Yea no kidding. I found it funny when Mark Stepnowski came out about pot after being the center for Dallas for all thier SB wins in the 90's. He smkoed all the time. Obivously it affected him on the field and made a jerk out of him. :breakdance:
Yah I mean I can agree that it was very dumb to do at this time in his life, but you can't really diss someone for smoking a little pot. Its pot. Its pretty much normal in todays society now. As long as someone brings an A+ work ethic is practice and game, and is a good leader there is no reason he cant smoke a little pot now and then.
Its freakin weed , Relax..... But i see your point , With a ton of money why risk it before the draft. get it, great post. It isn't about the weed, it's being an absolute idiot weeks before the draft. Putting yourself in a position to get arrested, whatever the reason, is a major red flag. This guy is throwing away his future and a bunch of cash. NFL teams don't want to invest a bunch of money in a player with character issues. Someone made a statement in an earlier post..."50% of the NFL is on Pot"......What a STUPID comment. If 50% of the NFL is on Pot, there would be alot of 4 week suspensions. I'm not saying there isn't Pot use in the NFL, but it isn't as widespread as some think. The people who think "it's only Pot", don't look at the big picture.
Ha i agree with that. I live in Vermont and go to college so we can all assume my stance on pot... but if i had that much to lose and i wanted to smoke so bad i wouldnt leave my bedroom when it was in my possession.
7th round? Heck, the Fish will probably take him with the 1st pick in the draft so Ricky has someone to hang out with, Shame Dave's gone, or it could happen
The history behind the legalities of pot is ludicrous, and it seems utterly stupid to me that a plant that temporarily releases stress, stains your teeth, fills your lungs with tar and all that shit is legal and common place, but a plant that makes you laugh with your friends and "chill" in a similar manner is illegal. It all goes back to the white race jumping to stupid conclusions about black use in the Jazz, Harlem Renaissance age. Maybe the jerks are the ones who rule the judicial system. Perhaps they should rethink. What the hell are they doing wasting jail cells on something so inconsequential? But, legalizing and regulating pot use wouldn't serve any use towards the government's economic problems...