You're right. Rooting for a team containing colors a few shades darker than anothers makes you more manly, it also makes your dick bigger, and more attractive to the ladies. You know, if I didn't know a handful of Models from Texas to Florida that found my dick size adequate I might be rooting for the Jets. Well, that and the whole Namath pantyhose thing.
Eh, I dumped a couple of pics from my last girlfriend in the Hot Chicks thread. That's as good as your getting, and you've got to get it yourself.
No hard feelings, My colors have been gay since the first time I met a Jet fan - and they'll stay gay until I've fulfilled my lifelong dream of a Green concentration camp filled with torture and death. That reminds me, I've got work to do.
You sure you're in the right place???... The only people I've heard say "gotta love the silver and black" are Raiders fans....
I like the black jerseys worn by New Orleans I also like light blue Jacksonville jersey and the orange Cleveland but by far the best is the powder blue Chargers jersey
am i the only one that thinks the raiders uniforms are quite ugly? i mean, a few teams pull off the retro/oldschool look pretty good (jets, packers, bears) but i think the raiders are just too plain and blah. all it is is silver pants and a black jersey with silver letters. theres no stripe or anything special on the jersey. the pants have a stupid black stripe on them, thats all. i understand that people like basic, simple uniforms but i really think the raiders are too plain. plus, if any team has the ability to come up with a cool new logo and uniform i think it would be the raiders. you can make the pirate guy look more hardcore and fancy of the uni a bit, maybe add some sharp stripes or something. i dont know, i just think they could be so much better
I like San Diego's throwback uni, Chicago, Indianapolis, Oakland, Buffalo's throwback uni, Washington and Pittsburgh.
Oh I like the home uniform. The away uniform is uuuugly. The white and black jersey is a disgrace to mankind.
i like the bengals all orange jerseys, and the dolphins orange jerseys, but u cant go wrong with an old NY titans blue and yellow!!
I have always been a fan of teams with the plain I really like the Packers, Raiders, Indianapolis, Browns and of course the Jets jerseys... Miami Dolphins have the worst orange and aqua? Those are some TOUGH looking uni's! The ugliest uni's are the new falcons uni's....