God forbid they blow a call against the Patriots. Might as well tack on a penalty to make up for it and not upset Kraft Productions.
can you imagine if they took away a 70 yard TD or whatever from the Bills because the ref blew the play dead for no apparent reason? Rex would go ballistic looked like ref blew whistle because Rex's fat ass got in his way
Either Tom Brady is guessing wrong on every single play, or Rex is designing this defense to have the defensive players listen to Brady's audible and adjust. Every time Brady says he wants a player blocked, he drops into coverage. Maybe Rex is telling his guys to fall back if they hear their number called?
Huge break for Buffalo. I can just imagine the outrage if NE loses this game. Rightfully so though. Refs sucks.
There's the blueprint everyone has been looking for. Blow the whistle before someone scores a touchdown.
I think it's also pretty obvious that the Bills defender eased up when he heard the whistle and would have easily made the tackle if there were no inadvertent whistle. Not sure why Tirico won't mention that, other than he loves both pointing out and amplifying every single controversy that comes up on MNF.
A couple things...... NE always get calls going for them. Its about time the Patriots get screwed...... and FUCK THE PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!