Both have members who refuse to evolve as time has gone on. Most have evolved. You just pretend one religion hasn't. That's the difference.
Ahhhh so it's just a coincidence that terrorist acts perpetrated by Muslims are Muslims. Btw, the people blowing up abortion clinics or shooting up PP are true Christians. I won't deny it but I'm also not going to defend it. _
You are more concerned with deluding yourself to protect muslims than you are in the truth,and the well being of your country. Just keep in mind,that when one of these radicals decides to blow something up they aren't going to do a census of a building and check if you are a liberal voter and if you "stuck up" for them. They will kill you and your family too. When your government comes out within 5 hours of the shooting and starts pushing gun narrative ,and Lynch vows to prosecute any anti muslim speech,you might want to start to think about exactly whats happening and going to happen here.
One of the greatest parts about the "not real Muslims" and "isn't about Islam" memes is that it's only NON-Muslims who spout it. You don't hear that from Muslim people. You might hear them say that it's a violent reading of the Quran they don't espouse, but even they won't torture plain facts. I really do mean it when I say: it's something to behold those who trip over themselves to claim this bizarre brand of enlightenment.
Show me the widespread sacrificing of children and goats by Old Testament followers. You keep spewing nonsense. It has nothing to do with followers evolving. Individuals don't evolve. The practice evolves. And Islam hasn't evolved. The non-violent Muslims aren't non-violent because of the religion but because most human being are non-violent. But the religion still preaches the exact same message today as it did hundreds of years ago.
That's why, I'm happy to protect innocent people. I don't protect terrorists. They are two different people but some people in this thread would like to believe all Muslims are part of the latter group. And given I fight terrorism for a living, I doubt they'll give a shit who's a liberal and who isn't. And if they want to come for me, that's fine, I'll happily take as many as I can with me. So save your rah-rah fight the terrorists shit for someone who needs it.
. well if you fight terrorism for a living then you are fully aware that we have an administration right now that protects radicalism ...this shit doesn't just happen.
Because it's s big circle jerk of contrariness where the group supports each other's self delusion so they can pretend they are "progressive" or enlightened in their thought. It's the equivalent of child molesters arguing there is nothing wrong with ducking children because other child molesters support their desires.
If jihad and murder are relevant to the religion today, why aren't more Muslims committing acts of terror? Why is it only the minority? Do you know why Mohammed declares death to the infidels in the Quran? Are you aware of the context or are you picking and choosing just like ISIS are? Half of their members have never read the Quran nor can cite verses from it. Does that sound like someone who is religious? Just as nobody is preaching the backstory of the Old Testament, only extremists actually believe in the out-of-context verses found in the Quran. By saying that only ONE religion has not advanced past its savage practices, which is not true and there are many examples, it qualifies your opinion as bigoted. It's simple. The only one seemingly being an emotional hysteric is you, crying that Muslims follow a violent religion.
I'm glad you think its funny. Go tell people who were at the xmas party when the gunmen walked in that its funny how terrified they were too. Liberals are too fucking stupid to ask the questions. Why,in the history of "invasions" and military actions in the country... in the case of Syria would we be more willing to let millions of people relocate instead of doing what we usually would do? And the fact that refugees are mostly young men and not even Syrian should terrify you. Why not research what is happening all over Europe right now.
You might want to re-read this, or edit it. Makes no fucking sense. Individuals evolve. Practices change BECAUSE of the individuals.
I will say this in defense of Muslim people. When you live in a region where the radical and violent get more support from the most powerful nations to help do their will most likelyu be powerless and silenced. And that is my viewpoint in all of it. We with the help of allies create most of the monsters we face
Your first couple paragraphs are true, the number of Muslims committing terrorism/jihad is small compared to the overall number of Muslims BUT your last paragraph is simply not true. If you want to compare Islam to other religions you have to deduce that one religion stands out far above the others as having not advanced past violence. One religion, Islam, has cornered the market on terrorism. This is a fact. In 2013 the state department did an overall analysis of worldwide terrorism. What they found was that of the total 9,707 terrorist attacks worldwide that year, a little over 70 percent were committed out of Sunni muslim ideology - - and additional 24 percent were committed out of Shia muslim ideology. So Islamic extremists responsible for nearly 95 percent of the worldwide terrorist attacks. if Islam was an industry selling 95% of the shoes in the world we wouldn't say well some Muslims may sell shoes, but I mean look at the examples of Nike selling shoes too- - obviously we would say well there seems to be an issue here where one shoe seller stands out WAY above the others
Add this to the list you don't know shit about. Evolve inherently applies to systematic change. People/individuals change. Systems evolve. You should really educate yourself on these basic principles and save yourself the embarrassment.
All of this Islam apology is concerning considering events that have taken place over the last week, month, year, decade, century. Well I guess it is Americas fault after all for fostering a culture that does not praise the teachings of Allah. Shame on us!
So you see no problem comparing the vandalism carried out by the Earth Liberation Front/Animal Liberation Front and murder carried out by radical islamic terrorists? This one counts groups such as PKK, a Kurdish group that goes after Turkish armed forces not unarmed civilians. What I see in both cases is an attempt to obscure the true numbers. Comparing eco-terrorists who throw paint on Hummers or even throw maltov cocktails at car dealerships is no way, shape or form the same as real terrorists shooting and blowing up unarmed civilians.