The problem is you keep drawing a line in the sand and saying you have to choose one or the other. That's bullshit. You don't have to choose one or the other. I can be angry about young black men that have been unjustly killed (I am still furious over the Tamir Rice situation) but I can also be angry over police officers being targeted for nothing more than being officers. The problem is that on one side you have the black community refusing to accept what has been transpiring within their neighborhoods for decades with the glorification of gang violence. The drugs, the lack of personal responsibility and on my side we have people refusing to accept that racism is alive and well in 2016 and not being empathetic to the idea that white privilege still exists. Maybe not in the sense that I am rich or drive a nice car but in the fact that my son likely wouldn't be shot by police in similar situations that black men are. Nothing will get better until the white and black communities acknowledge that these issues are prevalent in there communities but instead we have divisive rhetoric by both. There needs to stop being a divide and both parties are at fault for this divide. A perfect example is Jesse Williams, he gave a speech, it was applauded, and you have Justin Timberlake who sends out a tweet saying we are all equal and instead of people saying good job JT he gets attacked by BLM supporters, they tell him to stop stealing our music. Then you have the angry white woman attacking Williams speech as racist. What the fuck is she so angry about? What the fuck is she afraid of? Williams didn't say go out and kill whitey, he demanded equality. JT sends out a positive tweet indicating he supports Williams he gets attacked. The lady attacks Williams. We all fucking lose. Something I learned when I was going through my divorce is that you can't fix your relationship if you don't fix yourself first. It's time people started fixing themselves instead of trying to fix everyone else.
Thank god I would never for any reason ever be in Nebraska. That state gonna go to hell in a hand basket if Jets Husker goes into law enforcement.
You have a problem with a trigger happy ignoramus fat slob having a gun and a badge? What could go wrong?
I sincerely hope and trust that the psychological screening process will eliminate from the program anyone who would use terms like "fuckwad" and "shitstain" in any type of encounter and somehow feel they are justified. You need to grow up, sonny.
The moderators have stated they will be taking a harder line on inappropriate personal attacks as opposed to contributing to a discussion. This particular posting, taken in context with the general tone of the majority of the user's posts, certainly qualifies him for, at minimum, a long vacation.
Lol. I'm totally normal. And yes, that guy is a fuckwad and a shitstain. But he's also a useless troll with no life so I can excuse him. In fact I kinda feel bad for him.
Oh hush. That twat was celebrating the deaths of those cops earlier in this thread. Fuck him and you can go fuck your self for defending his worthless ass.
have you ever met a police officer? "fuckwad" and "shitstain" are required vernacular in the position. I guess I am in the minority here but I think law enforcement is the perfect career for the huskey boy. better job security than mowing cornfields anyway
In other news, social media is a buzz right now...Apparently a 3-peat has happened, that motherfucker El Chapo has escaped prison a third time. How in the fuck if true?? Thread created!
Yeah, I've met a few; probably have a couple of dozen numbers in my phone and know twice as many more from rookies on the street to guys in the NYPD and state police with birds on their collars. The vast majority are good guys but I'll admit that in the early days of a couple I'd be looking for names in the newspapers when some ugly shit went down. But none of these guys would ever need to present themselves as farmboy has. It doesn't matter if in Nebraska the job would only consist of speed traps, stolen tractor parts and a couple of his middle school buddies and their homemade meth labs - he has disqualified himself.
Quit calling me farmboy for christsake. It's really fucking old with all this "teehee you're from Nebraska " shit. Yea I live here big friggan deal.
I'll consider it when you quit acting like a child but I think you'll be off this site very soon. If they let you come back you'll have a chance to prove you can act like an adult.
I take more crap than anyone else on here and you don't hear a peep from me about it but when I actually fight back you get outraged. I think you also pulled this same shit with Stokes and Abyzmul as well. Stop being a drama queen