Best QBs Available?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by heartpumpsgreen, Sep 11, 2023.

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  1. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I'd like to think the plan is to wait for someone better to become available. But given how oblivious Douglas has been with the OL, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually plans to play Zach the entire season.
  2. Gremlin

    Gremlin Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    The trouble with waiting till week 8 is what happens if another QB goes down.

    Will Cousins perhaps opt for a 6-1 Dolphins team where the former starter has concussion issues?
    Maybe Tannehill wants to go to a contending Lions team where the injured QB's contract is expiring?

    How attractive will the Jets be to you if they are sitting at 1-5 with Rodgers penciled in to start in 2024 and Hackett as your OC?
    HomeoftheJets and BrowningNagle like this.
  3. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Cousins is the only one with a no-trade clause. The rest of them have no say in what happens.
  4. Gremlin

    Gremlin Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    The Titans do have back-ups with potential that they might be interested in playing to see what they got but if they can get through a Chubbless Browns and then the Bengals they'd be tucked in right behind the Jags with both Divisional games to play with the only other 'power' team left in their schedule being the Phins.

    Jags would still have Ravens, 49ers and Bengals to play.

    Vrabel doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to mess around whilst his teams still in the running.
  5. SackRecord99

    SackRecord99 Member

    Aug 18, 2022
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    Wait guys - how is Tim Boyle our damn backup QB? Like what is going on. I see literally no evidence that he has had any meaningful success at ANY level - ever. He played qb at UCONN for three years and had 1 TD / 13 INTS. Like I dont get how he is somehow in the league or even made a practice squad other than he is 6'4, 230lbs and has full head of hair. I though usually scout teams are these guys from like Division 1a who threw like for 47 bombs in their senior year.

    My fave thing last two years is after Z inevitably gets injured some random guy off the street comes in and outperforms him by 3X (mike white / josh johnson) - i cant even dream for that with this stiff. how is he the backup. what is going on?
    Jets69, HomeoftheJets and James Hasty like this.
  6. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Really? That's what you root for? Yeah, you're a real Jets fan.:rolleyes:
  7. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    It is a terrible idea to wait, basically white flagging it for 2023 already.

    you got Breece Hall starting to bitch, Garrett Wilson is a great kid but this bailing out Zach Wilson stuff is gonna get old. If Z Wilson even lasts it to week 8, he's liable to injure himself with his running backwards stuff anyway

    and lastly at 1-5 or 2-5, we wont need to make a move anyway as the likelihood of playoff football is low
    James Hasty likes this.
  8. SackRecord99

    SackRecord99 Member

    Aug 18, 2022
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    Nah not rooting for it but absolutely cannot deny my most enjoyable moments as a fan (and moments with most investment) last two years have been with Z on sideline. Now I cant even hope that will bring me back, because Boyle seems to be worst player that has ever been on an NFL roster. I really dont get it. How is he here. Would rather streveler even.
  9. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Without knowing what JD and Saleh are thinking, from the outside in just watching the lack of action here, it seems like the thought track is something like…look, there are no great options out there…there are a couple of borderline guys (Foles, Wentz, McCoy) - ALL of whom have performed much better than Zach, but none of them makes us a contender, so if there are no magic wands out there, may as well run Zach out there and give him a chance and see if he can develop, so at least we use this year for that since Super Bowl is a pipe dream.

    It kinda feels to me like that’s the mindset.

    I have a lot of issues with it…firstly, that in fact I believe LAST year was the year to see if Zach can develop, and he showed he can’t, so we now have the excuse of well it was MLF’s fault so now we have a real OC (debatable to my mind, but hey…) and he’ll get yet another year only because he was the #2 overall pick. Secondly, I still think that with this shit OL, there is a decent to good chance that Zach will miss some time, and the fact that Boyle is our ONLY option is like malpractice.

