At the beginning of the year, I thought the Jets would treat him like the Green Bay Packers treated Aaron Rodgers or the way the Niners trained Steve Young. But after the Jets just through him the playbook and said saddle up, I thought they were crazy. Now, I keep waiting for Geno to go off and have a superman game, but Holmes and Winslow are out, so his stunted. I mean seriously, someone tell me, just how does he complete his passes with those schmucks out there? Anyway, what was the question, patience, well I guess it depends on Geno?
Ok this is about Luck not Geno but.. Coming out of college nobody thought he was a scrub. Nobody thought he would take a long time to develop. He was considered the best QBs to come out of college in the last 20 years. He looked like a pro QB at Stanford and was practically unstoppable. The only controversy around Luck was how RG3 beat him out for the Heisman.
You are the epitome of a typical ESPN fact shoveler. You eat up everything they say and spit it right back out.
LOLGFY. Been watching Luck since 2010 at Stanford. I actually watch college football. Dipshit. Tell me why YOU think Luck is a scrub. Go ahead. Dipshit. _
Geno looks to me like a franchise QB in the making. The turnovers are part of the game for a rookie QB, especially in the redone where everything is so compact and happens so fast. I really see no limitations in Geno's game. The kid can run, he's accurate and can make all the throws, plus he's got a pretty nice deep ball. As he gets more games under his belt he should be better with his decision making and better at reading defenses. He needs to learn to step up in the pocket instead of drifting backwards. Give Geno some playmakers on offense and I think you'll see this kid really take off.
Geno in two - three years will be an established franchise quarterback. The best thing about him is not his arm strength but his ability to forget the bad play and keep taking chanches to win the game. I'l glad the Jets are being patient with him, and surrounding him with good coaches/veteran quarterbacks like Garrard to learn from.