As fans, we don't deserve this

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Brook!, Sep 24, 2023.

  1. HomeoftheJets

    HomeoftheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I'm going with the NFL logo avatar until the Jets stop running Zach out there as QB (or he somehow manages to prove me wrong, but that's about as likely as Kaepernick returning to the NFL). If they want my full support back, they have to earn it. I won't root for another team or anything like that, but at this point, a Sell the Team avatar isn't enough of a form of protest.
    sackexchange likes this.
  2. Jets OG fan

    Jets OG fan Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2022
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    I don't see why any fans are still even around at this point. It's unlikely this team wins more than 2 more games. Honestly, I think I'm packing it in for the year. I simply cannot watch another torturous year of Zach Wilson losing game after game after game with an offense that can barely get a first down and relies on miracle comebacks.

    Maybe if Rodgers is healthy next year and they fix the oline I'll revisit this garbage franchise, but I'm even doubting that. Time to move on and cut losses, this season was over the second Rodgers went down, but Jets had to give that false hope in game 1 that they are any good. They aren't. Joe Flacco is a better option than Zach Wilson at this point and that's just sad.
  3. TheAustrian

    TheAustrian Member

    Sep 24, 2023
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    Imagine being such a dork - living in Austria - sleeping from 2 pm to 6 pm beeing excited to watch the whole sunday night nfl streams till 5 am next morning before you have to go to work - get your evening ruined by your favourite team - been done with the nfl for this day but cant sleep

    last time with ghost sack wilson
    papapump and ouchy like this.
  4. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    We absolutely deserve this. The NFL has turned a great game into a pile of dodo. The game relies on fantasy football and gambling to keep the hype maching going. Being an owner of an NFL franchise is a lifetime annuity for mulitple generations.

    The worst part of yesterdays game wasn't that the Jets lost. It was that I didn't turn it off after 5 minutes. I literally wanted to cut myself and rip my eyeballs out of their sockets and yet I watched till the bitter end. It's not even that we lost. The game sucked.
  5. Losmeister

    Losmeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    nfly product is 85% shit
    GoldenShowers likes this.
  6. GoldenShowers

    GoldenShowers Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Absolutely. The sport is so deeply flawed in that one position matters more than all the others combined. If you land on one of the handful of great QBs you get a decade of winning. If you don’t theres no point in watching really.
    sackexchange likes this.
  7. jackie1013

    jackie1013 Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I didn’t expect a Super Bowl this year but I longed for and expected to have fun! Sure there would be ups and downs but I wanted to be excited about my team. I wanted to have respect from the rest of the league, not be the same old laughing stock. Losing to Belichick again was a punch in the gut that leaves you gasping for air. What happens now? Until the Jets get new ownership the future is grim.
    Woody is an idiot that controls our destiny and I can’t take it anymore. I wish we could sue him and force him to sell the team. I’m so tired of the Football Gods pissing on my head.
    papapump, sackexchange and Brook! like this.
  8. Losmeister

    Losmeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    My cynicism may be off putting...but I do feel for you all...I was that crying kid when I was a kid.....take care
    Brook! likes this.
  9. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    I did not board the Rodgers hype train. I did not see this as a Super Bowl contending season. But I did think that it would elevate the Jets to respectability. I thought that we could break our league leading playoff drought and stop being a laughingstock. I thought we could shed the stigma of having lost over 10 straight times (!!!) to the Patriots. But all that hope died only 4 plays into the season.

    As with all things Jets, don't think that things can't get worse because they can and usually do.
    Brook!, jackie1013 and TheAustrian like this.
  10. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Hard to believe the people running this grifting operation are so stupid and clueless that they would allow some Pop Warner benchwarmer to torch an entire season. Jets are probably tanking intentionally so Vegas and the league can cash in on all the money which was wagered on the Jets to win the division and Super Bowl after Rodgers was signed.

    Once the Jets are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, they will then probably start winning, giving the fanbase more false hope to build on for next season. With the Jets it's always wash, rinse and repeat. And they'll keep using this formula to bamboozle the masses as long as it keeps working.

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