Sounds like he did not have a heart attack so I am relieved. Hopefully he stays home and rests and maybe for one day we have a head coach who would not use a timeout after a video review, know how to manage a clock, know when to go for it on fourth down, make adjustments at half time, have the team in a non zombie state to start the game, show some emotion on the sideline and get in a players face coming off the field when they screw up instead of shaking his head and staring into space. Merry XMAS coach!!!!!
Jeez, some of you guys are total dicks. You may not like him, he may be out of his depth and not doing a great job, but he's still the HC of the New York Jets. Get well soon Coach.
He's flying up for the game just a matter if he's on the sideline or in the box. Dude, I wished him well and was just having fun with it since he's ok. Did u read the first sentence. Sounds like he did not have a heart attack so I am relieved.
well his symptoms were non-specific but MI and aortic dissection are at the top of the list so he had to go..... agree with shutting him down, whats the point of him coming back?? would be a another classic NYJ decision screw up if he is on the sidelines next week. now we can all have our own MI's watching brady dissect this secondary this afternoon.
Woody be a decent human being and shut him down. Send his butt home to spend christmas with the family and let him have a full reboot for next season. Get well coach.
well it looks like he IS going to coach. i don't agree with it. makes me think that if they do shut him down they are worried about the speculation about his job.
Bowles was cleared, and will be at game, saw a post, they didn't know if he'd be coaching from sidelines it booth, so apparently it was nothing serious.
According to Shefter he was throwing up ,he couldnt keep the medication down they gave him and was sweating.Sounds like food poisining.But they feared a heart attack
Richardson and his Video Its all his fault that broke TB down OMG Bowles said he "was having a little talk with him" Next thing ya know he collapses
I think the reason why he's flying to Foxborough is the same reason why he started Fitz one last time. TB is worried about his job status. Imagine if Caldwell comes in and the Jets actually upset NE. Even if there was only a minimum uptick in the quality of play, the whispers would grow louder until Woody would be forced to either give the KOD statement or fire him at the end of the season. TB is in a very vulnerable position right now and its apparent he's thinking about his job security health be damned. Yet another time where the Owner or a real GM should have stepped up and made the call about TB.
And this is where I stop reading the thread. FYI, Bowles is back with the team and will be coaching. Sorry to disappoint all the people rooting for fatal illness.
It's been a rough season, and a lot of it is attributable to the Coach, but you never want to wish illness on anyone.
I feel bad for Bowles and wish him a very speedy recovery. I feel even worse as a Jet fan for some of the most pathetic and insensitive comments on this site. I am now a believer that when one looks for the term "perfect dick head fan", he can only find it on a Jet web site.