Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Preseason counts:rofl:

    They aren't gameplanning at all, they are just getting work in running certain plays.

    One of the plays McElroy got hammered on was a screen pass where McKnight got bottled up at the line, screens are designed to allow pressure. It's silly to make judgements based on A)preseason and B)week 4 in preseason.

    Bill Callahan was an OC for a very brief time in oakland and we all know Gruden was running that offense. They did have a good year after gruden left but it fell apart soon after. Let's not act like Callahn is some offensive guru.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's not the playcalling, it was having a young QB he needed to groom. He's doing a fine job here and that is noticed around the league. If the O struggles this year, if Sanchez regresses he won't get a HC job. I don't expect that to be the case.

    We are all fans, we all complain about the OC no matter who it is. At the NE playoff game in January you should have heard the Pat fans whining about their OC. It's what fans do.
  3. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Clearly. Sanchez comp % was far too low, given the talent we had.

    He is asked to hold on to the ball for far too long, and go down the field far too often.

    It's not science. Parcells said the same thing about Vinny T.

    Then He brought him here, stopped asking him to go outside and down the field.

    How were his numbers then?
  4. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Yeah, its funny when a failure to adjust gets guys hurt.

    We were lucky this year.

    In fact a fair argument can be made that Preseason counts more for coaches than the top 40 guys on the roster.

    Go back and ask the Giants how they felt about ending Jason Sehorns career, when they should have been auditioning for the role of returner.

    Last night Philly was lining up 9 and 10 in the box, and yet, the wizard failed to make any adjustments.
  5. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Let's run it up the middle, without our fullback, behind the best 2nd and 3rd string O Line in football- we'll teach 'em!
    #2385 KOZ, Sep 2, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011
  6. Brunell's Debt

    Brunell's Debt New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Complaining about the playcalling in week 4 of the preseason is just so, incalculably stupid.

    The regular season starts in 9 days, there will be plenty of opportunities to rip on Schottenheimer then. But whining about the performance of the 2nd and 3rd stringers running about 20% of the playbook is a waste of time.
  7. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Hobbes i got news for you, last season yes thats exactly what Schotty was guilty of

    this preseason, the OL has been almost non existent 1st, 2nd, 3rd team whoever.

    if you wanna lament the guy just point to the pittsburgh game. not when our OL looks like the entrance turnstiles to Disney Land

    not even your buddy Hackett's 2 yard passes can counter that. (sidenote i dont think Hackett is half bad, but not the holy grail answer you make him out to be)
  8. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Defending a guy like Shitforbrains who couldn't even call 2 decent plays in a row last night, makes you look more foolish than those of us who are complaining.

    Was the goal last night to look as putrid as possible? I understand that you don't want to give away the playbook, but I would think that any coach's goal out there is to make the team on the field look as good as possible with the plays he's calling. He failed to adjust or compensate for player's deficiencies. Not that I'm surprised at all- there's something to be said for consistency.
  9. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Vinny was a 10 yr+ vet, sanchez was a 2nd yr player last year who take major positive strides. W/ Sanchez it's about decision making, he doesn't take the safe pass enough but it's a delictae thing. Do you want to take away the aggressiveness of a young QB? Do you want him to program him to always take the safe pass?

    His #s will improven, more importantly he was able to make big plays for us and play his best when we needed him most and brian deserves some credit for that.

    We came out w/ our 2 biggest injuries being a backup OL and a 3rd string QB so we are ok.

    sometimes it's just not worth it. How can any knowledgebale fans(and these guys are good fans) whine about playcalling in preseason? and the last preseason game no less!
  10. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Dear KOZ:

    Lay him (=Schottenheimer) a bit for now. We will have plenty of chance to go at him this season, from the way it looks. Unlike Patriots offense, this offense never looked even half decent EVEN IN SUPPOSEDLY MEANINGLESS GAMES. Of course Schotty supporters will cry out loud "It's a meaningless PRESEASON." So let them have it for now.

    Just know that I am licking my chops...
  11. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    You mean the Patriots that lost both of the last two games? Those Patriots?

    Based on the last couple of pages, people don't understand what the fourth preseason game is used for.
  12. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    What's it used for? Not adapting to the weaknesses of your line (double TE set anyone?), getting your backup QB's killed as they run for their lives, calling unimaginative plays even when you're only supposed to be showing 10% of the playbook, and lastly, playing to lose?

