How about you just keep a big pig farm. Hobble the dudes, few stabs to get the blood flowing and tie their hands behind their backs before tossing them in the sty. Keeps the pigs fed and keeps from having to dig graves or anything.
Europe, what can you say "Belgian security services do a poor job of sharing intelligence among themselves, officials say, and they are hamstrung by restrictive laws, such as one that bans police from mounting night raids in private homes."
The third moron may or may not be caught. Media is all over the place on this one. edit: An arrest made but the third moron Najim Laachraoui is still on the run.
Why don't the terrorists bomb places in North Korea? Blow up Mecca and this shit stops. Bow 5 times a day toward a large pot hole bitches!!!!
Probably not Mecca as that would piss off 1.5billion people. Instead, I would blow up things in Raqqa. Two things for every bomb that goes off in a western city. In the meantime, I don't know why they're not taking out infrastructure in Raqqa. There shouldn't be a powerline, phone line, cell tower, waterpumping station operational after all this time. Time for daesh to feel the pain everytime someone acts in their name.
Why not Mecca? Blow it to smithereens. These jerkoffs want to blow up the Vatican. How many people would that piss off? _
Sometimes, I wonder why NATO even exists anymore: individual members get attacked, and their allies do absolutely nothing.
Because we're better than that. Because we're better than them. We don't intentionally target religious sites. We don't intentionally target schools and hospitals. We don't intentionally target women and children. Because we're better than them. Let them hate us for it. Fuck 'em. Get the guys who do the shit.
Or, as what most of the world would say, the people you worked with are just not strict Muslims and the terrorists are extremists who have bastardized their own version.
Stokes Bomb Mecca? Right now the world is dealing with only a few Muslim terrorists. If this is done, entire Muslims will turn into suicide bombers. Very very bad idea. But Western Secret services can go on offensive here and spread the terror to rich Arab countries funding Sunni Jihadists.
What do you mean they are "not strict Muslims"? The Quran specifically states that a follower must pray 5 times a day. If they don't pray 5 times a day, they are not followers (not true Muslims). They may identify themselves as Muslims, but if they don't pray 5 times a day, they are not real Muslims. These "not strict Muslims" also drink alcohol, which is prohibited in the Quran. So, these "extremists" are indeed real Muslims, as they follow what's in the Quran.
Hey Petro First off, thanks for banning Stokes. Much appreciated Secondly, if a guys is not a true Muslim if he isn't praying 5 times, how can a guy who kills innocent people can be called true Muslim? Do you know what Qur-an says about killing innocent people? Do you know what Qur-an calls Jihad? Look you don't have to believe me, you can do your own research but what ISIS is doing is 100% against Qur-an. Now rightfully, you will say why are these maniac terrorists are all Muslims and I don't really have an answer for you. I will give that to you.