how odd is this, a mod at finheaven where I was suspended for doing nothing other than pointing out the stupidity of someone calling Ryan Tannehill a young, more athletic version of Tom Brady is following me here at TGG. You miss me, thanks Bumpy!
thats pretty funny, they dropped the ban hammer on him. i cant say i blame them, he did say that mark sanchez was far better than joe flacco a few years ago. just one of many qb opinions that was proven way off.
show me where I said Mark was far better than Flacco? the problem is a)you don't understand this game and b)you don't understand what you read.
It is a huge loss to finheaven, why else are my finheaven fans following me here? I am good for business, I spur debate whether people like me or hate me. it's not my fault you have posters that think Ryan Tannehill is a young Tom Brady and I have to counter that stupidity.
are you saying I don't? I don't know what the actual #s are but I know I motivate more people to post than anyone on the board. I get people who never post and will come after me in various threads. I think differently than the average fan, it doesn't make me better but I do think differently. The average fan wants changes every time a team loses a game, I'm not like that. the average fan thinks a QB has to put up great fantasy #s, I'm not like that.
C'mon Junc...I love your stuff. I wish it was available after 5pm. even have mods from other fan forums following you here. Now that's 'bombable'... GEORGE: Why did you refuse the package. Everybody loves a package. JERRY: I don't know it was weird. Crazy printing. I don't know who it was from. GEORGE: What do you think it's a bomb? JERRY: It's not totally impossible. GEORGE: Oh the ego on you. JERRY: Why can't I be bombable? GEORGE: Who's going to bomb you. An airline for all the stupid little peanut jokes. JERRY: I suppose you think your bombable. GEORGE: Hey. There is a couple of people that wouldn't mind having me out of the way. JERRY: There's more than a couple.
they feel the need to speak up even though they rarely do to let you know that even though they are quiet people they still must let you know how silly you sound sometimes. you definitely arent average. ill give you that.
except the reality doesn't back your claims. all you do is attack me b/c you can't attack my arguments.
remember the movie "private parts' w/ Howard Stern. The part where the people that like him listen for an average of an hour a day(I am paraphrasing) and the people that hate him listen to him for 2 hrs a day. That is basically what this is like.
your arguments have been proven wrong time and time again, if i actually thought you might learn from your mistakes i would bother to "debate" with you. however even when proven to be BLATANTLY wrong you continue on your way never learning anything. i dont attack you, i make sure others see you for the fraud that your posts are.
I roast you every time you try to debate w/ me. you can think you are right and I am wrong but reality doesn't support your opinions. That is why you never debate me anymore but just hurl insults instead.
my stance is typically proven to be correct. but sitting here telling you that is pointless because you cant even see the forest for the trees. its not a debate competition, thats what you dont understand. and thats a big part of why you are looked at the way you are. you have really exposed yourself for what you really are in this thread.