Big East to bite the dust? (rumor)

Discussion in 'NCAA' started by Barry the Baptist, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. kbgreen

    kbgreen Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    That was a good read! They are charging that the commissioner failed in his duties to protect the "football schools" by providing a competitive environment. As it looks - with Miami, BC, VT, SU and Pitt leaving I think they have a good argument. They argue they should be released from the 27 month obligation.

    I think the problem is they let the basketball only schools vote on Football matters and it ruined the league.

    I think once the BE gets a few new schools it will let SU, Pitt, and WVU go. I also think the BE will lose it Auto BCS bid!
  2. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    #242 Mambo9, Nov 1, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  3. Jam.

    Jam. Banned

    May 9, 2009
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    They gotta change their name if Boise State is in..
  4. A-11 Jets

    A-11 Jets New Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    The sense I’m getting is that: Boise State will go to the Big East, as long as, the Big East paints the picture that’s being advertised (Whatever that really is…) and if BSU can sort out what they are going to do with their other sports. (Not seeing any option that is going to be great for Basketball, etc.)

    This whole college football conference insanity is irritating, some stability would be a welcomed change. Still, I don’t see how this madness won’t end up helping Boise State’s football program. Geography is not a consideration anymore, and this program has outgrown rivalries and many of its traditions. Unlike, Olympic sports East coast travel is feasible for football. Personally wish things could stay regional, but I live in the Treasure Valley, what’s here? Boise is not a football town, definitely not a basketball town, and most importantly is not a big city as looking from outside of the Treasure Valley. Bronco Nation has grown leaps and bounds, but still has a long ways to go to match the level that the program has reached.

    I do not even think it comes down to AQ status for BSU. In order to compete it all comes down to money and air time, with the latter only really helping with recruiting. They can’t remain in a conference that does not support the approved 2k scholarship stipend, and for the MWC and WAC that might be hard for some to swallow.

    BSU will be able to see what it is the BE is putting together and then decided. I highly doubt there is change before 2013 anyways. They have already moved up, only to see things fall apart, so they will not do anything without many assurances in place. And with a “lack of institutional control” stamp, you can be sure as hell the Big East is going to have assurances of its own. (Ignorance, no matter how ticky-tack the call, is not an excuse at the ranks they have escalated into.)

    Boise has already taken steps to deal with their growing pains so it should work itself out. Bob Kustra will do what’s best for the school and for football, right now, that’s keeping Coach Pete happy. From what I gathered the local talking heads already consider this a no brainer.

    How about the Big Ole Mess? East doesn't make sense, but from BSU's perspective at least the scheduling looks better...

    From a comment on the Murph’s Turf /Stateman’s Link:

    Western Division:
    Boise State
    Air Force
    SMU (or Temple)

    Eastern Division:
    West Virginia

    Read more:
  5. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    C-USA 2: Electric Boogaloo
  6. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    That ship sailed when they invited Cincinnati, Louisville, Marquette, DePaul and TCU.
  7. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I don't know where you got the idea that the MWC doesn't support the 2K stipend which is bullshit anyway because all it does is help the big boys and it ain't gonna stop the SEC schools from buying players. I know UNLV doesn't like it but they are going to go along with it. They don't like it but they all know if they wanna compete they have to do it.

    As far as Boise moving it's ridiculous to even consider it. The conference is currently w/o a TV deal. They're unstable without as Louisville, Rutgers and Uconn refusing to commit to a future the conference is surely going to lose the AQ waiver they are currently on (they're not an AQ conference) and if those 3 teams leave for bigger and better conferences they'll be stuck in no mans land oh and for the record SMU doesn't even draw 25K fans to their games and they've had 2 good seasons since we invaded Grenada. How they deserve in over say Southern Miss who has had something like 18 straight winning seasons and made 9 straight bowl games in puzzling... oh wait it's not, SMU although they pull in ZERO market play in Dallas while S Miss play on Brett Favre's front lawn.
  8. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    It's the Big East, what do you expect. The conference reflects the commish: retarded. As for paying players, does SMU get credit for coming up with this first?
  9. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    Idaho clears Boise State to join Big East

    BOISE, Idaho -- The Idaho State Board of Education has given Boise State permission to pursue membership with the Big East Conference, a move that would mean more revenue and give the Broncos a clear path to the Bowl Championship Series.

    The board voted 7-1 Thursday to give university president Bob Kustra the authority to move Boise State's football program out of the Mountain West Conference and into the Big East for the 2013 season.

    Kustra has had ongoing discussions with Big East representatives, including during a campus visit by conference leaders last week. Boise State has not yet received a formal invitation to join, but Kustra told trustees he expects one to come in the next few days.

    This week, Big East presidents met in Philadelphia and signed off on a plan to add more teams to a conference hit by the defections of prominent schools like Pittsburgh, Syracuse and West Virginia. To offset those losses, the league is looking to add Boise State, Navy and Air Force for football only, and SMU, Houston and Central Florida for all sports.

    But Boise State's entry into the Big East carries a critical caveat.

    Kustra told the state board -- and board members agreed -- that the formation of a Western division is essential to joining the conference. Kustra suggested that SMU, Houston, Air Force and one other western school could make up that division. He declined to identify any other western schools that are now in talks with Big East officials.

    "The Big East is working on partners for a western division, with a championship game" with the winner of the eastern division, Kustra said.

    This year, Boise State moved to the Mountain West Conference, leaving the Western Athletic Conference, a league the Broncos dominated for a decade in football and several other men's and women's sports.

