I thought the side story with the wife and the former partner was sort of stupid. Really, one month and she's banging some other guy? I really hope one or both of them are zombie food soon. With that said, the show seems to have promise so far.
Straight out of the comic. Though in the opening dialogue with Shane and Rick in their squad car, I got a sense that something may have been going on with Shane and Lori prior to the outbreak.
It won't seem as stupid if you look at it differently. The conversation between Shane and Rick at the beginning of the show seems to hint at marital problems between Rick and Lori. I really think the only thing keeping them together is their little boy. One of my friends that hasn't read any of the comics knew they were having/were going to have an affair almost immediately after the conversation before the shootout.
I like it as a sub plot, but opening the episode with it was really weak. it didn't set the tone for the episode, which is the purpose of a show's opening, and it didn't add anything to the series at this point -- we already know they are banging each other and were probably doing so before the zombie outbreak to begin with. prominently showing it was just lame. that scene is my only complaint of the series so far. other than that I really dig it.
It all comes together. Believe me. The payoff in what will hopefully be season finale will be awesome.
I guess it's not a spoiler for most in this thread but it was for me. Thanks. Although it's my fault I knew they would come. The main reason I haven't stepped into the Dexter thread.
Same here...... also that was horseshit. The conversation should be about what happened in the series so far. So no, people should be mindful of putting spoilers in the thread. You can talk about stuff without being a complete asshole and spoilering it up.
I'm fascinated by how the show has deviated from the comic book. Michael Rooker's racist is a completely new character. I'm guessing there is going to be a lot of mistrust in the next (couple of?) episodes involving the black guy. The sense of shame and paranoia the survivors showed in the back of the truck when he explained he "dropped" the key is exactly what The Walking Dead is all about. The fact that the producers can inject new storylines into the show that showcase the original themes is very promising. I don't expect to meet the Governor until season four with the current pace of the show; no complaints, it's all gravy.
I'm pissed I missed last night's show, wasn't feeling well and went to bed early. I'll catch it online in a few days.
Uh oh . . . Were you bitten? Do you have a fever? Are you experiencing an overwhelming craving for consuming human flesh?
Hot people making out with the risk of being eaten by zombies at any moment, how dare they? Obviously the city was more exciting but they need to keep the people in the camp in the story as well. The character development has been pretty good so far. I think others have already established that you are a dick for putting spoilers into the thread. What boggles my mind is what went through your mind before you decided to post it.