Best I have seen this board after a big loss.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by scoochydawg, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    True, but that in itself doesn't make us "elite" as we split with NE, lost to NO, lost twice to MIA and lost an important game to ATL at home as well. By those metrics, we're still on the way up but not quite there yet. Pretty damn close though.
  2. onefanjet

    onefanjet Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2005
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    I stayed away from the boards right after the game 'cause I thought it would be full of bitterness and negativity. Glad to see the positives though, I am pleased with what we accomplished this year and you have to tip your cap to Peyton and the colts, beating them would have been a tall order, they are a sound team with a brilliant field general. I am exited for the jets future as we have many of the pieces already in place..... GO JETS!!!!!!
  3. Vilmalover51

    Vilmalover51 Active Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Amazing season, the best I have ever experienced considering I'm 21. This team is from here on out expected to be a 10-14 win team for the next 6-10 years. We definitely have a QB who got the greatest rookie experience ever. Jet fans were not as down as I usually seen them walk out of stadium after a big loss. We were all hugging each other this time knowing that we will be back, unlike 1999. We need a dominate edge pass rusher and our D will be best ever. A few more additions to our Offense and that will also grow to be great. Rex better get his health checked, we want him around for a while, unlike Bill P. Sanchez can only get better. You name it, this team has things to grow on. Im VERY excited for our future. The same old Jets is leaving this team folks and I'm damn proud to say it
  4. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I'm very happy with the season, even though I thought we were on our way to the SB after the first half.

    I guess I'm optimistic because we have an identity and we should ride it to many more playoff appearances and possible SB victories.
  5. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    People were talking 7-9....or at best 9-7.....well, aside from the jive about teams keeping people off the field, the point remains:

    When we were posting about the Jets during training camp, if someone asked you:

    The Jets are in the AFC Championship Game...playing for the Super Bowl...wha?..Jets in the 2010 Super Bowl??!!......

    again, July, 2009......loved seeing them knocking Peyton on his ass early in the game....we need a pass rush beyond the 'scheme' blitz......we need that '86 Bears' terrorizing rush that put the fear of God into the QB.

    That said: well done Jets. In 2010...kick the livin' shiate outta the QB....

    Rex, love the "punch-'em-in-the-mouth" mindset.

    I gotta be thinking that somewhere.....Joe Klecko and Mark Gasteneau is thinking: ...

    " this scheme, I"d love to (in Kelcko's 'Temple' 'youth') give free "4-3" reign to Peyton......

    Remember when the Jet would kick the shiate out of the Packers and allow the Giants to get into the playoffs; i.s. the Pack owned the Jints....the Jets owned the Pack.

    But, it's another year. Agains, well done "rookie" QB...and fatso "arrogant--love you!" rookie coach~!

    We're now a "punch-in-the-face" team that you do NOT want to play.

    Rookie QB within one game of the Super Bowl....his FIRST YEAR?....

    I think the Jets are positioned well at the most important position in football; quarterback......his trying to force it when the game was over in the 4th quarter notwithstanding.....

    p.s. nice 'cover' guys...but Strickland, Lowrey, et al ...... throughout the year:

    "twecked" ....

    and as much as I love him....

    Shaun Green gets "hurt" ......


    .... often

    ...or so it seems ...... what's up with that? .....
  6. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I'm less devastated because we lost due to a damn good game by the Colts and key injuries on our side. Our QB played well on the 2nd biggest stage, which is heartening, and I feel good about our future. Still, I'm apprehensive as always about next season. I know that 99 team wasn't young, but we were considered the SB favorite going into the 1999 season. We all know how that ended. I'm cautiously optimistic that we can build on this for the future, concerned about FA, and hopeful for the draft.
  7. PennyRoyal10

    PennyRoyal10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2005
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    For me, the biggest difference aside from the youth on this team, is that with Parcels I always knew he had one foot out the door. I felt we were not only up against the age of our team, but BP high-tailing it sooner than later. Obviously Ryan has no such intentions of looking for the next reclamation project.

    With Sanchez, all I could've hoped for was him having this sort of experience by his third year. The fact that he has gotten this far will only accelerate his learning curve...
  8. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    We'll sweep Buffalo next season.

    I guarantee it.:smile:

    Silver lining? This game put in stark relief what we need to do in order to compete with the top tier in the NFL...i.e. a better pass rush w/o relying on the blitz.
  9. cassie96

    cassie96 Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Absolutely!!! I could see that Lombardi, in a heartbeat, after the first half.

    We still have to be proud of our rookie QB/rookie HC up against a very seasoned Peyton Manning.
  10. cdz12250

    cdz12250 Member

    Mar 3, 2008
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    I have to admit that I came here to enjoy the usual ragging and gnashing of teeth, and all I'm seeing is maturity and pride. Kudos to you Jet fans.
    #30 cdz12250, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  11. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    No shame in their performance this year. We certainly over-achieved and I think most understand that. To come this far with rookies at HC, QB, and RB and to lose a few good players to injuries. I was feeling blessed to make the playoffs... advancing as far as we did was like the cup running over.

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