Mike Pereira disagrees with you. he was not touched, so the play was not over. said the refs got it wrong.
the inadvertent whistle was just terrible. That kinda shit happens in high school and you question the competency of the referees making $50 a game not in the NFL where referees make $150K + a year. That was atrocious. Patriots got the calls for the last 15 years but last night's game was an example of horrendous officiating for both teams. These refs and the bullshit rules they are supposed to maintain are both pure trash.
im willing to be wrong, contact is the determining factor? i know if they go perpendicular or backward out of bounds its dead there.... but it makes sense what you are saying. thanks for the correction!
I didn't watch the game. Can someone break down this whistle play. Cuz I needed that one TD from Amendola to win a crucial fantasy game. An actual whistle goes against the Pats for once and I lose. Ayfkm
Here is a great write up on the monumental failings of this league front office and clown crews running it. http://deadspin.com/whats-wrong-with-nfl-officiating-1744377435
It's either the devils divine interceding or they are really that good. I dare say it's a combination of both. How else can a low life scumbag like belicheat keep getting key calls. The NFL is corrupt but I don't think they are in favor of the pats. doesn't this look like bellicheat in his hoodie?? LOL
That was a complete joke. That is pass interference 100 out of 100 times. Unless it's the Pats at Foxboro. He never turned his head and hit Hogan in the middle of the chest before the ball hit there. The fucked yo thing about it is, Tirico and Gruden kept commenting how it was a good "no call". It's was blatant pass interference that prevented a TD. Yeah, it was a good no call for the Pats. If that were a Brady pass to a Pat WR there would have been 6 flags thrown and Gruden would have said "yeah, that's obvious- the defender at least has to get his head around". _
Waaaa fuckin Waaaaa. The Pats got jobbed all game against the Giants. Even the folks on the week 10 thread were saying so. Last night there were a bunch of bad calls both ways. The idea that the Pats get some sort of beneficial treatment is just silly. As far as last night.... As far as the Chung play goes, he never made contact with the WR until after the ball had bounce off of him. No penalty there. The 2nd one he made contact and it was correctly called PI. I'm not sure about the last play myself, but Staratore said that the side judge ruled that the WR had given himself up when he went down feet first, before rolling out of bounds. I think in that situation he was wrong. They probably should have gotten one more play.
Manish Mehta @MMehtaNYDN 17h17 hours ago Brady shouting "REX RYAN!" before the snap was priceless Mehta is such a douche...
This year? They have been getting it for the last 15 years and every single game they play at home..it's such a joke that now people just accept it.
Not trolling, as I have posted before, but have you guys ever wondered why the Patriots/Giants get calls and preferential treatment just like you guys claim to be? Or for that matter, as an American do we ever think why we rule the world and bend rules all over the world to fit our agenda? It's because we have the power and money for that. Same in football with the Pats and and to a lesser extent the Giants. The referees suddenly didn't decide 10 years ago, "Hey let's help the Pats out of all teams". Every winning team gets calls. The Steelers get calls (Super Bowl over Arizona), Denver, Green Bay (Dez catch) all get calls in their favor and significant ones. It's just that it seems the Pats get most of it because you guys watch them more than other teams being in the AFC East. Start winning and you will get calls to. I'm not saying it's fair or unfair but that's how life is, not just in football.
The sense of entitlement displayed here is exactly why 31 other teams loath your fanbase. And the fact you started your comment with "not trolling" shows just how full of shit you are.