Coinbase? For some reason I can’t buy that one on coinbase or pro? And how much do you need to retire. If my math is right you should be holding over 8 million coins.
I don't understand it because they just had a press release from CoinBase saying they're now trading it. But I made a WeBull account last night - the platform for 14 year olds. 5.7 million coins. I'm only 29 and after initial capital gain taxes and buying a dope house with expensive taxes, I'd feel more comfortable with $14 million in the bank to retire than $2.75.
That’s what I though but both coinbase and pro say it’s not available in my region. Just started to sign up for webull and it’s saying it can’t trade crypto in New York. I can’t buy Shibu, you guys should be rich and retired in a week.
New York doing whack things as per usual. I don't know what Coinbase is doing. Those fucks have been marketing Shib being available. You can try the other ones like Binance, Bittrex, etc. I just won't touch them since I got robbed of my XRP a couple years ago.
I'm not sure it's "whack." New York, as the nation's center of finance, has laws to prevent flim flam artists from fleecing the public. If the people running the company don't want to take the steps to protect investors that the state requires people might ask "why?"
My portfolio is living and dying by apple right now. It's dropped 12 bucks per share in 2.5 weeks. My 3 weed stocks (Curaleaf, Canopy Growers and Tilray) are almost all under 10. I think Curaleaf and Tilray def go under 10, and I'll buy at that point. Tilray just announced they are going to be adding more stocks, so may hold for that to happen before I buy.
Check out @AboveTheHorizon message on StockTwits Check out @AboveTheHorizon message on StockTwits We'll see if he's right. I'm not bullish on crypto every being accepted as a currency on a widespread basis (at least in my lifetime), but I'm certainly bullish on these prices rising.