I love the so called "fans" who will only watch and support the team when they are winning and playing well. This is the same mentality that runs down to Modells to get a packers jersey to replace their saints jersey...frontrunners. Good Riddance and don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Make the playoffs or don't, I'm confident that we will do everything to improve this team in the offseason and learn from the mistakes we made this past offseason, which was overestimate the talent. We have money to spend, draft picks, and the front office to get this ship righted quickly. Things could be much worse, we have a young core and we just have to shore up some areas.
TO ALL YOU FUCKS NOT WATCHING THE BILLS GAME, DON'T COME BACK AFTER WE WIN. AND DON'T COME BACK AFTER WE MAKE THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!!! IT'S FANS LIKE YOURSELF THAT MAKE ME SICK. sports is a game, it's not life or death, just have fun with it, whether we win, or lose.
Bahahaha...this thread is so full of vag. "Waaaaaaaaa...I'm going to start a thread just to let everyone know that I can't handle watching this team lose anymore!" Seriously, if it bothers you that much, just don't watch the game and keep it to yourself. Nobody gives a fuck that you're boycotting the team. It has no effect on the team, the product, or anyone else. All it does to slap it on the front page of the site is make you look like a giant crying douche. If anyone hates the team enough to quit watching, so be it. That's your prerogative. Don't expect those of us who have followed this team through absolute shit to give a fuck or pity you because you've decided not to be a fan for a week. Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking by putting this on the board?
It has nothing to do with confidence. I don't have a world of confidence that we'll "get it righted". We can't close out drives or games consistently, and I'm not sure we fix that. However, it also doesn't change the fact that I'm a fan. Whether you have faith in the team right now or not, real fans don't bail on the team because they kicked sand in their vaginas. That's the point.
I know how you feel buddy but come next Sunday you'll be sitting in your "lazyboy" watching another theatre involving the Jets! Fuck me I even have to take pepsi-bismol in my Jack D nowadays to endure a game.
wow thats awfully quick to give up all hope. its not like we are 1-13 and playing the seahawks. even then my dumbass will be watching. oh well i am sure woody doesnt care... yet
Sorry for my thread tough guy. Can I ask what you get out of cursing and all that? Like, what satisfaction do you get in real life from your post? It's a message board, relax a bit. I can post what I want, and you can too, but it seems as if you are doing some venting of your own and going that extra step to "attack."
I'm tired of seeing this whiny horseshit on the board. I come here because it's fun/interesting to talk about the team, even when it's critical and angry. I don't come here to see a bunch of people curl up in a ball and cry or spontaneously sprout lady parts. I can handle a bit of that, but when there's a game like the last one and it's a wave of estrogen sweeping over, it's fucking obnoxious. As far as satisfaction in real life, what satisfaction in real life does someone take from a fucking messageboard? This shit has no bearing on anyone's real life. At least, I hope it doesn't. If this is an indication of how you are in real life with this team, I really feel sorry for you. Jesus, just when I thought this thread couldn't get any gayer, now we have "let's talk about your feelings."
I mean, if you read my posts after the original one, you would see I ruled it to be pure ventilation and that I know, because I am the type of fan that I am, will be watching the game. Instead, you probably just read the original and went straight to 'Quick Reply' to lash out. I'm gonna keep this moving though, because there is no point to argue over the internet, at all...
Terribly sorry that I responded to your first post instead of reading through the rest of the thread first to see if your penis ever grew back. Perhaps the next time you have the impulse to create a shitty, whiny thread, you should sleep on it first.
Damn you guys really hate the least bit of ventilation that can be released on the forum like I did :rofl: .