    It’s really mindboggling

    I am a JD fan, but the way he’s handled this so far is mind-numbing…and coupled with his inability to field a decent OL in 4 years, those are two huge issues.

    But it looks like sink or swim with Zach is the plan…like it or not…it’s what they’ve SAID and it’s what they are DOING.

    With coaches and GM’s, words mean absolutely nothing…they never tell you the strategy or what they really think…they can’t give that away, so I always kind of take anything a GM or Coach says with a grain of salt. You need to watch what they actually DO, not what they SAY. And in this case, the actions match the words. For some reason, whether they truly do believe in Zach, or whether they just feel like there are no better options out there, they are willing to roll with Zach. If that happens and he plays like he’s played for 2 years now, we will be drafting in the top ten again, and to me, that means we need to use that pick on a fucking QB yet again.
    SackRecord99 likes this.
  10. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Sorry, I can't wrap my head around this.
  11. SackRecord99

    SackRecord99 Member

    Aug 18, 2022
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    ahhh just take the Z hate out of it, real question is how is Boyle our backup QB. It's literally insane. I've never seen a qb with less impressive numbers in college. I'm genuinely curious as to how he made the NFL.
  12. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    This is where I really struggle to understand where you base your assessment of Zach on. How can you seemingly acknowledge that MLF sucked, that we had the same (or worse) OL, that we didn't have even as many skill position players - and one of the best, Breece, went out after 5 games - and yet somehow, because a young QB who have even worse support his rookie year, plus lost significant time to injury, somehow he was supposed to overcome all of that and because he didn't "He sucks and will never be a good QB".

    It makes zero sense to me.

    I've said many times that maybe Zach isn't the answer. That he hasn't yet proven himself. That he hasn't had that big game or two that good QBs always have. But do we really know for sure that's because he isn't able to, or that he's been handcuffed and mismanaged and didn't have enough talent around him when he was on the field? I emphasize that last part because I've heard people point to all the talent the Jets had his first year, but that didn't show up until after he went down with his injury, and when he returned, key pieces of that talent were themselves out with injuries. And as I pointed out, Breece Hall is great, and in fact when he was on the field with Zach they went 5-1, but then he went down, and look what happened?

    All I've been arguing for is that Zach be given a fair evaluation under decent conditions which he has not had before this year, and even now, the OL is still a joke, and yet he's showing improvement in dealing with that. Still, he might not pan out. Maybe he'll only even become a career backup. But given what he's had to deal with so far, there is no way anyone can evaluate him fairly.
  13. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    It’s so detached from reality to think he just wasn’t given a fair shot in his first two years at all. Things in the NFL can’t always be perfect conditions for a player and specifically a quarterback - young or old to succeed.

    LaFleur’s offense seems to be working just fine in Los Angeles.
  14. Jets79

    Jets79 Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    well we just have a different opinion, which is all fine by me and I love the debate. I just don’t put as much weight on the excuses as maybe others do. I’ll grant you the OL has been below average. So was Burrows…in fact his OL cost him a season as well…didn’t stop him from showing from Day 1 that he was legit…and that was on a Bengals team that has historically been about as dysfunctional as us. I’m not so sure as others are that MLF was terrible…seems to be doing fine in LA as OC, was basically running a system that made Brock Purdy look decent enough. I never put stock in the WR drops argument from his rookie year because every QB deals with drops, and half the drops were due to his bad ball placement anyway.

    I don’t ignore the issues, as they were real and were plenty, but I don’t give him a pass because of it. The other thing is that we are no longer at game 10 or 15. We are now at game 25. And he has looked pretty much the same throughout. I love that we can find minutia to point to some incremental improvement, like hey his footwork is better, and I love that we have to dig into some fun charts that show minutia like open windows and on targets and stuff like that. I’m glad he’s making progress.

