but then he sold them the planes that didn't need refueling. (F-16I) And the bunker buster bombs that go deeper. GOP position is offer Israel whatever they need to get the job done and stay out of it. (what Israel wants) DNC position is block war because war is bad. (ultimately what the fundi's in Qom and Tehran want)
He can't win. Not an issue. Should he win, then it will be the..... wait for it.... . . . . . . . . . . . drumroll please.. . . . . . . . /queue theme from History of the World 1: SECOND Blackest Day in American History
I guess it doesn't really matter does it? Either way we're fucked... the question is do we want a black guy or Mormon leading the charge off the cliff?
Republicans keep telling themselves that, it's the old if I say it enough times it becomes reality routine. The fact that Romney can't even secure the nomination in the state with the 3rd highest LDS population (percentage wise) in the country tells you all you need to know about him. Now I do believe he will get it eventually it is certainly in the realm of possibility that the Nevada delegates are casting their support for Paul.
I'm actually more curious to find out what happens if Romney wins... Does all of the "outrage" disappear? Or do they ride Mitten's ass about debt reduction and freedom. I'm betting the house on the former, but until we know the answer to that I guess I'll just keep waiting for Obama to enslave me along with the rest of my white brethren. It's coming. He just waited 3 and a half years so he can have the element of surprise...
Is pointing out that Romney isn't a great politician a bad thing? Being a great CEO of the largest corporation in the world shouldn't be predicated on how much BS you can convince people of for votes. And yeah, it's always been that way in the modern era, but that doesn't make it any less stupid.
Considering the recent flop by Obama on gay marraige after having his hand forced by the vice president and the recent last ditch immigration policy 1 and 6 are prophetic coming four years ago. #5 was clearly a top priority of the white house from the beginning.
Ok seriously let's look at these for a second: Has this happened? In any way? There are no more immigrants, legal or illegal, here today than last week when Obama pulled a political stunt. And while I don't agree with the way he did it, he's barking up the right tree. You actually don't have to wait for comprehensive immigration reform to do two things that could be done in a weekend. 1) You let any kid born since (fill in the blank year) call it 1985, whether he/she has papers or not, stay in this country if they either a) are enrolled in a university or b) are in the military. Done. 2) You give a working visa to every masters degree or PHD graduate and you hand it out with their diploma. Done. Then you deal with the Mexicans. Which is the real problem. We don't hate immigrants, we hate Mexicans. Call it what it is and we might get somewhere. Under what circumstances did you think this was NOT going to happen? I'm fairly sure that people who think gays will never marry are the same people who walked around in the 30's and thought "Blacks will never share a restaurant table with me." History is very much against you, and whether it was Obama or the next guy or the one after that, it was coming. Deal with it. As for #5 you're right it was a priority of this administration, one which they royally failed at. But that'll be fixed Thursday. So again I'll go back to "I'm still waiting to be enslaved." P.S. 2,3,4,7, and two thirds of eight (big government I'll give you) never happened either.