sure your offensive crew execute the play like you have conjured up (and thus fail miserably) what good are you at the end of the day?

    Remember. You are only as strong as your weakest link. If you cannot make your offense understand your intentions, (thus cannot make them execute like they are supposed to) then you are literally not much different from the dreaded Paul Hackett or Cam-Cam, coaching-wise. There is no two-way about it.


    Maybe Schotty will surprise me once the season starts. I would really love to see that. I am more than happy to eat my serving of crow (I'd like it medium-rare as a matter of fact.) I am not seeing that happening however. I still remember one of the pre-seasons with Chad Pennington - the OL looked like a total shit, and the entire offense looked like a total shit; but the general consensus here was "Who cares? It's a preseason!" - and Jets promptly put an end to all doubt by going 4-12 that year. I keep getting reminded of that year - only that won't happen this year because now Jets have much better defense.
    #2406 Zach, Sep 2, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
  7. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I don't think he is overrated at all. Only two defenses stopped the pats last year, both Ryan defesnses. I think 24 is reasonable, don't know that will happen but it's a good goal against what should be a much improved unit.

    If they have 3 games with only a field goal on offense I'll be pissed.
  8. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I think the first quarter td thing is as overrated as 300 yard games. I want the offense to be playing well early but I dont see first quarter tds as being neccesary to win. Of course, I would love a td drive to start the game every game but still don't see it as very important in winning the game as long as the points come.
  9. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Funny, when I started this thread, I NEVER siad Schotty was blameless.... what I said was just don't blame him brainlessly. I get plenty PO'd at BS often. He often deserves blame and critisism. Alio has a grip on it. When players do not execute, BS gets the BS.

    Get on his back when it's his fault, but it's not always his fault.

    At the end of the Giants pre season game game, he sucked a root. Let the young QB throw, get that experience, instead he ran the ball in a meaningless game. That is some stupid chit.

    The other issue is that we never know how Rex might be tying his hands, so it's always an iffy situation when you lay all the blames on BS. If Rex has a fault, he believes in his defense too much. That has impact on play calling, be sure of it. But, in a week 3 preseason game? That was shit against the Giants.
  10. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Mangini was tying his hands too - or that was the speculation before Rex took over. No? Maybe we're in for some good bondage session featuring BS.
  11. Wides

    Wides Banned

    Aug 16, 2011
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    "STOP with the brainless Schottenheimer bashing!"

    Why? At least when facing an assault from mindless criticism, Schotty will be able to defend himself on even ground.
  12. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    wouldn't want steam flying out of his ears would we.
  13. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Sorry but if we only score 17 points in the this game against Dallas we will not win....
  14. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I disagree. The Jets were dead last in 1st Qtr. scoring last season. Fact! That puts more pressure on the Jets' D. We all know that Ds play better with a lead. Part of this is Rex's fault, wanting the D to take the field first. In fairness, maybe it's because he has more confidence in himself and his D than he does in BS, Sanchez and the offense. It could also betray a lack of confidence in the team, since he wants the ball in the 2nd half first. This is an area where I think Rex needs to learn and grow. IMO the team would be much better served, scoring first in the game and putting the pressure on the other team to catch up. The Jets were able to do that pretty consistently when both Mangini and Edwards were the HCs and they were doofuses, yet had enough sense to realize that it made their D play better and less vulnerable.
  15. jets2884

    jets2884 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    I think the only reason shotty is still with us is because we couldnt afford to try and learn a new system with the lockout. So instead we brought in Tom Moore to hopefully knock some sense into Shotty
  16. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    They were dead last in 1st quarter scoring and they still made a deep run in the playoffs leading me to believe it is overrated. I would expect that mark as well as pretty much every thing else improves this year. You just won't see me whining about not scoring in the 1st quarter...ever.
  17. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Fine, but I think it's pretty silly to be content with an offense (and by extension its coordinator) that goes 1/4 of the game each week without scoring. There are no guarantees that changes. Hopefully, it will, but to finish dead last in the NFL in any offensive category is direct reflection on the OC, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

    Vs the Ravens, they actually scored a FG in the 1st Qtr. If they had scored a TD instead, do you think that would have made any difference in the game? (they lost 10-9)

    Vs the Packers, they lost 9-0. Think even a FG (much less a TD) in the 1st Qtr. might have made some difference in the momentum and final outcome?

    Vs the Lions, the Jets won in OT, but didn't score in the 1st Qtr. If they score in the 1st Qtr., they probably don't wind up in OT, and it saves some wear and tear on the team.

    Vs the Browns, the very next week, they again won in OT. This time they scored a FG in the 1st Qtr, but then again, a TD or more than 7 points would have avoided a 2nd straight OT game, adding more wear and tear on the team.

    Week 14 vs the Fins, they lost 10-6 and again didn't score in the 1st Qtr. They score even a FG in the 1st Qtr, and the results could have been different.

    Week 16 vs the Bears, they lose 38-34 and again go scoreless in the 1st Qtr.

    AFC Championship Game, they go scoreless in the 1st Qtr while the Steelers score 7. If the Jets score, maybe they get some momentum, and it wakes the D up. Who knows, maybe the Jets stop the bleeding and win the game?

    Finally, I have heard before a stat that the team that scores first wins the majority of the time. I just tried to find that stat but couldn't.

    Having an offense that struggles as frequently as the Jets does is a major liability. It is inexcusable, even with a young QB. Other NFL teams with a lot less talent than the Jets manage to score consistently with young, inexperienced QBs. Even when it is poor execution on the part of the offensive players, that goes on BS. Part of his job is preparing them, making sure they are ready to go, and will execute properly. He obviously is too soft and not demanding enough, along with his other deficiencies. Part of the offense's problems is all the false starts and illegal formation penalties. That is inexcusable. Hartsock is gone, so that should improve, but again, that is BS's responsibility and he has done a piss poor job in that regard.
  18. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Couldn't part of the whole "the Jets don't score in the first quarter" thing be the fact that Rex has always wanted a ground-and-pound team? Especially considering that at no point under Rex's tenure have we have a running back that can break huge plays (LT was once that type of player, but not any longer). Jones? Greene? Those guys aren't anything but run-up-the-middle-with-your-head-down guys. You're not going to score a lot of TDs doing that.

    The way to score TDs in the NFL is to throw to elite receivers who have the ability to make things happen downfield. Holmes and Burress are those keys. In terms of playmaking potential, Burress trumps Edwards. Mason is also an upgrade over Cotchery to me. Add in Keller's ability, and perhaps Schotty finally gets the chance to go with the air attack he so desperately wants to run.

    Will Rex allow him to do that now? I'm betting on yes. We'll still run a lot, but expect a lot more of a balanced attack.

    I will say that this is the critical year for Schottenheimer though. Sanchez is no longer a rookie, nor is he at risk for a sophomore slump. Now the offense has to execute, and it's his responsibility to make sure it does.
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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  20. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Brian Schottenheimer should be fired for the bad play calling he's going to make on Sunday night.

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