picked it up this morning for my day off, loving it. my old play style of twin submachine guns still translates to success. ps3 mpzreb17. the rc cars taken right off afghanistans front lines for the record. a dumb idea, yet fucking effective.
http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/call-of-duty-black-ops Im hearing mixed reactions though...people are saying its alot like World At War. I want to get this game, but I want it to be on level with MW2 in terms of online play. The graphics so far looked weak in the videos.
See i've talked to about 3 guys that all said it was sick and the new customization mode for MP is sweet. I guess I will have to see for myself in a couple hours.
Well just picked it up and am working my way through single player before going into multi. So far so good, although it seems much more hectic than MW2.
It's a great game. Can't get enough of it. However, I feel that if infinity ward decided to take out the over-powered crap in MW2, it would be better than Black Ops. Since that isn't the case, Black Ops is definitely a step above MW2. Lot's of balance. A few things: The maps are good, but I would like to see a few maps that are bigger and that have multiple layers. I wish they would of kept stopping power in the game (even though I rarely used it). The M16 is pretty much worthless now. The M16 and the Famas kept the spray-and-pray people in check during MW2. Now, everyone just blindly sprays. I think that's the main issue with Black Ops: everyone will play with the same play style. No more runners, snipers (haven't run into one yet), riot shields, shotgun whores... everyone just sprays with an automatic gun. I hope I see some unique playstyles sooner or later. btw, my k/d is 1.5 and rising.
Im not impressed at all. 1. I can't stand a few of the maps, specifically "Nuketown?" That has to be the most retarded setup of any level I have every experienced in any game. From the fake characters hanging out around the level, to the cheesy parents calling their kids for dinner. I wanted to hurl playing on that level. 2. Spawning is the shits. I don't know if its because many of the maps are incredibly small, but I am constantly getting my deaths stacked due to being spawned in a terrible location. At one point I got so fed up that I was killed 4 times in a row within a second of spawning that I shut the system off. 3. WTF is up with the weapons? Am I the only one that feels you need to really pump your opponent full of bullets in order to put them down? Headshots hardly even work it seems. I guess this will be a game that absolutely will have to be played on hardcore. ......I haven't tried to campaign yet. I heard that was legit. But then again I was told the multiplayer was too. I guess I will have to give it a few days. If it doesn't change my initial impression, I will be back to MW2.
Have to hold off for the initial fanboys going all "THIS GAME IS BEST" to really see how the game turns out...People initially go crazy for the game. I want to buy the game right now, but im waiting till at least Black Friday to see if the price drops
That it wont. The only thing you will get from now to Black Friday is more reviews of the game in which you can make an educated decision. I haven't made up my mind yet......
I'm mixed... I think MW2 is better but it may be that its just what i'm used to. The leveling system is trash in my opinion and the game play is not close to as smooth as MW2. Having fun with it but not as much as I do with MW2. 360 - YozsteR
Actually I seemed to be getting a lot more headshots. I was thinking it seemed like they extended the "head" strike zone more or something. It might have just been the gun you were using. In MW2 the M16 was my favorite gun, but the one in BlackOps just plain sucks. So I've been running with the MP5K. Even though I'm not an SMG person usually, this seems to be the best setup for me so far, perhaps because all the maps are fairly small and I don't need the long range as much. Also it bears repeating from my post above, silencers appear to be really bad. I don't think I'll be using them any more in this game. Overall, I think this game is a solid upgrade over Modern Warfare 2.
I like the game, I havent played much multi player. The story mode is pretty creepy as far as the flashbacks and interrogations, but its pretty cool
Hopefully round 2 tonight will give me a far better impression. I was getting frustrated with the gameplay. It's not silencers only, its every gun. Anyone know what the Barebones option is like? I loved hardcore on WaW, but not so much on MW2. Hopefully its somewhere in the middle, to where I don't have to mercilessly pump my enemy full of ammo, but still maintains a realistic feel to the game. Thoughts?