Article saying the Jets, Cowboys and Chargers are all in denial

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KWJetsFan, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    If he does not get the Jaguars job, they will look for an soft landing exit strategy
    It will take about a month
  2. JetsFanatic

    JetsFanatic Active Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    Belichick got very lucky in the 6th round of the 2000 draft, otherwise he would have been a footnote in Patriots* history.
  3. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Gotta love these "what if" scenarios.
  4. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I don't know if the Jets , Chargers and Cowboys are in denial but I do know none of them are in the playoffs .
  5. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    Well it seems to me that it's pile on the Ryan's month in the press and folks who don't even have a connection to either team all want to express an opinion... It's like an avalanche at this point with each and every, "expert" wanting to make sure they get there jabs in.

    I won't talk about Rob because he is the Cowgirls issue, and I will leave that to the folks in Texas....Yet, all the folks piling on Rex is really pissing me off, especially those who have no connection to the Jets what so ever.

    Yet, what is worst above all of that is , Jets fans who are now deciding that these idiots in the media might me right and are jumping in with the "Rex has to go", bullshit ! Like sheep being lead to the slaughter the little lemmings are following right along.

    Rex is not perfect and he has made serious mistakes this year, but Rex just cooks and does not buy the
    groceries. There is more then enough blame to go around here and many holes to fill and changes to be made.

    Rex just completed his third year as Jets HC and at this point is on pace to have more wins then any HC that has come before him. The man got this team to back to back AFCC, this must earn him the chance to correct the mistakes.

    So as I continue to read all the folks piling on, I will surely try to remember who they and you are and offer a huge plate of crow, when the tables are turned and Rex's becomes the media darling again..

    As a footnote, about the media, you really want to here them cry, wait till next year. If Rex chose to not say a thing, no quick little comments, promises, etc. just direct coach speak.., you think they are piling on now, watch what these assholes say then......

    Your fucked if you do and your fucked if you don't .... So all the folks jumping ship, just remember many of us will REMEMBER..
  6. bloke911

    bloke911 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    The article was just a bunch of rewritten headlines.The article is classic fox poor writing. No insight at all.
  7. bloke911

    bloke911 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I could name at least 10 superbowl winning head coaches that were less successful than Rex in his first three years. shut up with the Rex talk. He needs to improve like everyone in the league.
  8. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    meh why am i feeding pats trolls :(

    i cant wait for brady to retire so the pats can go back to being average and we can be saved from the pearls of wisdom from their fanbase
    #28 JetsUK, Jan 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2012
  9. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    As a Pats fan, I hope Rex is the HC of the NYJ's for the next 10 years.
  10. SoulFood

    SoulFood Active Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    This article is retarded. How can the writer complain about how teams are acting like nothing is wrong when we are less than a week into the offseason? There's nothing we can do to fix the problems right now. We just hope to have them fixed by next September.
  11. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    something we can finally agree on then!
  12. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    This is all your going to hear from Rex and Tanny on down the line next year. Every week, win or lose, it will be how great the chemistry is in the locker room, how close the team is, how they all stuck together. Meanwhile, they'll do nothing to address the blatant lack of talent and poor coaching, and they'll go 4-12.
  13. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    That woman is a professional writer? LoL. I guess it doesnt take much to be a sports wirter if you have a vagina.
  14. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    I do too. I've got very little to complain about with Rex and the positives outweigh the negatives. If the Jets had one more win (ie maybe leonard tackled tebow) none of this shit would be going on, and the Jets would be preparing to win a first round playoff game against the Texans.
  15. skipper

    skipper Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    The piling on is ridiculous. Predictable, but still ridiculous. First of all, all the local writers who have been Giant fans forever were just dying for big blue to finish ahead of the jets (and beat them head to head) to avenge the last couple of years when they had to watch the Jets win playoff games while the Giants watched on TV in Jan. They've been pigs in sh*t the last few weeks.

    Then, of course, all armchair admirals love to see a loudmouth put in his place. The national media, that doesn't know or like NY as a loud aggressive place, has enjoyed putting Rex and the Jets in "their place". Let them have their moment in the sun. Over the next couple of years there will be serious crow eaten, even though they will never admit being wrong.

    I've been a Jet fan through years where 8-8 would have been a victory. It feels better to be a fan of a team that considers .500 to be unacceptably bad. Rex & co. will be back. He is a new HC and has to learn a lot, and has learned a lot and a shot upside the head like this year is a great coaching seminar, both for him and for Tanny. They will be back, and better than before.

    Now, if they are truly stupid (or totally tied by the wishes of the owner) and retain Schitty to be the OC for '12 I will definitely take a sabbatical from the team next year because the unacceptable will be the inevitable result. I think they know he has to go and are just working for a soft landing for him - but if he doesn't get another gig I believe (hope?) they will cut ties.

    The sky is not falling, ignore idiots in the media trying to garner headlines and followers (and raises). They are doing their jobs - trying to get attention to their publications and to themselves. After all from their point of view critics are more important than doers, a sickness everywhere in evidence in our society. Rex and Tanny will be stronger from this experience and we'll have a better '12.

    Or not. This is not life or death.
  16. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    By then Callahan and all the other good OC candidates will be gone. The team will have to reach for a rookie OC, reach into the collegiate ranks, or bite the bullet and keep him for another year. They need to forget trying to help him and just can his sorry ass.

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