Does anyone have any experience with either the bird buddy, or birdfy bird feeders? My wife loves birds, and has an ap on her phone that identifies by the sound. I saw these camera feeders with ai , and ended up getting both because researching online didn’t really give a clear answer to which is better.
Sandhill cranes back for the season. These 3 are Larry, Moe, and Curly, been coming around for a while now
I've got a BirdBuddy. Easy to set-up. Fun to watch birds. It was very exciting at first, as every bird is new, and when a new bird comes, we go crazy, but it loses a little of its appeal when it is just the same 3 birds everyday. Still worth getting if you want to put it up somewhere that you can't just look out the window though.
I ended up keeping the birdfy 2. Haven’t hooked it up yet, but looking forward to it. Got my parents the hummingbird one, they always have a lot of hummingbirds in their yard. It’s funny, I had never seen these before, until there were Facebook add starting in Nov. they must have all put out some strong ad fuel… my parents ended up getting 3 different versions . One from us, one from my sister, and one shipped down from my brother. I guess we all need to consult on gifts next year.
We have a lot of different little ones in our yard. Lots of cardinals, they the blue jays that chase the others away. This cam should let us see all the ones we don’t know were hanging around. I’ll definitely post some pics here when she gets it up and running We have a hawk that hangs out in the top of the tree outback in the summer. They are calling for 2-4 inches of snow here next week. Still too far out for certainty, but that will be like the apocalypse here.
We're possibly getting some snow next week and if there is even a light dusting, it's the same around here.