Bill Belichick NFL Network Special

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by lamont_jordan_rules, Sep 15, 2011.


Will You Watch The Bill Belichick Special?

  1. Yes, Know Thine Enemy

  2. No, I'd Rather Be Intimate With Rosanne Barr, Oprah Winfrey and Kirstie Alley at the Same Time

  1. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    How many Jet references have been in this special? I only saw a few minutes. Any ingame action filmed? like week 2 jets game?

    plan on watching the entire thing soon.
  2. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    A whole segment on that game. They show BB on Saturday night telling the coaches exactly what the Jets were gonna do and what they needed to look for and stop, then they showed the Jets doing exactly what he said they would do and the pats not stopping them...
  3. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Jets game week 2 2009 starts at 5:30
  4. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Christ, Ernie Adams looks just like...

  5. 88toon

    88toon Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    watched both episodes, I actually thought it was well done. Nothing earth shattering really, but I thought the Randy Moss part going to Beli and asking him about the party was funny. When I saw it, I just pictured all the Pats in the locker room like this:

    Brady - "Hey man, did anyone invite Beli to the party?"

    Welker - "no why the hell would we do that? He is Mr Buzz Kill"

    Brady - "We have to invite him man. He will be pissed if he finds out about it like Michael Scott and probably make us run sprints till we shit ourselves on Monday. Someone has to go ask him if he is coming, but make it sound like shit"

    Moss - "dammit, yall actin like some fags. Let me go check him, I'll take care of this. No way he is coming but we gotta invite this cat"

    Moss comes back after the scene.......
    Brady "what happened"

    Moss "I think I fucked it up. I think he is coming, yo"

    Now enmeshed in our planet's collective consciousness: Randy Moss dolled up as SpongeBob SquarePants -- roller skating with Bill Belichick in pirate gear.

    More from 'A Football Life'
    In case you missed it:

    ยป Super Bowl memories Thursday night's airing of Part 2 of "A Football Life" provides an intimate look into the bond between Moss and Belichick, who spent three-plus seasons together before the wideout was shipped to the Vikings last season.

    In a Fellini-esque sequence, we witness an awkward meeting in which Moss, seated in Belichick's office, convinces the coach to attend the team's Halloween bash.

    "From a team standpoint, we're trying to have a Halloween party," says Moss. "So -- you're not interested in that, are you?"

    "In what?"

    "... Halloween party?"

    "Can I come dressed as the devil?" Belichick asks.

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    "... Ay! You might win the damn prize," Moss says. "We're trying to get us a little DJ, get us a roller rink, have us a good night."

    Things only become more surreal from here, as an eye-patched, outrageously goateed Belichick arrives at the rink in full-on pirate garb, greeted by SpongeMoss and various other Pats players dressed absurdly, including Vince Wilfork as Fred Flintstone.

    This would have been the optimum night for Rex Ryan and his Jets to cross their version of the Delaware and put this team down, but the party proceeds uninterrupted.

    "I was hoping nobody recognized me," Belichick told reporters Friday of the costume.
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Got around to watching part 2, my favorite parts:

    *Belichick showing the clip of Sporano (after beating us) screaming the AFC East "still goes through us!" He stops the tape and repeats it to the team, "the division goes through Miami", then cut to footage of them destroying Miami. Made Sporano look like a buffoon.

    *The part where he can't program the clock in his car.

    *Chewing out the defense after they were dancing on the field with a big lead over the Jags, Jags then go down the field in five plays and score, Belichick rips into his D, calling them "punks".

    All in all a great show, I'd like to see NFL Film do more of that, like Hard Knocks but covering the regular season and playoffs.

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