    But Kustra began entertaining other conference suitors earlier this year when the Mountain West was weakened by the losses of BYU and Utah. Kustra said Boise State would have to pay a $5 million exit fee to the MWC if it bolted in 2012, but nothing if it waits until 2013.

    "It is simply not the same conference we first agreed to join," Kustra said of the MWC. "The losses dealt a blow to competition and potential for getting an automatic qualifier" for the BCS.

    The MWC also can't compete with the revenue potential of Big East membership.

    Kustra estimates the annual payout to Big East football members at $3.7 million, compared to the $1.9 million projected as the top payout in the Mountain West. The Big East is also in position to rework its television deal starting in 2012, creating the potential of an even bigger football payday.

    Negotiations are also taking place to secure conference membership for other Boise State teams. Kustra said he hopes to solidify membership plans with at least one western conference in the next several days. He declined to identify the conference, but said geography is a key ingredient in finding a home for basketball, volleyball, tennis and other sports.
  10. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    Seems like Boise is pretty set on leaving the MWC.
  11. A-11 Jets

    A-11 Jets New Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Yeah Boise's only hold up will be waiting to see about the Western Division. BSU wants one more team... Thinking perhaps San Diego State, or BYU?? One more team from the West, as well as, the ones previously talked about and Boise will be there in 2013.
  12. kbgreen

    kbgreen Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    There is no way Uconn, L-Ville, and Rutgers are satisfied with the league as they have proposed it. I like Boise and all but they do not bring stability. This is a hailmary pass down 10 with 23 seconds left. Can a miracle happen sure but then you need two more to get the win.

    It just isn't going to work.
  13. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Here is the other thing that no article seems to want to mention maybe out of laziness or lack of research but the Big East currently is not an AQ Conference, they are on a waiver and Brad Edwards is reporting that even with the addition of Boise that doesn't get the Big East to meet 3 criteria set forth by the BCS to be an AQ conference. They'll move over in 2013 and have one year of being an AQ team and then that will go away.

    As far as the TV Deal good luck getting the money they think they will get. People watch Boise now because they're the anti BCS. Once they become part of the establishment people won't give a fuck about them. They're no longer a good story, they're a sellout. Throw in I'm sure ESPN or Fox can't wait to get those SMU/UCF games on the air.

    It's going to fail and it's going to fail miserably, you can't have 6 or 7 teams in a conference working on their own agenda to get into a better conference and expect it to be successful. Rutgers wants Big 10, Uconn wants ACC and Louisville wants the Big 12. I'm also hearing San Diego State could be another team but most of the Aztec fans I know want nothing to do with that Big East because it will come at a cost to their other sports, they don't want to drop basketball to the Big West and none of the BYU fans I know have interest in the Big Least either. Bet Gtown and Nova are excited for those big time battles against SMU and Houston.
  14. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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  15. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    Read an article that BYU is strongly considering joining a hypothetical "west division" of the Big East... so the scenario is:

    West: BYU - Boise - Houston - Air Force - SMU
    East: Rutgers - SFU - CFU - UConn - Louisville - Cincinnati

    Is there a 6th candidate for the western division? I still don't like how this is shaped up. I'd just prefer the Big East to not be a football conference anymore.
  16. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    The other West team is San Diego St. Now the Big East has lost complete control and the powers that be need to stop this bullshit. What does San Diego give the Big East? Nothing, they draw almost nobody to their games. Until last year it had been quite a while since they went to a bowl game and they're certainly not the main draw for football in Southern Califiornia, that would be USC. Academically they're a joke too.

    And word is Air Force is not joining the Big East, they don't want to place their eggs in that basket without Navy.
  17. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    The hypothetical Eastern Division looks pretty solid. It's this Western division that sounds absolutely moronic.

    I wonder if they're going to try and convince every football team in the MWC, WAC & C-USA until they find enough teams. Hopefully Boise and BYU pull the plug on this madness. If they agree to join this thing could go through though...

    PS Navy didn't sound to interested in joining right? If they don't get in I don't think Air Force will.
  18. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    As a SMU grad, I am very interested in how this turns out and have followed it closely. As it stands now, my understanding is that the conference will look like this:
    West: SMU-HOU-AFA-BSU-BYU and UCF (yes UCF)
    East: Rutgers, SFU, UConn, Louisville, Cinn and Navy

    Why is UCF in the West? Neither Louisville nor Cinn want to be in the West. To keep UCF happy, it will have an annual game against USF

    If this deal goes through, it is brilliant (given the available options) for all of the teams involved. The West will be composed of the 5 largest NON-AQ teams available + UCF. The East will be similarly composed of the largest Non-AQ teams available.

    Remember, anti-trust issues are very real as it relates to the BCS system. By banding together, they have made it harder for the Big Conferences to make it impossible for them to play in the big bowl games.
  19. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    Where did you find info about UCF in the west? That would be madness! I would think if Louisville & Cincinnati both don't agree to play in the west they'd try to get to 14 adding extra members from the WAC/MWC/C-USA.

    That said this process has shown many times that geography is not something kept in consideration for this madness.

    PS In a scenario where Houston, SMU, UCF, Boise, BYU, Air Force & Navy join the Big East that would leave a total of 22 teams in the MWC, WAC & C-USA... would that lead to the birth of the so-called super division?
    #259 Mambo9, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2011
  20. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Does anyone buy that this dude is really from fuckn' Italy? It's one thing to be so involved with the Jets, but now college football?

    Fuck outa here.

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