    But I guess I believe that truly great players don’t take all that long to show it. Burrow showed it year 1. Peyton showed it Year 1 with 30 TDs to go with his 30 picks. Lawrence started showing it year 2. Hall, though at a different position which is MUCH easier to acclimate to, showed it Day 1. Brady showed it year 1. Hurts showed it Year 2. Great players are great, and they overcome obstacles and especially at QB, they elevate the rest of the team. If Zach was truly great, he’d be reading defenses MUCH better both before the snap and in the play. He’d be way more accurate. He’d make quicker decisions and quicker throws. He wouldn’t still be throwing bonehead picks to the other team because he didn’t see the LB standing right there.

    So to me, forget it. Great is never going to be an outcome for him. We’d have seen some flashes already. So now I’m down to ok…can he be decent? Can he be average? Can he be NOT the worst rated QB in the league?

    We’ll see. I hope so. I’m not confident, but I hope so.

    So while we see the tiny baby steps that have improved…to me the biggest one is the fact that so far he seems to be hitting more of the easy layup throws that he missed so often his first two years…so yay! But come on, every QB should hit those at like 75% rate…he was less than 50% on those before, so kudos to him. But the big picture is still the same guy.

    We’ll know he’s there when we can all watch the games and don’t have to have 10 page threads debating why he actually did ok…we’ll all watch the game and say hey man…he played a good game. or he played a great game. Then we’ll be there. But the fact that we can debate this, and the arguments for why he didn’t suck have to go deep into minutiae and have to refute the basic QB stats like rating, completion rate, yards per game, and TD-Int ratio show that he’s nowhere close to even being decent.

    I know you’ve said he’s not there yet as well…so honestly I think our only difference is our confidence in his ability to eventually get there…your’s is way higher than mine. And that’s fine.
  15. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    On that we can agree. The only rationale for signing him is that at the time they hadn't yet gotten Rodgers and they felt they needed someone who could run the offensive system they want to use, and they didn't want another "Mike F'n White" fiasco where whoever they signed would trigger a QB controversy as soon as Zach threw his first INT. But, was there really no one better? Especially after they signed Rodgers? Hard to believe.
    C'mon man! There's a big difference between "not being given a fair shot", and being completely mismanaged and asked to overcome it all. Douglas told him on draft night, "Don't worry, we won't ask you to carry us, we'll carry you", and then did the opposite.

    And it's not about "fairness", it's about common sense. How do you mishandle the development of a young QB who everyone knew needed to sit for a while to learn the speed and complexity of the NFL (as even Mahomes did) and expect anything other than what happened, and also then blame the QB? No, that's not to say Zach didn't have any part in that, but he certainly tried his best to overcome it, and has yet to say one bad word about it all.

    And I don't watch other teams so IDK how LaFleur's offense is doing, but I can say that the circumstances are apples and oranges. He has a veteran team and QB to work with, and a a HC who understands offense who can weigh in on his decisions and help him. He had none of that with the Jets, so it's not at all surprising that he could do better somewhere else. It changes nothing about the reality that he sucked here, and sucked for Zach's development.
    JetFanInNE likes this.
  16. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    LaFleur's offense? Really?
    bicketybam likes this.
  17. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Yeah I mean I think part of the problem is that you don’t watch other teams so you have no frame of reference.

    But you do watch the Jets and the four best quarterback’d games played for this team over the past two years have not been by Zach Wilson. Same system, same scheme, same players.

    You could make it 5 if you want to include Josh Johnson’s almost Indy comeback.
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    LaFleur's (both brothers) system is one of the most friendly systems for young QBs. The QB is not asked to make as many difficult throws at the sideline
  19. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I think Jets fans need to get a little bit more used to recognizing that multiple things can be true at the same time.

    The Jets don’t make young quarterbacks lives any easier.

    The Jets haven’t really drafted any quarterbacks that would’ve succeeded anyways.
  20. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    It should be a requirement that if you want to talk about Zach, you have to watch at least one non-Jets game each week to see what real QB play looks like this century.
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