The only thing that maybe correct at this time is questionable leadership. Getting punched doesn't mean he wasn't respected. Getting punched doesn't mean he wasn't respected and yet IK invited him to his camp so how much lack of respect did IK have for Geno if he invited him to his camp? Him sucking doesn't mean he doesn't understand simple concepts for some the game slows down for others as they gain experience.
Can we stop with this soap opera bullshit. From all accounts there were 2-3 players in the area at the time and it was immediately broken up. If two people are jawing and you don't have any indication it's going to escalate you don't jump in and do anything. They're grown men at their work place.
The same player that invited him to his camp? So IK didn't respect Geno, but yet he invited him to his camp? Seems legit. Plus you weren't there so you don't know who did or didn't stand up for Geno, and besides that Geno is a grown ass man he doesn't nor should he need other grown men standing up for him.
I did my research and Here's the list of QBs in NFL history who had there jaw broken by scrub practice squad players Geno Smith
bottom line is qbs don't get punched in the face ....Geno has the maturity level of a 16 year old trying to be cool in high school.Geno just isn't leader material, he's a good camp arm and a solid 3rd option at QB
Geno doesn't have the respect that Mark Sanchez did. At times, you were able to see teammates put forth extra effort on the field. Even though we lost, 2010 AFCCG comes to mind a lot. That team rallied around MS. Sanchez was definitely a better leader. Geno, not even close.
or, sanchez was on a team with a lot of vets and professionals and was having some success.he didn't seem to command much respect at the end of 2011
that wasn't entirely his fault - if you had Wayne Hunter on the right side protecting you, you would have a problem also. Pretty sure Mark was hurt too.
well I dont recall Sanchez getting ko'd by a teammate. But in all seriousness cant really say I remember hearing the locker room losing faith in him. And then of course you had his camp during the offseason.
Roger Staubach got punched by his backup QB. But I agree that Geno needs to develop better leadership qualities, others have developed it overtime.
That was only one guy's opinion, and that guy (Nawrocki) is a hack. He's wrong much more often than he's right, and could be a bit of a racist. Most of the other scouting reports talked about how hard Geno worked and how much time he spent studying film. Marshall said that Geno has been the first one in and the last one to leave. Bowles has talked about how hard Geno worked during the offseason. Does that sound lazy and like poor work ethic to you?
Gone on vacation for a month and come back to our QB with shattered Jaw from a team mate over 6 bills lol, Sheldon a pot head with a retarted entourage, Mo hurt, Dee hurt, Cro looking like he's 45 out there and the media having a field day with us... FFS being a Jet fan is high maintenance! #jetfanproblems #jets4life