If the media really gets you that down (which it shouldn't) just drink until you give a shit no more that's what I do before every dolphin game.
POLL: What pisses off the Giants more? A) Having no one even MENTION the Giants less than a week after winning the SB B) Not making the playoffs in 2012
I agree with all except saying the Jets are negative bc of Jets proclamations. They are negative and talk Jets because it grabs ratings. The Jets are charismatic and interesting, and the media will report anything even if it's not true to garner those ratings. The Giants are farty and boring and nobody cares. They could win the SB for the next 5 years and nobody will care.
I think the Giants putting Shaun Rogers on IR should take care of the "farty" problem. And I would care if they won the next 5 Super Bowls...I would care...sniffle.
I didn't bother reading the oth3r posts but from the headlines, i'll blame it on Huessan, yeah, yeah. Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
yeah i hear ya...i was being extreme with my example but you know what i mean... for the record, id prefer to be "farty" and win 5 SBs in a row... im just speakin from a general perspective.
I know what you mean. I think there is something to be said for a team taking on the personality of its coach. Tom Coughlin is work-like and boring. Rex is more animated and outspoken. I say this as a Giants' fan, but the Jets generally make for more compelling coverage (with some post-season exceptions :beer
really? the giants are behind it? everyone has the same opinion, because as an unbiased observer, it looks like we are a team that lacks talent with a circus going on around it.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the two SB the Giants won in the last few years happened to come against our chief rivals. It really makes you wonder...
A minority of Jets fans are like hysterical, 14 year old girls running around worrying about what the more popular girls in the school say about them. Exhibit A: This post.
NY will always belong to the Giants and Yankees. That's just the way it is. Just keep rooting for the Jets. If they eventually win, the glory will be all ours. Fuck the Giants and everybody else.
Yes, the Mara/Tisch ownership group is masterful they can not only win multiple championships and sell out their stadium, they also can wage covert media war on the Jets. So basically they are the best owners in the NFL. Or maybe Woody Johnson and his front office and coaches are a bunch of clown shoes morons who can't manage a paper bag and bring everything they get upon themselves.
I still believe the giants are one of the the main reasons the jets did not get there own stadium in NYC.Tisch ande mara did not want any part of the "little brother" to be the only real NYC team.
As far as media.660am is the home of the giant games and weekly interviews so M.Francesa is gonna hate the jets cause 98.7 ESPN gets most the jet interviews and weekly spots.But for as much jet bashing M.Francesa does.Boomer and carton are jet lovers.Francesa is really the only tool who is always bashing the jets cause jet players and coaches don't like the way he bashes them.
how has this thread lasted so long without being moved to the bullshit forum? nobody could be so stupid as to actually believe this nonsense so clearly the OP didn't start this thread with the intent of any legitimate conversation.
The Giants didn't care. It was James Dolan looking to keep Madison Square Garden from losing a ton of businesses who was behind killing the Wes Side Stadium.
LOL, how do you explain the NATIONAL "bashing" then? It's not just local, is it? You are sounding a tad bit paranoid there, which doesn't mean that somebody isn't out to get you. The Jets are a big-market, high-profile team, and they have not really done much to deflect attention or at least the idea of disarray. Shit has happened that doesn't look too good...but it's the story-line and how that sells...that's what makes the headlines. Do you think that the team has tried to keep a low profile? If the answer is no, then the team should expect to be talked about. Then, if such is the case, ask yourself why you would be surprised about any of the hype, hoopla, or anything else...one follows the other, and it makes sense if you take a step back. This team actually seeks attention IMO...and once they do, that carries over for a long time, which is why you have to measure what you say in this business. For example, you don't guarantee a Super Bowl before the season starts and then expect "reporters" to not keep that in mind for years to come. That's but one example. There is plenty of material. But the bottom line is that anybody can say anything. That doesn't make it true, but perception is reality and I cannot imagine why anybody would ever think that the Jets are innocent babes in the woods, attacked by endless propaganda for no reason at all. This game is all about proving things. It's about competing...proving your worth by putting someone else down in the field of play. The image has been projected from within the organization and reflected back...and magnified. It's all talk until something happens anyway. We'll see what that something is soon enough.