Are Jets fans good fans?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by hoobash, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Top 5 post... Ever.
    Cman69 likes this.
  2. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Jet fans are great fans. Very supportive fan base. We come out and support our team through good and bad times. We are vocal and get annoyed at times but there is nothing wrong with that.

    Most fan bases boo when there displeased with something and that stuff gets hyped up by the media in bigger cities. Down in Philly it's the same way. Doesn't mean the fan base isn't great and supportive. When the team wins we crown them kings of the city, when the team loses we go after them. That's sports.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    we don't support the tam through good and bad. we haven't had a stretch like we had in the 90s recently but I was at every one of those games and in most years by Nov/Dec we'd see about 20,-30,000 people in that building and many were opposing fans.

    Jet fans don't know when to get loud, boo at the first bad play and are generally an awful crowd.
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    For me the Jets are about family, friends, etc... I want to win as much as anyone but I have fun now spending time w/ my kids watching games and I look back at the fun at had w/ my father. That is more important than a win or a loss. I HATE losing but I am not in this just to see SBs, I hope we see it someday but understand it may never happen. It won't take away the great memories I have now and won't stop the new ones from being created.
    JetsVilma28 likes this.
  5. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Disagree. Of course people dont go to as many games when the teams are losing. Thats sports. It's a small percentage of the fan base whose actually at the games.

    We care though as evidenced by all the talk about the team through good and bad.
  6. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Being compared to the Philadelphia Fan-base is pretty bad. They have a jail and court-house in their stadium.

    Jet fans want results now, they only think about the QB position, when the QB struggles they believe it's all on him, they usually don't think about other factors on the team. The guys that call up the Radios, they are the ones that are wrong with this fan-base. Even the people that attend the games, most aren't even real fans. The loyal fans are at home or at a bar watching the games.
  7. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Agreed but plenty of fan bases focus on the QB. Thats not just Jet fans. The QB is usually the most recognizable player. Unfortunately it comes with the job. It's the organizations job to tune that stuff out and do whats right for their team.

    People act like the Jet fans and Philly fans control the decisions that are made inside organizations and they dont. My point is that they care and express their opinions on things. Good or bad, right or wrong.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    WE on the MB support the team through good and bad but we are a very small portion of the fanbase and we all have issues caring about this stuff as much as we do. the general fanbase gives up quickly whether at the stadium or not watching on TV.
  9. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Why because they boo? That's not giving up on the team so much as its show displeasure in the performance of something. The fans can't run up to Geno or whoever and explain to them their issues with what he's doing. The only they can make at him or anyone is booing to show they're not happy.

    They are also plenty of fans who dont belong to an MB who are rationale. Just like they are plenty who are unfair.
  10. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    your last sentence there is he key. I agree with junc for once that the fans at the game are for the most part really not that good. I truly believe the co stadium deal has ruined this franchise forever. They had an opportunity to carve out heir own identity finally, and opted to be co-tenants again, in what is, let's face it, really the new Giants Stadium. I think the loyal, knowledgeable Jets fans are at home for the most part, fed up and overly negative after years of poor performances on and off the field.
  11. Fiftynine

    Fiftynine Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Being a fan of this team for any length of time makes you dedicated if nothing else. That has to play into what makes a good fan. I've been rooting for this team for 28 years. I've been exposed to all sorts of disappointment and disgust and bewilderment. That's certainly going to play a role in being more critical than a fan of Green Bay or something.

    Probably plays a role in not wanting to spend the money to go more frequently to the stadium. Along those lines, maybe the fans who can make it to the stadium aren't the greatest. The people who can afford those tickets might not also be the most vocal. Or if you're getting shit-faced at 8am, getting raucous come 2pm might not be that easy. Or the team has broken your heart enough not only in the current season but also historically, that you're more likely to sell your tickets to whoever including opposing fans.
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    the fans boo at the first sign of trouble. that is pathetic, fans have CHEERED injuries for players. If Geno got hurt Sunday the crowd would have roared like they did for Chad in 2007.

    the fans have no idea how to create an intimidating homefield advantage. they need a cheerleader in a fireman hat to get them to make noise.
    JETSMAN7 and JetsVilma28 like this.
  13. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    This franchise is very very difficult to root for, many of us said were done probably hundreds of times, but yet.. Were still here, posting daily, checking for updates by the hour, praying for some good. Were great fans, its about time we start getting something in return for it *side eyes front office* .

