How about we just stop giving kids guns? Or we could hire security staffs with Uzi's to shoot kids with guns. It just seems like giving kids guns is inevitably going to lead to people getting shot for no good reason.
Yeah, but he had the entitlement to guns and that's where he was going to go to solve his problems. Who here thinks a 14, 15, 16 year old guy who has access to guns is a safe bet given all the shit life throws at a teenager all the time?
2 things First if you "give" a kid a gun you are still responsible for storing it safely and controlling when they have access to it. parents should be held liable if negligence is proven in that regard IMO. second ... and I'm repeating myself here ... kids have been given guns for far longer than this had been a problem. so what is the real problem?
A hyper-violent society that programs kids to think truth, justice and the American way come at the point of a gun. You want to try to fix that? Obviously this could become a much longer conversation about the changes in American society over the last two centuries. Most kids don't live in circumstances in which a marauding bear or worse could come in the back door of the cabin at any point.
I'm lucky to figure out how to fix my lawn mower. the bear population is way up over the last 30 years though. lol.
and when hunting season rolls around they are nowhere to be found. I hate that. Getting up at 4am sitting cold with my cold gun for hours watching the wind blow sucks. Then you see a nice 8 pointer on the highway driving home.
The term that both frustrates and confound the truly human among us: "Personal responsibility." The term has been so degraded that society has and will continue to pay an immeasurable price for its promotion and practice. All evils of society can be explained and/or justified by simply saying each of us should take more personal responsibility for our actions-as though the actions of others will effectively no impact on the individual. This of course is a lie...and we know it. This psychopathic cover story yields paltry dividends.