    Please, Swami, tell us what we're missing? From my standpoint, the last game is designed to allow coaches to properly evaluate talent. To properly evaluate talent, you need to call some plays which actually serve to benefit the offense, rather than making the group look like total shit on the field.
  13. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    No, you call vanilla plays that allow all of the players on the field to show you what they can do. It's not about winning the game, or even performing well as a team. It's about giving every guy on the field a few plays to show whether he deserves to still wear his jersey next week.

    Why don't you relax the passive-aggresiveness KOZ. You're so insistent on blaming Schottenheimer for everything that goes wrong on offense that you refuse to even look at last night realistically.

    Should we also fire Pettine for the defense being unable to stop Pop Warner players yesterday? Because the defense looked like absolute shit against Philly.

    Interestingly enough, most of the guys you saw last night will be bagging your groceries when you shop for your Labor Day cookout this weekend. Funny that, huh?

    But maybe next year we should open the playbook against Philly to prove that Schotty can coach a game.
  14. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    The passive-aggressive thing comes out when previous to my post, we're told that those of us who are objecting to Shitforbrains' playcalling don't know what we're talking about, or don't know what preseason games are about- when in fact we do.

    Pettine's D looked like absolute shit last night as well, but can I point you to his body of work over the last few years? It's not like Pettine calls shitty games or plays with some consistency.

    Again, I never argued that we should open the playbook, but how about just trying a little harder to put some points on the board and allow the players to excel?

    The highlight of last night was our punter.
  15. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Who actually watches the 4th preseason game anyway?
  16. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Having been without football for this long I'll watch anything!
  17. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Haha yeah, I had reason to be out of the house last night or I would have watched it too. Glad I missed it though since it sounds bad all around.
  18. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I happen to think Schotty is probably retarded. Has nothing to do with this preseason however. The only reason I add "probably" instead of just calling him retarded is because he has one last chance to prove himself...this year. Team used to be shitty and he sucked. Now the team is good but he still sucked. Since Sanchez was not in a position to carry an offense...I give him one last chance.

    I'm scared to death he's going to keep calling plays like a moron, but he has one last chance until his contract is up. I would have wanted him gone...but in the absence of that I'm hoping he can prove he's better than I give him credit for. There will obviously be improvement in playcalling this year but my assumption is he won't improve as much as he should with the weapons in place. Just keeping my fingers crossed he doesn't cost us many games.
  19. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Okay, for the most part that's fair. The thing is, maybe the problem is the personnel? The guys on the field last night were mostly awful. The only guy (once McElroy went down) that I expected anything from on offense performed okay (McKnight). Almost no one on the offense side last night is going to be on the team next week.

    I get that people like to beat on Schotty, and I'm not saying it's not completely unwarranted, but when people bring up the "body of work" argument, it makes me laugh a little bit. Does that "body of work" include things like beating the Patriots? Making the AFC title game two years in a row? Winning games with duck-armed QBs, over-the-hill former-stars, and rookies? Merry-go-rounds at the receiver position for a guy just itching to have an air attack offense?

    Everyone says Schottenheimer calls shitty plays. I dispute that. He calls a lot of plays his team then fails to execute. He does call plays that are far too cute, I'll agree with anyone who says that, but "shitty" plays? That's ridiculous.

    Yes, I want to see less of the bullshit wildcat. I want to see less of the getting away from what's working. At the same time, I want to see the offense execute the plays they're given. I want to see guys not overrun their routes. I want to see Mark hit guys in stride. I want to see the line open holes for our backs. Schotty can't do any of that. If anything, those positional coaches aren't doing their jobs.

    I have issues with Schottenheimer, don't get me wrong. I just think it's insane to continually harp on the guy like he's a moron who can't call a game. If he were, wouldn't a defensive genius like Rex have gotten rid of him by now? I mean, who better to say "This clown's schemes are never going to work" than a guy who spends his entire waking life developing ways to beat good offenses?
  20. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    But they sure looked damn good in the first two, didn't they?

    Jets offense? Did they look good AT ALL IN ANY OF THE FOUR GAMES? ESPECIALLY ANY OF THE FIRST THREE? I didn't think so.

    P.S. Don't get me going. I am trying not to bash Schotty as of yet. He is 0-0 so far this season after all.
    #2400 Zach, Sep 2, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2011

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