Yeahreally. JB and the other apologists are basically whining "This is hard, so let's give up!" They don't really want anything done about this. Nothing to get in the way of their love of their precious guns. It's really kind of weird how that works for them. Not sure how much I really want to think about that. Anyway, it's a nice time to leave off here, as I go to Florida. Hope the Jets beat the midgets.
I don't feel like victim or even a potential victim. Just stating that there is a lack of trust on both sides and attacks like those coming from nydn are not going to move the conversation along. The fact that you took it the way you did is not helping the conversation either.
bb is not interested in conversation. he's interested in berating people with different points of view.
No, we aren't talking about some element of human nature to kill, we are talking about an organized movement spreading the message to kill and what we are creating in our society that is making that message an attractive endeavor.
Some news I just saw: Someone here had the woman manipulating this so called excused for a man...Nothing good comes from Pakistan - ever.
That's a shitty generalization about Pakistan. look no further than the shooters brother mentioned a few posts back.
Well Mort Zuckerman (NYDN owner), just sayin' .... if you had any balls your snarky little headline yesterday could've also read: ALLAH ISN'T FIXING THIS
Right wing nuts are still committing more terrorist acts in the States than radical Islamists. A staggering 94% of them. That guy that shot up Planned Parenthood most definitely did it for Allah Same with the Charleston shooting. Same with Sandy Hook.
I bet the families of the 3,000 lost on 9/11 would beg to differ. What an asinine statement. Do society a favor and don't have children.
Individuals will always commit crimes regardless of political ideology. But that is hugely different than an organization utilizing religion to drive widespread and organized terrorist activities. This is logic 101; it's an easy class if you don't mind using your brain. Similarities do not make logical arguments, it is understanding differences which would exclude logical comparison. You have to ignore a huge difference between lone individuals and a terrorist organization to argue they comparable.
Pfail. When right wing wing nuts start strapping bombs to their children and ordering them into civilian areas to seek martyrdom with the promise of Paradise, come talk to me. _
You're right, I should refrain from passing on my seed in fear of Sharia Law. So we're supposed to just ignore the families of victims not a part of 9/11 and jihadists attacks because of magnitude?
Islamic ideology is just the guise these sociopaths are using. For grown adults to not understand this, is the reason why American culture is crumbling.
When right wing wing nuts start strapping bombs to their children and ordering them into civilian areas to seek martyrdom with the promise of Paradise, come talk to me. _
There's no idiocy so breathtaking as with those who can hear tales of mass slaughter punctuated with screams of "Allahu Akbar!" and then try to stake claim to some sort of banana-headed enlightenment by proclaiming how "this has nothing to do with Islam." If there weren't dead bodies somewhere in the mix, it really would be fucking awesome. It's the same reason why monkeys throw their poop. Because some other monkey did it and got a whole lot of laughs and attention. Although, in the end, we should learn from the monkey. Even he doesn't look down at his hand and mistake it for a warm pile of genius.
The Daily News headline was a partisan swipe directed at the reactions to this particular event as was my reference to that particular headline - should've been very easy to follow.