TMZ needs to get on his doorstep up there in Amherst NH (if they haven't already)
First they were fired. Then it was suspended at request of the league. Then it was suspended by team, not NFL. Now league is reviewing request to reinstate a suspension they say they never levied. Which is it? Maybe the team is just looking for the league's blessing?
they are sad to even ask them prior to the game tonight, it's simply the most arrogant bunch of people ever. Hubris is KING at 1 Espionage place
Not sure why anyone thinks putting them under oath makes a difference. They were part of the cheating and I doubt anything but money would make them tell the whole story.
On a scale of 1-10, how bulletproof would ya say the Wells Report is with 1 being not at all and 10 being completely bulletproof?
This jerkoff is still trying to convince us that Brady did not direct footballs to be illegally tampered with so as to gain a competitive advantage? 2 hours before his scumbag cheating team gets set to kick off the new season? Pathetic. _
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I've been watching you convince yourself. You've hung onto every bullshit story posted, all either debunked or by an "anonymous source". Given 5000x the weight to a rumor or something you see in print or on TV while completely devaluing anything incontrovertible if it conflicts with what you want to believe in your head. lol seriously, if you think YOU are going to convince ME of something you're drinking way too much of your own kool aid. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, that would imply I think your judgment on this issue is sound.
You need to put on your black rubbers, it's raining hard outside.......hey you're walking quite crooked....... Quack quack quack Hey, I take size 12 kicks, don't forget If I get caught deflating, the Pats should vacate ****
Nothing has been debunked except in the mind of you jerkoffs not willing to accept the fact that your franchise is a cheating bunch of scumbags. Your team got caught, proven guilty and got off on a technicality. You'll never get the validation you crave, jerkoff, and you know your championships are hollow. That's why you're here trying to convince us your franchise isn't a bunch of cheating scumbags. And my judgement is perfect. It would be imperfect if I tried to go to and try to convince them their misguided opinions are wrong. Go enjoy your game tonite, celebrate with "the Deflator" although I don't know why he's called that, he still looks like a fat fuck. _
Only Brady got his suspension nixed on a technicality Nothing else. Wear the cheating badge proud dick licks
And also lost the protocol he fought for to be able to handle the footballs pregame. Nice going douchebag. _
Be angry and act crazy with Elvii all you want, fact of the matter is you're in the tank and you look absolutely ridiculous. But tell you what, you got your wish the Patriots got docked a major draft pick for having negative public opinion. But no, you're angry and whiny and you want to hit from the red tees, well you and every other clown that can't handle watching your team lose or another one win got your wish. There ya go, the Patriots are effectively handicapping the rest of the league. Maybe that'll work for you. Have fun with the red tees.