Good to see that Tully Banta-Cain went back to the Patriots. I guess he was disapointed to find out that the 49ers didn't video tape other teams so he was lost on defense not knowing what plays the offense was running..... Hopefully that shit is accurate with Scott..... I don't trust ESPN..... they want to be 1st so bad that they will jump the gun alot of times. I guess getting trumped by guys like Glazer and the NFLN guys will do that to you.
LMAO I'm sorry, I'm laughing out of delirium at this point. If I hear one more person say "it's official," I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown...
Sny daily news live. Jets beat writer Rich Cimini coming up with the details. they say if Scott left Jets without signing kiss him goodbye.
htt p: //w ww. sportingnews .com/blog/real_ scouts/entry/view/17583/were _jets ,_bart_sco tt_not_on_the_sam e_page? A strange situation unfolded on Friday after linebacker Bart Scott arrived in New York. Amid reports that Scott had agreed to terms, word eventually surfaced that he was still giving the Ravens a chance to match. So what happened? One league source with knowledge of the dynamics tells us that there was a misunderstanding between the terms discussed between the Jets and Scott before he arrived at the team facility and the terms of the deal once it was reduced to writing. The reason for the misunderstanding isn't known. The outcome of the misunderstanding is that the Ravens are still in play to keep Scott. Per the source, although other teams were interested in Scott, the decision is expected to come down to the Ravens or the Jets
Pete Kendall and Chris Baker both thought they had a different agreement with the Jets than actually transpired also. What's going on here?
ESPN1050 Radio Scott to Jets is Official ESPN Radio reporting Bart Scott to the Jets is Official 4:53pm. They said the official announcement will come within the hour.