That is a fair assessment. I see signs that he can be at least a good QB. We really don't know who will be the best QB out of this year's class for a while. After 3 years, we can see where they are and how right or wrong we were.
So because I wrote one thing in a thread populated and cultivated by fanboys, its on me? Just for saying that the rookie of the week award is voted on by fanboys? In a thread that I didnt post in before that response since August 10th, while fools have been dick slapping all things Baker regularly? And like seem to be doing, will jump to the little guys defense if some mean old Jet fans posts something that Baker might not be happy with? It keeps getting more and more twisted for the fan girls
Oh stop, you hated the player. The “cool” and “moxie” shit was from dudes that don’t really watch college football. And desperation time? Who ever said he was the mist accurate passer...”EVER”? If you watched him and didn’t have an irrational hate for the player, you saw a guy with a very strong arm that was very accurate and could make every throw. He didn’t need to all the time because he was often throwing to open guys but he also threw into tight windows with regularity and ease. The leadership and “winning” was just bonus stuff that would help compensate for the height issue. Can’t wait for SolidShitBowels to weigh in on how every completion was high, low, behind or in front of the receiver and could only complete passes to wide open receivers. And couldn’t make NFL throws that he’s already showing I’m just 5-6 games that he can absolutely make NFL throws.
Love the fanboi and fan girl taunts. They must be so embarrassed. As for me? I’m a football fan, a college fan, an NFL fan and I like and appreciate good players. It’s funny that one of the kids here made some comment about NFL fans wanting to sniff Mayfield’s underwear. Real adult.
I know that and I bumped it because some idiot on the main board said he wasn’t playing so well lately. Notwithstanding it’s a fan vote, if you’re playing poorly you’re not nominated. It’s how it’s always been.
This is what the problem was. In his film analysis, he tried to find anything bad to say about each throw. He said he was being objective, but it was obvious that he was letting his bias cloud his judgement.
Exactly. Every throw was criticized and the few throws he said were good were because the receiver was wide open or he had a better option. And he was praising Allen for total shit throws and excusing him.
Obviously he still really hates Baker. And fans that like him. Lmaool. But the extremes on here were pretty bad I admit. But there were some fantastic objective views also that weren't closed minded. Not that it matters a fucking bit but I'm pretty convinced that Baker was the second choice for us, tho I concede Rosen was possible. That is based on my reading of Bowles' comments leading up to the draft, and what he said afterward about Sam.
Darnold was my favorite, Baker was clearly my second favorite, Rosen third. Oh geez, I guess I’m really a Darnold fanboi. I’m somehow compelled to buy his used underwear on eBay.
I liked Baker from the start and said so on here. But never did I say unequivocally he was a lock. The other stuff was between dudes that were more concerned about being right. The extremes on either side. They all ended up hating each other hahah It was kinda funny I thought, the blanket comments these guys used to discredit him and how he proved some of them wrong right away. As time goes on they dig in with something new to hang on to to being right. Lol. My biggest concern with him is him getting beat up and that taking a toll on him. I say he can play and is one hell of a competitor that finds a way to succeed any way he can. A lot of that come from his makeup, smarts, and savvy, imo.
I think too many of them saw him and said “Johnny Football” instead of wiping that memory out and just watching how talented he was/is. He’s obviously not a lock-kind of like Watson-is he really good or not good—but it’s pretty clear he can play I’m the league. Who knows at what level but to still doubt he can play is silly. And clearly he has energized that franchise and that city. That’s not some “moxie” idiocy, that’s a guy taking the job and running with it. Same thing Russell Wilson did.
Yup, including his size. They couldn't get around that so they discounted what he was doing well and couldn't give him credit. When you listened to the people reporting on him in person up close, guys like Joel Klatt, they were all saying he had a live arm, his fastball was popping. This is something that gets verified in person, not in the film room in your mothers basement on youtube They just wouldn't consider his arm and accuracy. In sports there's small guys that refuse to be denied and you have to take that into account with athletes and not write them off on size. A couple of people swore on that with him.
First off, stop telling me who I hate or dont hate. For one doesnt make any difference, I could tell you whats to hate about any player, unless of course this kind of nonsense makes you feel better telling yourself that your mancrush is just hated. I watch college football. Why I wasnt sold on Mayfields inflated numbers. I saw that he threw to wide open receivers, I saw that his teams were loaded compared to competition. I knew he benefitted and given the other issues, like size, I didnt have him at the top of the QB list. Why this twists anyone, gets their panties twisted is where the fanboy shit comes into play. If I didnt like any other player for specific reasons like these it would never get the defensive replies like this guy gets. You guys are so damn predictable. Oh shit, run to post, someone doesnt think our guy is the next Drew Brees. Those are fighting words, lets get him! LOL Find an example of hate by me, hate. Not actual reasons for him being my 3rd QB behind Darnold and Rosen. You know behind Darnold like 99% of the evaluators, behind Darnold and Rosen like 95% of those evaluators. So cling to that "you just hate" line of thinking if it makes you feel good, along with the idea that only you watched college games Im going back to our team, done talking about a player who isnt on our team, not our concern. Go Jets
Its not a taunt. Its what it is. Running to Baker Mayfields defense at every turn and then complaining about anyone who only liked him as their 3rd QB. Thats actually fighting words to you, pisses you off that there are genuine questions about him. I wanted Watson the year before. Heard a lot of reasons not to take him. I was right, they were wrong. I dont post about Watson. Dont defend his bad games or praise his good ones, its over. Some dont get that line of thinking.
For a guy you say was your third QB, you sure dumped on him an awful lot. You and SoldShitBowels led the anti-Mayfield brigade. It's ok, I like talking about other players in the league. Not because I'm a fanboi and I want to sniff anyone's underwear, but because I'm a football fan. And I like good players.
You can’t be “right” about Watson. It hasn’t been 3 years. Apparently, those are the rules. Not sure why you wouldn’t talk about him though, that’s what the NFL Forum is about. Talking about other games, teams, players. I wouldn’t think any less of you if you did. Makes for good football discussion. Some don’t get that line of thinking.
I dumped on no one. I gave my assessment on what he was in college and the questions it left me with him as a NFL prospect. Too many questions left me wanting nothing to do with him if there was a better option. IMO Darnold had the most boxes checked and Rosen a close second.