Question to you: If Obama lowers your taxes, but raises Warren Buffet's taxes would you be pissed? Because Warren won't be.
It's not really a zero sum game is it? Raising taxes on productive money (investment capital) just ensures that there is less of it to be had... Lowering my taxes, but driving business into the toilet and possibly affecting my salary, isn't very helpful. It won't hurt Warren Buffet he's got plenty to spare, but it could kill you and me.
I'm just trying to understand if you are more interested in the plight of Americans as a whole or your own personal experience in changes proposed by the President elect. If you were to personally benefit from economic policy would it make this presidency less awful?
Yet somehow, increasing spending and cutting taxes while having historic budget deficits is somehow good. Explain that to me again.
The Netherlands has a tax rate of 52% for those making € 53,860+ and of 42% for those making € 31,589-53,859. Their rate of growth from 1989 to 1999 (I don't have the current data) was slightly higher than ours, their per capita GDP was slightly higher than ours, their median real equivalent income was more than 8x ours. And don't get me started on how much broader our wealth gap, and how much higher our poverty rates were..
Whats their corporate tax rate? Edit: that growth rate may also have been impacted by the opening of Eastern Europe.
The corporate tax rate is a three tier rate 20% up to a certain amount 23 and over a certain amount 25.5. US rates go to 39% and State corporate taxes can add 0 to 12% on top of it, it's not even close. The have a much more pro growth corporate tax policy than we do. There per capita GDP is 85% of the USA. If you own a home, live in a high tax State and make a decent living your income tax, property taxes and State income taxes are probably well over 40%.
How can you use the Netherlands as an example? The exchange rate for 53,860 euros to dollars as of today is 68,606 dollars. In the US, if you make 68,606 dollars a year your tax bracket ends around 25%. Someone feel free to do some math on that tax bill: For example, a single individual without children pays: 0% of the first $8,950 of income, 10% of the income between $8,951 and $16,975, 15% of the income between $16,976 and $41,500, 25% of the income between $41,501 and $87,800 It's still a real significant amount going to uncle sam, and for the record, unlike the Netherlands but not for long when Obama cuts the military in half, we're a superpower.
People don't lose their military supremacy because they lower the sizes of their armies, they do so because they don't pay for their wars. We might be speaking French now, if Napoleon wasn't embroiled in several wars. They had little interest investing in the French-Indian war, although they had almost 3x as many soldiers initially in from about present day Pittsburgh North into Canada. But they couldn't afford to invest in it. Surely, your also aware of what happened to the British during the revolutionairy war, or how Hitler came to power in Germany. Point is Strong Economy = Super Power. Numerically, I still think that China and Russia have larger armies. We can continue to invest in Military technology without giving the contractors sucker-contracts (which I believe McCain spoke about doing so as well)...
Just having Nukes makes us a superpower. The military is going human-less soon anyway with all the robots they're making not to mention the missiles that they can launch from across the globe.
So by your logic Israel, France, England, India, Pakistan, China, North Korea, soon to be Iran are all superpowers because they have nukes? A superpower holds hegemony not just in its region, but over the world. No one else has an army capable of going anywhere on the planet in under 48 hours. And no one is going to let nukes fly because of guaranteed MADD.
You're joking right? The F(*&*ng Netherlands? How can anyone in their right mind compare a country roughly twice the size of New Jersey, with less than 20 million inhabitants, oh..and did I mention a fairly homogenous population, to a behemoth like the US? (oh, and quite a large military budget they have for 68,000 people, civilian and military combined..)
No wonder this country is fucked up. Fear must be a horrible thing to live with. Everybody just relax everthing will be ok. If bush didn't put us in to DOOMSDAY then i am sure Obama won't either.hmy: Run for president in 2012 looks like you have everything solved already.
Germany compares about the same way, although to a slightly lesser extent... With a tax rate of 45% for those making over 250,000 Euros...
haha, didn't want to say anything, but I can find you a lot of redneck republican videos that are far worse you know. Just calm down and let the man do his thing before jumping off the roof. The country can only go up after the mess your boy Bush made.
Just what type of rights are being taken away? Wire tapping isn't very constitutional either you know.