That statement right there shows that you're retarded. I guess we can all look forward to some day in the far far away future , where we will be able to diagnose someone as mentally Ill and then, I know I'm dreaming here but maybe then we can even invent by magic of some sort medication that can treat mental illness. But I doubt it. The nurse is right I guess.
You're an idiot troll go away. I'm not wasting my time with you because obviously you're not smart enough to comprehend that statement as the others did. You don't know a single thing about the topic so just shut your fucking mouth idiot. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Aww come on I wanna learn more. Tell me, am I dreaming about the possibility of actually being able to some day determine that someone is mentally ill? Will we some day invent medicine for this? Will we build facilities in which treatment can be administered?
I just dont understand why I, as a law abiding gun owner should be punished for what .05% of the population does.
I'm still waiting for you to contribute something to this forum. You never have. I got another post on here with information go read it and you might learn something. But I don't think you're smart enough to get any of this. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I've gotten all the "information" I need about mental health from a non mental health care professional. Thanks.
What exactly are you talking about anyways. You own guns, right! So where's the punishment. It's not all about you.
Well go look it up, but I guarantee you'll just find what I said to be true. This is a topic you know nothing about so just stay the fuck out of it. You don't know what a psych evaluation entails, or the screening that proceeds it. If you had any clue you wouldn't be here running your mouth. I know you truly believe there's some magic diagnostic test for this shit, but there isn't. Guess what a guy can be schizophrenic 364 days a year but as long as on that one day when he gets asked if he plans to hurt himself or anybody and he says no, if he's not committing any crimes, nothing happens he goes home. You can't even restrain all 4 limbs without proper justification and orders. And you still have to remove them for a period of time. The shit gets documented and all restraints get checked by the states. Learn something before you chime in next time. I can tell you feel stupid and have no clue because you have no real rebuttal other than to try and sound condescending. Common tactic of a man with no idea. Thanks and good night idiot. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Im talking about how liberals like you want to punish gun owners by taking away our guns even though 99.99% of us are law abiding. You know all for that faux "for the greater good" argument that you commie liberals always push for.
Well to be fair he didn't exactly say nobody should have a gun. He just wants better control. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Well I only disagree with his part about the psyche Evals, it's impractical. I don't think you disagree with keep them out of dangerous people's hands either. It's how we go about doing it. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I don't want to take away your guns. Where did you get that. I've talked about better gun control and that's it! Show me one post where I've ever said that. Same with Obama in his speech tonight. He said you have a right to own a gun but crazy people and criminals don't. Why don't you stop the paranoia already.
So you really think liberals want to scuttle the 2nd Amendment. And it's a gov plot to take away your guns and control you. I agree 99.9 % of gun owners are ok. So what's your solution for the other .1%.
Yes, yes I do. A populace that isn't armed is what you guys want. It gives you guys more power. A populace that is armed is what you fear. There isn't any. When there is a will, there is a way. If a criminal wants to kill, he will just get the gun illegally. There is more guns than people in the US. Good luck collecting them all.