Apparently there is no section on the MCAT concerning literary devices. Also, screw Alanis Morissette.
Why is everybody so picky with the word "irony". It is supposed to be a very flexible term. And on the MCAT there is a verbal section. Didn't do too well on that one, lol.
Very few people are picky, in fact. Most people just use it incorrectly, unaware that irony is indeed not "10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife."
you're talking monitor resolution, he's talking 1,080 horizontal scan lines, progressively interlaced. I.e. Hi Def. 2048 pixels can still be low def.
Its really funny, I still have 2 full days before gameday and I'm already feeling pretty prepared for this exam because I have just been studying ULTRA hard all week long with the anticipation of wanting to watch the game on Sunday. Its given me extra focus all week. It's as if the Jets are my "natural adderall". It helps that the topic is actually very interesting this block (cardio). CAN'T WAIT!
dear metfan, you will learn as you age to set priorities. sure, passing some silly exam is sorta nice, but wathcing your beloved JETS lay waste to the squeelers is a once in a life time deal. does 42 years ring a bell? 10 years from now you won't have a clue what the test was but you will remember you missed a huge jets game. look, my grandma passed away this morning and her mass is Saturday evening. but i still have another grandma and the JETS game CAN'T WAIT. Soooo.... put the fricken books down and hit the nearest sports bar. jk about grandma
Be happy that you're going to be filthy rich some day and have more money than most of the people posting in this forum who are calling you lame. Don't let the few jerks in here bother you dude, people got on me for thinking the Colts would beat us, then got on me for saying we would beat new england. There is a ton of good people here who are harmless and just like to talk with other fans but there's also those that meet the stereotype and have to try and be roughnecks about everything.
Lol I always tell my professors that asking me to do school work on a day the Jets play isn't going to happen. Luckily I did the hard part of being a nurse at my AAS program and getting a BSN is easy as hell. Lol all I do is write papers. Although I can empathize with the OP because in two quarters Ill be going for my NP. So good luck.