    On another note were probably aren't "looked at" as a good fan base, i think when Rex came in and was talkin the talk and walking the walk we kinda adapted to his & the teams attitude. Nobody likes a boaster, we boasted a lot. Now with nothing to show for it but very questionable decisions after the first two seasons under Rex we just look foolish. The bully gets beat up now.
  14. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Junc, it may have been easier to develop a homefield advantage IF we had a homefield to play in. After all these years being a Co-tenant, this fanbase feels as if EVERY game is a road game. The reality is, MetLife stadium is Meadowlands II. Built almost on the same footprint, in the same area, and under almost the same circumstances. That explains why the overall design of the stadium is so vanilla. The architects had to please both the Maras and Woody. Kinda like trying to please two wives living under the same roof.

    Right now, I'm not sure what the cure is for this fanbase. What I can tell you is, if this Fanbase hasn't deserted this team yet, Woody is good for another decade at least.
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    we have a homefield, even in the old place that was "Giants Stadium" and red and blue we had a homefield if fans would embrace it. there's nothing we can do about the venue, we share this stadium unlike the last 3 we played in where we were 2nd class citizens in each.

    the funny thing is you guys act like these are the 70s Jets, we have missed 3 straight postseasons fro the first time since the mid 90s but we only have one losing record. we are not far removed from the most playoff success we have ever had. ask Cle fans that haven't seen a postseason win since 1994, ask Buf fans that haven't seen a postseason game since 1999. those that are "suffering" bring it upon themselves w/ a poor attitude.
    JetsVilma28 likes this.
  16. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    They boo at the first sign of trouble usually when they don't believe in that player (QB mainly) to begin with. If the Jets were 3-0 heading into the Detroit game with Geno playing well and he threw a couple of picks early the fan base wouldn't be nearly as critical as they are when they come in at 1-2 with shaky at best QB play and coughing up 2 games they should have won. Fans cheered Chad's injury in 2007 cause they also wanted to see their potential "future" QB in Clemens get in there as well. Not saying it was right and a good portion were cheering cause Chad was hurt but that's also another aspect of it. There is a difference between a 2nd round pick coming in to play and a crappy no name backup. But I understand your point about the Chad thing. That was bad. But many fan bases do things like that.

    The fan base creates a fine home field advantage when the team is good like in 2009 during that final week of the season when it was win and your in and throughout 2010. When they feel the team is hopeless the small percentage of people who are at the game turn on them. They're disappointed. They dont go there with the intention to boo the team though IMO. They want a winning product. It doesn't help when you live in the same area and share a stadium with a team whose won 2 championships in recent times and play in a division with a franchise as successful as NE has been. Those things can't be overlooked in my opinion. We've had a team in New England completely dominate the division for a long long time. That gets very annoying, and it creates frustration.
  17. Chadchrebet

    Chadchrebet Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    I thought about this stat. Then I thought of the QBs that we had to deal with from 80s to now. Marino, Manning, Brady. They maybe the top 3 of all time.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    who gives a crap if fans believe in a player or not? most of the fans in that Stadium have no idea about how to evaluate players.

    yep, if we were 3-0 the fans would be out there and loud. we have a frontrunning crowd, when things go well they make noise. when they don't they are either booing or silent.

    if those fans thought Clemens could be the future they should stop evaluating football players. it was an embarrassment no matter what excuses you give me.

    final week of 2009 when we crushed Cincy from start to finish but when bad plays happen the fans sit on their hands. that's not what they do throughout the league. I have been to many road games, we have the worst crowd of any I have been to.

    The Giants have 2 fluky SBs, other than that they haven't done anything. they haven't even won a playoff game since 2001 outside of the 2 SB runs and their fans are the same way, it's a NY thing. we get credit for being credit fans but that isn't the reality.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    you are so off base. the Clippers for years never even made the playoffs, since 1997 we have been one oft he better AFC franchises. we have had numerous chances to reach SBs, we haven't but that sure beats what Cle, Buf, Mia have done in the same timeframe.

    Jet fans are the worst, nothing but whiners. the first sign of trouble it's "same old Jets", that stuff happens to EVEY team at some point. stop whining!
  20. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    And who does have an idea on how to evaluate a player? Me and you? Come on. We might be more patient then fan a or fan b but we aren't experts either. We see what we see and makes opinions based off of it. Plenty of the fans at the stadium are also intoxicated as well.

    Plenty of teams have front running crowds. If the teams bad the fans boo or don't show up like in Jacksonville or Miami.

    That was Clemens first game action if i'm correct. Acting like you knew he would suck is a little premature. We might have had opinions about him but we never really saw him play until then.

    As far as games you've been to thats simply your own opinion. I've been to road games as well between different teams playing altogether and see similarities.

    So besides their 2 SB championships they have nothing? Your kinda just overlooking the big thing there. 2 SB CHAMPIONSHIPS. Fluky or not thats kind of a big deal junc.

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